Unsung Composers

The Music => Recordings & Broadcasts => Topic started by: piano888 on Thursday 02 March 2017, 16:31

Title: Dame Ethel Smyth - BBC Radio 3 - Building a library
Post by: piano888 on Thursday 02 March 2017, 16:31
On Saturday March 4 - the whole programme starts at 9am, the Building a Library strand at 9.30. The BBC spiel says:

'Building a Library survey on the music of Dame Ethel Smyth. As part of Radio 3's celebration of International Women's Day, Kate Kennedy explores the music of an underrated English composer and a member of the women's suffrage movement. Smyth showed tenacity and courage in pursuing her career as a composer at a time when this was an unusual path for women. Sir Thomas Beecham visited her when she was in prison for her political activities, and discovered her leaning out of a window conducting with a toothbrush as her fellow inmates marched around the prison yard.'

The music includes extracts from:

Mass in D for soloists, chorus, orchestra and organ
The Boatswain's Mate: Overture
Serenade in D
Concerto for violin, horn and orchestra
Complete piano works
String Quartet in E minor
String Quintet in E major, Op. 1
Sonata for Violin and Piano in A minor, Op. 7
The Wreckers Overture
The Boatswain's Mate (from the complete recording)
Double Concerto in A for violin, horn & piano
Four Songs for mezzo & chamber ensemble
Three Songs for mezzo & piano
Lieder, Op. 4
Lieder und Balladen, Op. 3
Cello Sonata in C minor
Moods of the Sea (3)
Entente cordiale – Interlude
Fête galante – Minuet
Two Interlinked French Melodies

Should be an interesting survey.

Title: Re: Dame Ethel Smyth - BBC Radio 3 - Building a library
Post by: Gareth Vaughan on Thursday 02 March 2017, 16:38
We are very lucky that the majority of Ethel Smyth's important compositions are available on disk. There is one glaring omission: "The Prison". Dare one hope that one day this will be revived?
Title: Re: Dame Ethel Smyth - BBC Radio 3 - Building a library
Post by: eschiss1 on Thursday 02 March 2017, 18:45
Received its US premiere in 2016? Not aware of a recording but...
Title: Re: Dame Ethel Smyth - BBC Radio 3 - Building a library
Post by: Gareth Vaughan on Thursday 02 March 2017, 21:09
Really? I didn't know that, Eric. Do you know who the performers were and where it was done? Most interesting.
Title: Re: Dame Ethel Smyth - BBC Radio 3 - Building a library
Post by: Gareth Vaughan on Thursday 02 March 2017, 21:10
Stop being lazy, Gareth. A moment's internet research revealed the following: http://www.classical-scene.com/2016/05/21/ethel-smyth-prison/ (http://www.classical-scene.com/2016/05/21/ethel-smyth-prison/)
Title: Re: Dame Ethel Smyth - BBC Radio 3 - Building a library
Post by: semloh on Thursday 02 March 2017, 22:33
Thanks for the link to that enthusiastic review, Gareth. Your self-reprimand worked a treat!  :)
Title: Re: Dame Ethel Smyth - BBC Radio 3 - Building a library
Post by: minacciosa on Friday 03 March 2017, 03:44
I heard excerpts of The Prison last summer, and I can tell you that it could possibly be Smyth's greatest work.
Title: Re: Dame Ethel Smyth - BBC Radio 3 - Building a library
Post by: alberto on Friday 03 March 2017, 10:07
Strange as it may appear, the Italian pay Tv channel "Sky Classica" has recently dedicated a short documentary to Dame Ethel Smyth".
Title: Re: Dame Ethel Smyth - BBC Radio 3 - Building a library
Post by: piano888 on Sunday 05 March 2017, 07:21
The complete recording of the Boatswain's Mate (conducted by Odaline de la Martinez) was made the top selection in yesterday's Building a Library.
Title: Re: Dame Ethel Smyth - BBC Radio 3 - Building a library
Post by: edurban on Monday 13 March 2017, 20:31
Rochester (NY) Philharmonic will feature Dame Ethyl's Concerto for horn and violin on its June 3, 2018 concert.
Best, David
Title: Re: Dame Ethel Smyth - BBC Radio 3 - Building a library
Post by: rosflute on Sunday 26 March 2017, 18:21
The Prison was performed in Berlin a few years ago, and I was fortunate enough to be there. I also received a copy of the [private] recording made at that occasion. It is indeed a great work, although the sounding of the Last Post at the end does indeed weaken the effect of the whole.
Title: Re: Dame Ethel Smyth - BBC Radio 3 - Building a library
Post by: Jimfin on Sunday 02 April 2017, 04:22
Gosh, that review makes me hungrier than ever to hear this work.