Unsung Composers

The Music => Recordings & Broadcasts => Topic started by: Alan Howe on Monday 26 February 2018, 22:59

Title: Cowen Symphony No.5
Post by: Alan Howe on Monday 26 February 2018, 22:59
I must apologise: I clearly wasn't listening carefully enough to this rather serious, ambitious work. I still think the second movement is a bit incongruous in context, but nevertheless this is a fine piece.
Title: Re: Cowen Symphony No.5
Post by: Mark Thomas on Tuesday 27 February 2018, 08:16
Oh, I'm pleased that you've re-evaluated Cowen's symphony. It really is the best by some margin of the three which we've been able to hear, even if that 2nd movement lacks the gravity of the other three.
Title: Re: Cowen Symphony No.5
Post by: Alan Howe on Tuesday 27 February 2018, 12:24
I agree, Mark. Many thanks for recording it.
Title: Re: Cowen Symphony No.5
Post by: jerfilm on Tuesday 27 February 2018, 15:19
Yes Indeed!!
Title: Re: Cowen Symphony No.5
Post by: semloh on Wednesday 28 February 2018, 07:08
I find it enjoyable, but no more than the 3rd - which is the only other one I know.
Perhaps I'm missing something - I'll listen again!
Title: Re: Cowen Symphony No.5
Post by: Mark Thomas on Wednesday 28 February 2018, 08:48
What sets it apart from the other two recorded symphonies for me is that Cowen seems to have avoided their shallower crowd-pleasing tunefulness and perky orchestration and, at least in three of the movements, gone for something altogether more serious and dark. It's telling, I think, that unlike the Scandinavian and the Idyllic (or the Welsh, which hasn't been recorded), this work is untitled. His material remains memorable, but the themes are a lot less song-like and, for want of a better word, obvious than in the other works, shorter and more suited to development. Although the second movement is very attractive, it's much more in keeping with the other symphonies than it is with the 5th; an unfortunate miscalculation IMHO. As with the Konzertstuck for piano and orchestra, this symphony points to what Cowen could have achieved, but doesn't seem to have done in the rest of his work that we know. 
Title: Re: Cowen Symphony No.5
Post by: Alan Howe on Wednesday 28 February 2018, 10:24
Quotethis symphony points to what Cowen could have achieved

...and, although agreeing with the thrust of Mark's assessment, for me the result even in this 5th Symphony is only partially successful. I find myself waiting for something major to happen, only for the music to fall short. Compare this piece with, say, Cliffe's 1st Symphony of just two years later and you'll see straight away what I mean.
Title: Re: Cowen Symphony No.5
Post by: Mark Thomas on Wednesday 28 February 2018, 11:06
Yes, I completely agree. I'm only pointing up it's merit relative to other works by Cowen, not in absolute terms.
Title: Re: Cowen Symphony No.5
Post by: Alan Howe on Wednesday 28 February 2018, 11:07
Oh, I see - yes, agreed.
Title: Re: Cowen Symphony No.5
Post by: eschiss1 on Wednesday 28 February 2018, 11:42
Probably already mentioned (perhaps even by me and I apologize) but the Cowen score is @ IMSLP, in its 1906 Novello publication, mirroring a Sibley Scan. See IMSLP (http://imslp.org/wiki/Symphony_No.5_(Cowen%2C_Frederic_Hymen)).
Title: Re: Cowen Symphony No.5
Post by: sdtom on Wednesday 28 February 2018, 15:55
Are there high quality digital/CD recordings of him. I like it very much.
Title: Re: Cowen Symphony No.5
Post by: eschiss1 on Wednesday 28 February 2018, 15:58
Don't know if this helps, but there's a 2010 recording of his Concertstück on Hyperion (issued 2011), a 2005 recording of his 6th symphony on Classico (issued 2006)... don't know the sound quality though.
Title: Re: Cowen Symphony No.5
Post by: sdtom on Wednesday 28 February 2018, 16:12
worth checking out. How is the 6th Symphony Alan/Mark?
Title: Re: Cowen Symphony No.5
Post by: sdtom on Wednesday 28 February 2018, 16:32
The second movement belongs in a separate orchestral piece, certainly not in this Symphony.
Title: Re: Cowen Symphony No.5
Post by: sdtom on Wednesday 28 February 2018, 16:35

