Unsung Composers

The Music => Recordings & Broadcasts => Topic started by: Mark Thomas on Sunday 22 July 2018, 10:27

Title: Johann Georg Kastner's Symphony "Les Cris de Paris"
Post by: Mark Thomas on Sunday 22 July 2018, 10:27
In another post, Hadrianus wrote:
QuoteA sensation: Next thursday, Johann Geortg Kastner's Symphony "Les Cris de Paris" will be performed and broadcasted from Montpellier. Kastner was a teacher of Berlioz; he lived from 1810 till 1867.
This is really intriguing and it's well worth following hadrianus' link. The only online recording I can find of anything from Les Cris de Paris is this one (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U38hXeTRJjE) of the march referred to in the article on Kastner's symphony. It certainly sounds like the whole work might be a fascinating listen, although I can't discover when it will be broadcast by Radio France.
Title: Re: Johann Georg Kastner's Symphony "Les Cris de Paris"
Post by: matesic on Sunday 22 July 2018, 15:33
Not quite the Marche au Supplice, is it? It's hard to imagine why Berlioz should have sought lessons from a man 7 years his junior.
Title: Re: Johann Georg Kastner's Symphony "Les Cris de Paris"
Post by: matesic on Sunday 22 July 2018, 15:48
Aha - I read in New Grove "The treatise.."(Kastner's Traité Général d'Instrumentation) "..certainly influenced Berlioz (1843) and the two men were good friends".
Title: Re: Johann Georg Kastner's Symphony "Les Cris de Paris"
Post by: adriano on Sunday 22 July 2018, 17:27
Here it is, Mark:


Will also record it :-)

Title: Re: Johann Georg Kastner's Symphony "Les Cris de Paris"
Post by: Mark Thomas on Sunday 22 July 2018, 18:12
Thanks on both counts, Adriano.
Title: Re: Johann Georg Kastner's Symphony "Les Cris de Paris"
Post by: eschiss1 on Wednesday 25 July 2018, 20:13
.. btw, is the idiosyncratic spelling of his name a thing or a typo?
Title: Re: Johann Georg Kastner's Symphony "Les Cris de Paris"
Post by: Mark Thomas on Wednesday 25 July 2018, 20:36
Geortg? He was an Alsatian, and that's how they spell George in Alsace...  ;) No, it was a typo which I've corrected, Eric!
Title: Re: Johann Georg Kastner's Symphony "Les Cris de Paris"
Post by: Alan Howe on Wednesday 25 July 2018, 22:12
Check out the proximity of t and g on a keyboard...
Title: Re: Johann Georg Kastner's Symphony "Les Cris de Paris"
Post by: adriano on Thursday 26 July 2018, 10:24
He was Alsatian, born in Strassburg, and became pupil of Anton Reicha at the Paris Conservatoire. He married a rich French girl and never had monetary problems, so he could enjoy his profession as a teacher, musicologist and composer. Berlioz had studied his book on orchestration before writing hos own. He wrote an opera ("La Maschera"), an Oratorio ("Le dernier roi de Juda") and various orchestral works, among which a "Danse macabre". In his native town, there is an "Allée Kastner".
Title: Re: Johann Georg Kastner's Symphony "Les Cris de Paris"
Post by: adriano on Thursday 26 July 2018, 19:03
I just realize that, unfortunately, this concert is on the Festival's program, but not broadcasted directly, so let's find out when it will be - and on which station... :-(
Since Hervé Niquet will be conducting and this is an important premiere, I suppose they will do a CD anyway.