Unsung Composers

The Music => Composers & Music => Topic started by: giles.enders on Thursday 17 September 2015, 13:24

Title: Georges Antoine
Post by: giles.enders on Thursday 17 September 2015, 13:24
Georges Antoine 1892-1918.  Yesterday I went to a concert at Hatchlands.  Among the pieces played was a violin sonata  Op.3 by Antoine.  This was a very moving and powerful piece.  There were faint echoes of Franck but in Liege where he was taught he was regarded as successor to Lekeu.  The programme notes refer to a piano concerto and on inquiry to the pianist, I gather it cannot be found.  Anyone have any clues?  I understand there is a recent recording of this sonata and a piano quartet on a Belgian label.
Title: Re: Georges Antoine
Post by: jerfilm on Thursday 17 September 2015, 16:02
Old recording, Giles.  Find it on Spotify here:

https://play.spotify.com/artist/6Y0YtwsE3EUAb4qVXNzdTJ (https://play.spotify.com/artist/6Y0YtwsE3EUAb4qVXNzdTJ)

Title: Re: Georges Antoine
Post by: mjkFendrich on Thursday 17 September 2015, 16:08
The label is "Musique en Wallonie", and it is not really as old as jerfilm claims (released in 2014)

see e.g.

http://www.qobuz.com/fr-fr/album/antoine-quatuor-et-sonate-oxalys/5425008314730 (http://www.qobuz.com/fr-fr/album/antoine-quatuor-et-sonate-oxalys/5425008314730)


Title: Re: Georges Antoine
Post by: Simon on Thursday 17 September 2015, 16:24
Is this the same recording? Track list doesn't fit with the excerpts though...

http://pointculture.be/album/da8818/?ref=da8818 (http://pointculture.be/album/da8818/?ref=da8818)
Title: Re: Georges Antoine
Post by: jerfilm on Thursday 17 September 2015, 17:05
Gosh, I just said it was old.   I didn't say HOW old...... ::)
Title: Re: Georges Antoine
Post by: Alan Howe on Thursday 17 September 2015, 18:53
QuoteIs this the same recording? Track list doesn't fit with the excerpts though...
http://pointculture.be/album/da8818/?ref=da8818 (http://pointculture.be/album/da8818/?ref=da8818)

In a word: no. This is the recording concerned, as indicated in reply 2, above:
http://www.amazon.co.uk/Georges-Antoine-Quartet-Ensemble-Oxalys/dp/B00O29YB4Q/ref=sr_1_1?s=music&ie=UTF8&qid=1442512280&sr=1-1&keywords=georges+antoine (http://www.amazon.co.uk/Georges-Antoine-Quartet-Ensemble-Oxalys/dp/B00O29YB4Q/ref=sr_1_1?s=music&ie=UTF8&qid=1442512280&sr=1-1&keywords=georges+antoine)
It came out last year, so it's not old at all.
Title: Re: Georges Antoine
Post by: jdperdrix on Thursday 17 September 2015, 20:48
Different records with the same coupling. The piano quartet is worth hearing and is clearly reminiscent of Lekeu.

There is also a CD with his melodies, http://www.amazon.com/Georges-Antoine-M%C3%A9lodies-Patrick-Delcour/dp/B0002JNLPA/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1442518808&sr=8-1&keywords=georges+antoine+melodies (http://www.amazon.com/Georges-Antoine-M%C3%A9lodies-Patrick-Delcour/dp/B0002JNLPA/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1442518808&sr=8-1&keywords=georges+antoine+melodies), which can also be downloaded http://pointculture.be/album/da8828/?ref=da8828 (http://pointculture.be/album/da8828/?ref=da8828).

The piano concerto seems to be lost, but it could very well still exist in manuscript somewhere. He died aged 26 only!

Scores of the quatet and of the sonata are available http://imslp.org/wiki/Category:Antoine,_Georges (http://imslp.org/wiki/Category:Antoine,_Georges)
Title: Re: Georges Antoine
Post by: mikehopf on Friday 18 September 2015, 00:18
I've got an LP  of Antoine's Violin Sonata Op.3 and Piano Quartet Op.6 on the Musique en Wallonie label  recorded in 1975.

The artists are listed as Le Trio a Cordes Francais ( Jarry, Collot & Tournus) with Pludermacher on the  piano.

A  6 page insert features  very detailed analyses of both works with many musical examples.