Unsung Composers

The Music => Recordings & Broadcasts => Topic started by: Alan Howe on Monday 04 July 2016, 22:28

Title: René de Boisdeffre (1838-1906) Violin Sonata etc.
Post by: Alan Howe on Monday 04 July 2016, 22:28
...forthcoming from Acte Préalable:
http://www.acteprealable.com/albums/soon_ap0362.html (http://www.acteprealable.com/albums/soon_ap0362.html)
Composer details here:
https://digitalscores.wordpress.com/2010/10/07/rene%cc%81-de-boisdeffre/ (https://digitalscores.wordpress.com/2010/10/07/rene%cc%81-de-boisdeffre/)
Title: Re: René de Boisdeffre (1838-1906) Violin Sonata etc.
Post by: eschiss1 on Tuesday 05 July 2016, 06:50
Also: French Wikipedia (https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ren%C3%A9_de_Boisdeffre);
IMSLP (http://imslp.org/wiki/Category:Boisdeffre,_Ren%C3%A9_de)  (with 3 violin sonatas, and perhaps he wrote more still- so which ones are on the new recording:D) (ah ok, Op.50, no.2, in E minor, published first no later than 1893 or so and premiered around 1894, in Britain about 1896...)
Title: Re: René de Boisdeffre (1838-1906) Violin Sonata etc.
Post by: Aramiarz on Tuesday 05 July 2016, 13:50
Very interesting. I saw some years ago his scores in IMSLP. I think that AP, is doing the first cd by Boisdeffre. I have much interest in this cd
Title: Re: René de Boisdeffre (1838-1906) Violin Sonata etc.
Post by: eschiss1 on Tuesday 05 July 2016, 13:59
Me too. (There was, incidentally, as Saint-Saëns explains in a collection of memoirs, some truth to a view of France as inhospitable to chamber music (or even to its own contemporary Romantic symphonists) - but enough composers over the years, some of whom (eg Gouvy) he namechecks in various contexts, bucked the trends. Probably wrote this already- sorry.) Besides Boisdeffre , we've recently had recordings of Adolphe Blanc (1828-85), another prolific chamber composer, too... (Both composers have fairly long lists of instrumental music to their credit.)
Title: Re: René de Boisdeffre (1838-1906) Violin Sonata etc.
Post by: eschiss1 on Saturday 08 October 2016, 13:20
Now in their New Releases section (though confusingly still in their coming soon section too). Curious to hear what people think of his music now some of it's available :)
Title: Re: René de Boisdeffre (1838-1906) Violin Sonata etc.
Post by: Alan Howe on Thursday 16 March 2017, 23:04
The Violin Sonata is a fine, if not terribly individual piece - very well played here, by the way. Dejan Bogdanovich is clearly an exceptionally fine violinist.