...forthcoming from Acte Préalable:
http://www.acteprealable.com/albums/soon_ap0362.html (http://www.acteprealable.com/albums/soon_ap0362.html)
Composer details here:
https://digitalscores.wordpress.com/2010/10/07/rene%cc%81-de-boisdeffre/ (https://digitalscores.wordpress.com/2010/10/07/rene%cc%81-de-boisdeffre/)
Also: French Wikipedia (https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ren%C3%A9_de_Boisdeffre);
IMSLP (http://imslp.org/wiki/Category:Boisdeffre,_Ren%C3%A9_de) (with 3 violin sonatas, and perhaps he wrote more still- so which ones are on the new recording:D) (ah ok, Op.50, no.2, in E minor, published first no later than 1893 or so and premiered around 1894, in Britain about 1896...)
Very interesting. I saw some years ago his scores in IMSLP. I think that AP, is doing the first cd by Boisdeffre. I have much interest in this cd
Me too. (There was, incidentally, as Saint-Saëns explains in a collection of memoirs, some truth to a view of France as inhospitable to chamber music (or even to its own contemporary Romantic symphonists) - but enough composers over the years, some of whom (eg Gouvy) he namechecks in various contexts, bucked the trends. Probably wrote this already- sorry.) Besides Boisdeffre , we've recently had recordings of Adolphe Blanc (1828-85), another prolific chamber composer, too... (Both composers have fairly long lists of instrumental music to their credit.)
Now in their New Releases section (though confusingly still in their coming soon section too). Curious to hear what people think of his music now some of it's available :)
The Violin Sonata is a fine, if not terribly individual piece - very well played here, by the way. Dejan Bogdanovich is clearly an exceptionally fine violinist.