BIS are releasing the Violin Concerto in B minor by Lithuanian composer Balys Dvarionas (1904-72)... (
Thanks for the tip - looks interesting. But, oy! - the coupling...not another Korngold VC. :-\ I mean, it's a lovely piece and Erich Wolfgang is a favorite of mine, but geeze - couldn't they find another obscurity to go with the Dvarionas?
They never do that. Or almost never.
Of course the thinking may be that enough people don't have a Korngold concerto yet, but would be put off by a recording of two unknown concertos (in which case the performance and recording of the Korngold had better be really competitive with better-known versions by better-known artists, then...) - a larger group than the admittedly rather small market of repertoire-driven collectors. No idea, though. It would be interesting to see if they've ever actually tested this. Instead of another Korngold concerto or another lesser-known concerto, another work by the same composer might be preferable still.
Quote from: JimL on Sunday 04 July 2010, 00:30
They never do that. Or almost never.
How well I know. The reason for unwanted, but impossible to avoid, multiple recordings of the same work. Oh, well...
On LP once around 1961 a piano concerto (possibly the same concerto - no. 1 in G minor? - republished in 2006 by UAB Intermusic of Vilnius) was recorded (Aldona Dvarionaitė, piano, composer conducting, I believe?? Maybe the other way around. His second concerto for piano was originally(?) published around 1972 (the year of the composer's death). One of those might have been a good coupling, in a new recording or even a remastering of the old one (though BIS doesn't do that often). There's also a horn concerto (pub. around 1966) and a symphony in E minor, apparently (published or republished in 1976 by Sov. kompositor), and quite a few piano and chamber works listed on Worldcat. The violin concerto may date from as early as 1948.
This wouldn't be his first representation on CD (ok, you knew that, I didn't) - works by Dvarionas have apparently already appeared on CDs performed by Gidon Kremer and David Geringas (the latter a work or two for cello and orchestra) - also a bassoon and piano work (theme and variations) on a CD with works by Hurlstone and others (a CDP Records recording from 1995).
This would be the CD premiere of the violin concerto (I'm guessing), but it does seem to have appeared on 78s. ( (
QuoteThis would be the CD premiere of the violin concerto (I'm guessing), but it does seem to have appeared on 78s.
No, thats wrong. The Lithuanian Music Information Center released a double CD in 2004 with works by him. It includes the violin concerto, a symphony, a piano concerto and some other works as well. I think that is a must have! The Dvarionas violin concerto is one of the finest and most beautiful works in the genre! And the recording in the 2-CD-set is very good! Here are the details from the Lithuanien MIC: (
Well, heck! I don't have a Korngold! This is my big chance! :)
Quote from: violinconcerto on Sunday 04 July 2010, 05:10
QuoteThis would be the CD premiere of the violin concerto (I'm guessing), but it does seem to have appeared on 78s.
No, thats wrong. The Lithuanian Music Information Center released a double CD in 2004 with works by him. It includes the violin concerto, a symphony, a piano concerto and some other works as well. I think that is a must have! The Dvarionas violin concerto is one of the finest and most beautiful works in the genre! And the recording in the 2-CD-set is very good! Here are the details from the Lithuanien MIC: (
Apparently the same symphony in E minor (unless he wrote two in that key :) ) (from 1947 according to the en-Wikipedia article, with the subtitle, translated into English, "I Bow To Native Land".) Thanks for turning that up.
The music is certainly very accessible and lyrical, judging by the very generous clips available at the web site. I just wonder if it has staying power?
Quote from: JimL on Sunday 04 July 2010, 07:33
Well, heck! I don't have a Korngold! This is my big chance! :)
It's a lush work and you must hear it. I prefer the Perlman/RSO/Previn version, but go for this!
Oh, I know the Korngold quite well, having heard it enough times on the radio to memorize it. I've just never had it in my collection. Looks like it's time to get one!
Friends can try the new BIS CD here: (
I have the Dvorianas on order and looking forward to hearing it. The Korngold is a good discmate and Guzman is an excellent violinist, so this CD seems lieka win-win situation, mates. :)
Quote from: wunderkind on Saturday 03 July 2010, 23:57
Thanks for the tip - looks interesting. But, oy! - the coupling...not another Korngold VC. :-\ I mean, it's a lovely piece and Erich Wolfgang is a favorite of mine, but geeze - couldn't they find another obscurity to go with the Dvarionas?
You have perfectly encapsulated the reason why I like finding places that sell downloads of individual tracks (avoiding the ones that will only sell the tracks shorter than N minutes, since N is inevitably too short for one of the movements in the piece I'm interested in!)
Jim Moskowitz
The Unknown Composers Page:
My latest list of unusual classical CDs for auction:
I really do recommend the purchase of this CD. OK, so we get the Korngold VC as the coupling, but there is a bonus in the form of Dvarionas' Pezzo Elegiaco 'By the Lake' for violin and orchestra, as well as the beautiful Dvarionas VC itself. Modern Romantic music at its very best, I would say - and beautifully performed and recorded.
