Unsung Composers

The Music => Composers & Music => Topic started by: giles.enders on Thursday 08 October 2015, 11:29

Title: Marion Margaret Scott 1877-1953
Post by: giles.enders on Thursday 08 October 2015, 11:29
Scott's string quartet with the title 'The Song of the Kalashnikov' (unfortunate title) which is based on Russian folk tunes.  Does anyone know where I might find a copy of the music?
Title: Re: Marion Margaret Scott 1877-1953
Post by: eschiss1 on Thursday 08 October 2015, 12:59
According to Seddon, the exact title is more like Incidental Music to the Song of Kalashnikov, and she gives

"Manuscript, BMS 20"?

(Musicweb, in an article, provides this story that probably relates:

"Actress Janet Achurch presented a stage version of Lermontov's dramatic poem The Song of Kalashnikov. Voynich provided the translation and Scott provided her own arrangements of Russian folk-songs that had never been heard in England. She performed them off stage with her string quartet.

http://www.musicweb-international.com/classrev/2005/feb05/Voynich.htm (http://www.musicweb-international.com/classrev/2005/feb05/Voynich.htm))
Title: Re: Marion Margaret Scott 1877-1953
Post by: giles.enders on Friday 09 October 2015, 10:54
It is something I would like to do at a chamber music concert but it still does not tell me where I am likely to find it.
Title: Re: Marion Margaret Scott 1877-1953
Post by: eschiss1 on Tuesday 13 October 2015, 04:02
At a guess maybe the collection of the B[ritish] M[usic] S[ociety]? Don't know for certain, though.