Louis James Alfred Lefebure-Wely Born Paris 13.11.1817 Died Paris 31.12.1869
He was the son of Isaac Lefebure* an organist and minor composer. From the age of eight he was deputising for his father at the Paris church of Saint-Roch, where on the death of his father he was appointed principal organist. He was only fifteen at the time. A year later in 1832 he entered The Paris Conservatoire, taking lessons from Jaques Halevy, Henri Berton and organ with Francois Benoist and Sejank. In 1835 he won the premier prix for piano and organ. He also took the opportunity to study privatly with Adolph Adam. During this time he continued at Saint-Roch until 1847 and was then appointed organist at La Madeleine, where a year earlier Aristide Cavaille-Coll had completed his first large symphonic organ. This led to a life long friendship between the two, though they had first met in 1836. He remained at La Madelein until 1858 and from 1863 until his death was organist at Saint-Suplice. In his day he was generally recognised as one of the great virtuoso organists, he certainly filled the churches where he performed.
Early in his career he added Wely to his surname. In order to support his wife and growing family he composed a substantial amount of music for piano solo. It was only later in life that he really composed a substantial amount for organ.
Personal note: I first heard a piece of his music on Radio 3, 50 years ago. Until that point I had found solo organ music too 'arch' and dry. L-W made organ music sound fun and full of life, one wanted to almost dance to it. He is now considered rather vulgar and most organists turn their noses up at his music. This may be a reason for the fact that organ music only appeals to a tiny minority, it is all too precious. Try one of his Sorties.
Symphony No.1 Op.163
Symphony No.2
Symphony No.3
'Mignon' (opera) paraphrase for violin piano and organ
Allegro, andante & finale for harmonium and piano Op.61
Duo brillante sur l'opera 'Le PereGaillard' for piano & four strings Op.75
Fantasie sur 'Les Sabots de la Marquise' (opera) for piano & 4 strings Op.86
Grande fantasie de concert for piano & melodium on themes from opera Robin des Bois Op.97
La Guirlande de Roses - five grand waltzes for piano and 4 strings
Rondo Op.1
24 Etudes Op.23
Twelve pensees musicales Op.28
Recollections of Italy Op.20
Les Cloches du Monastere - nocturne Op.54 pub. by Chappell & Co.
Saltarelle Op.57
Le Calm de Matin Op.60/1
Le Calm de Soir Op.60/2
Josephine - grand galop Op.62
Aure, ou La Retraite Militaire - caprice Op.65 pub. by Wessel & Co
La Garde Montante - caprice Op.71
Etude, Moyen-age Op.76
Reverie - andante Op.77
La Danse des Oiseaux - bluette Op.78
Les Jeures recrues - caprice militare Op.79
La Couronnement de la rosiere - bluette Op.80
Les Pappillons d'or Op.81
La Brise de Main - bluette Op.82
Le nid des fauvettes - caprice Op.83
Larmes du Coeur! - romance Op.84
Apres la Victoire - march for piano Op.87
Grand valse Op.89
Pensees intimes Op.91
Romance sans paroles Op.92
Les Pifferari - aubade Italienne Op.98
Le Reveil des Anges Op.99
Florence - mazurka Op.100
Reverie - mazurka Op.101
Les Clochette du Patre Op.102 pub. by Chappell
Polonaise Op.106
'Impressions de Voyages' 3 morceaux characteristiques Le reve bGraziella Op.113, ?114 and ?115
Delaissee - reverie Op.116
Les Babillards - caprice Op.117
La Tunisienne - marche militaire Op.118
Danse Souvenence - nocturne Op.119
Mere et enfant - nocturne Op.125
Fetes de Abeilles - caprice Op.127