Agree with the recommendation.
I, initially, posted to express my chagrin at the coupling with another Korngold performance. But, lo! - this version might become my favorite - the Korngold Concerto is taken at a leisurely pace (my previous first choice: Perlman [Pittsburgh/Previn/EMI] is, interestingly only a half-minute faster in each of the two first movements - but the Gluzman seems more relaxed and, therefore, more drawn out and lush) and all the romance and schmaltz of Korngold is emphasized in a meltingly lovely delivery. Overall, a first-class disc and happy to have it.
This work will be performed at the Barbican on April 13 2012 - Vadim Gluzman, vn/Neeme Järvi/BBC Symphony. Works by Englund, Tuur and the 2nd symphony of Sibelius will also be in the concert (*runs*)
I agree with Tobias - Violin Cto by Dvarionas is in fact very lovely and tuneful piece! I strongly recomend it - I know the performance mentioned by Tobias.
In the couple on BIS it might be the winner!
What an absolutely stunning concerto. A sort or Sibelius meets Smetana.. Get THIS one!!!!!
I bought this disk for the Dvarionas -- very beautiful, and like the the Karlowicz, deserving a much wider audience. The Korngold performance is quite fine -- on of the best. But the reason I reply is this: can anyone let the rest of us know the correct pronounciation of Dvarionas? Is it as simple as I think? Eastern European languages are minefields for those of us more linguisitically know, Americans!
I too bought this cd for the Dvarionas VC and was very pleased I did. The Dvarionas VC is lovely but I was really taken with the Korngold VC. I knew Korngold's music from films but was not familiar with his classical work. I found the VC lyrical and very moving. It was also very enjoyable picking out the extracts from the films. A CD well worth buying!
yes-- Korngold's concert music is well-worth knowing in my opinion anyway (I don't know his operas though many of them have been recorded. I've heard two of his string quartets, his piano trio, his string sextet, piano concerto and I think both of the other concertos, piano quintet, violin sonata, piano quartet suite, symphony, sinfonietta and a number of other works. His film scores sometimes derive from the (earlier) works instead of the other way around (e.g. the overture Sursum Corda was mined for material for a later well-known film score of his)... )
We're off topic here. Let's get back to Dvarionas, please!
There's still one day to hear the BBC broadcast of the Dvarionas violin concerto UK premiere here (, by the way.
Nice to meet you, everyone.
I'm Yasu from Japan.
An amateur orchestra Ochestra "Excelsis" that I belong, we will perform the Dvarionas Violin Concerto in 23 Sep 2013. It's Japan premiere!
HP: (Sorry, this site Japanese only)
The concept of the orchestra is "shed light on the unknown works"
1st concert: All stenhammar program (Excelsior!, Piano concerto No. 2, Symphony No. 1)
2nd concert: All polish program (Noskowski: Concert Overture "Morskie Oko", Karlowicz; Violin Concerto, Symphony in E minor "Odrodzenie")
3rd concert: All English program (Harty: "With the Wild Geese", Cecil Forsyth: Viola Concerto, Parry: Symphony No. 2 in F major, "Cambridge")
A big welcome, Yasu.
That is a VERY impressive set of programs. Where in Japan does Excelsis perform?
I sure would like to be able to attend concerts like that in the USA
Quote from: Yasu on Wednesday 19 June 2013, 10:18
Nice to meet you, everyone.
I'm Yasu from Japan.
An amateur orchestra Ochestra "Excelsis" that I belong, we will perform the Dvarionas Violin Concerto in 23 Sep 2013. It's Japan premiere!
HP: (Sorry, this site Japanese only)
The concept of the orchestra is "shed light on the unknown works"
1st concert: All stenhammar program (Excelsior!, Piano concerto No. 2, Symphony No. 1)
2nd concert: All polish program (Noskowski: Concert Overture "Morskie Oko", Karlowicz; Violin Concerto, Symphony in E minor "Odrodzenie")
3rd concert: All English program (Harty: "With the Wild Geese", Cecil Forsyth: Viola Concerto, Parry: Symphony No. 2 in F major, "Cambridge")
I'd be very interested in getting my hands on a download of that performance of the Forsyth Viola Concerto, if you could make one available, Yasu.
Dear Jerry,
Thanks for your reply!
Our orchestra are playing in Tokyo.
In the 4th Concert in Sep, we will play "All Baltic program".
-Veljo Tormis: Overture No. 2
-Balys Dvarionas: Violin Concerto in B minor (Japan premiere)
-Janis Ivanovs: Symphony No. 3 in F minor (Japan premiere)
Dear JimL.
Thank you for your interest!
Sorry, I don't have a sound that can be downloaded...
I've just been prompted by this to listen again to the Dvarionas Violin Concerto. If any UC members have not heard it then do give it a try. It's a fine romantic concerto - half a century out of date! ;)