found this recording
Title: Re: Cowen Symphony No.5
Post by: eschiss1 on Wednesday 28 February 2018, 16:47
which dates from 1916. I took you to be interested in recordings in more modern sound... there's also a symphony recorded on Marco Polo (perhaps reissued on Naxos), and other works, but a full discography might be a lengthier affair (even if it were mostly briefer works e.g. songs.) (Apparently only about 20 CDs at most, though, according to Worldcat anyway, that contain his music, and a lot of them are remasterings of older recordings I think.)
Title: Re: Cowen Symphony No.5
Post by: eschiss1 on Wednesday 28 February 2018, 16:53
Ah. Actually, the -most- recent disc before this with any of Cowen's orchestral music might be a Chandos disc with one of Cowen's overtures among some other British ones (2014).
Title: Re: Cowen Symphony No.5
Post by: sdtom on Wednesday 28 February 2018, 18:17
Just ordered the Marco Polo release (2008) from Amazon for 8.99. Will let all know about it.
Title: Re: Cowen Symphony No.5
Post by: eschiss1 on Wednesday 28 February 2018, 18:38
Turns out I have Naxos streaming access to several of them myself. Will give a listen.
Title: Re: Cowen Symphony No.5
Post by: Alan Howe on Wednesday 28 February 2018, 21:01
Let's try and focus here on the 5th Symphony which Mark has so kindly uploaded for us...
Title: Re: Cowen Symphony No.5
Post by: sdtom on Thursday 01 March 2018, 14:03
okay, is there a modern recording of the 5th? Maybe I should start a new thread on him?
Title: Re: Cowen Symphony No.5
Post by: eschiss1 on Thursday 01 March 2018, 14:23
This -is- the new thread ("Cowen Symphony No.5"), and if and when released, would be the world premiere commercial recording.
Title: Re: Cowen Symphony No.5
Post by: Alan Howe on Thursday 01 March 2018, 14:41
Quoteokay, is there a modern recording of the 5th?

A radio broadcast has been uploaded to UC, Tom - hence this thread. Here's the download:
http://www.unsungcomposers.com/forum/index.php/topic,6759.msg71403.html#new (http://www.unsungcomposers.com/forum/index.php/topic,6759.msg71403.html#new)
Title: Re: Cowen Symphony No.5
Post by: sdtom on Thursday 01 March 2018, 18:57
I've listened Alan and want a higher quality recording (CD).
Title: Re: Cowen Symphony No.5
Post by: Mark Thomas on Thursday 01 March 2018, 19:07
Then you''ll have to wait until the CD is released, Tom. That has been promised for a long time and in its continued absence my attitude is to be grateful for the BBC broadcast. Sorry that it doesn't meet your standards, but I can only record at the broadcast quality.
Title: Re: Cowen Symphony No.5
Post by: Alan Howe on Thursday 01 March 2018, 19:10
Exactly, Tom. And you have a perfectly good opportunity to assess the piece in the meantime.
Title: Re: Cowen Symphony No.5
Post by: sdtom on Friday 02 March 2018, 16:06
yup I sure do and like what I hear.  :)
Title: Re: Cowen Symphony No.5
Post by: Alan Howe on Friday 02 March 2018, 18:07
I find it a frustrating listen - doesn't really follow through on its promise. I'll take Sherwood over Cowen any day. His music has guts.
Title: Re: Cowen Symphony No.5
Post by: sdtom on Saturday 03 March 2018, 14:45
I'll revisit this one again.
Title: Re: Cowen Symphony No.5
Post by: semloh on Sunday 04 March 2018, 20:51
The second movement belongs in a separate orchestral piece, certainly not in this Symphony.

Could it originally have been a separate piece and was 'drafted in' to serve as the second movement of the symphony?  Do we know anything about the compositional history of the symphony?
Title: Re: Cowen Symphony No.5
Post by: Alan Howe on Friday 01 June 2018, 17:32
Again, Cowen's Symphony benefits greatly from the release of the CD: the music now thunders threateningly as it should.
Title: Re: Cowen Symphony No.5
Post by: Alan Howe on Friday 01 June 2018, 22:31
I'm much more favourably disposed towards Cowen's 5th now that I've had a chance to listen to it more carefully. It's a fine piece - more gaunt and serious in general than one is accustomed to with him. And I've got to say that the BBC Concert Orchestra make a fine job of it under John Andrews.