Fetes de Noel - 3 fantasies Op.129
La Chasse fantasie-valse Op.135
L'heure l'Anglais - fantasie Op.136
Roverido - fantasie Tyrolinne Op.137
La Bergerie - scene champetre Op.138
Les Noces Basques Op.139
Romance sans paroles Op.141
Blondette valse Op.144
Six Romance san paroles Op.160
Duo Symphonique for two pianos Op.163
Un Reve a Rome Op.164
Titania Op.170
Bolero 1860 Op.175
Le Reve de Cherubin Op.176
Esmeralda - caprice for piano Op.177
Qui s'y frotte pique - caprice de Salon Op.178
Le Defile, pas redouble for two pianos Op.180
Duo Symphonique for two pianos Op.181
Impromptu Op.182
Nuits napolitaines Op.183
Hop! - caprice brillante Op.186
Juanita - sequedille
La Serenade du Gondolier - nocturne
La Manitza - Orientale
La Noce du Village
The Pilgrim's march
Les Legumes - nocturnes
L'heure de la priere - nocturne
La Madeleine - piano based on offertore in G
Le Pre aux Clerics - grand duo
The Sylphe's Danse
Valse des Sylphes
Paolina - polka
Rondo - polka
Nuit d'orient - reverie
Trois etude de Salon
Un Rayon de Soleil - valse
Bouree & La Danse des Paysons
La Cascade - morceau de Salon 1854
Chanson du Moulin et Musique de Geneve
Lecons methodiques pour Orgue-Melodium Op.196 Offertoires in A minor, G, B flat, D, C & F Op.34
6 Offertoires in B flat, F, C, G, A, C minor Op.35 composed for St Eustache, Paris
6 Organ pieces Op.38
Les Chants du Soir Op.50 (orig for piano)
4 Morceaux for service divine Op.51
L'heur de la priere Op.54b (orig for piano)
'Brands' Op.85
Romance sans Paroles Op.92 (orig for piano)
Meditations religieuses 10 pieces inc. Marche in B flat major Op.122 pub. by Regnier-Canaux
En avant march Op.147
L'Office Catholique Op.148
Andante in F major
Benediction in C major
Bolero de Concert Op.166 pub. by Regnier-Canaux
March in F major
March in E flat major
March in C major
Morceau pouvant sevir a une messe de marriage ou pendant une procession in F major
Noel Varie in F major pub. by Richault
Offertoire in D minor
Offertoire in D major
Offertoire in G major
Offertoire in G minor
Postlude in A major
Postlude in E flat major
The Hymn of Nuns - andante for organ
Sortie in A major pub. by Richault
Sortie in E flat major pub. by Richault
Sortie in B flat major pub. by Richault
Steeple-chase Op.107
Verset in G major Op.187
O Salutaris for soprano or tenor and organ 1857
Fantaisie sur 'Guillaume Tell' Op.29
Fantaisie sur 'La Sonnambula' Op.40
Fantaisie sur 'La Flute Enchantee'
Fantaisie sur 'Don Pasquale'
6 morceaux 3 marches, 3 elevations Op.38 pub. by Peregally
Caprice for two harmonicords Op.120
Suite No.1 de morceaux pour l'harmonicorde Op.104
Suite No.2 de morceaux pour l'harmonicorde Op. ?
Suite No.3 de morceaux pour l'harmonicorde Op.123
Les Recruteurs 1861
*Isaac Francoise Antoine Lefebure 1756-1831 organist and composer
The Sorties are great fun - I love them. There is one in G minor too (not listed). The Bolero de Concert is also pleasantly vulgar. There is a story (doubtless apocryphal) that one of the canons at La Madeleine once accosted Lefebure-Wely after a service and asked him rather testily when he was going to compose a serious piece of music, to which the organist replied, "When I hear you preach a serious sermon, monsignor!"
From what I can tell he packed the churches and was Cavaille-Coll's favoured organist to give the first performance on any of his new organs.
Gareth, L-W was not easy to research, any contributions to his composition list would be most welcome. There are three masses which I have no details of.
Giles, I will have scout around.