Unsung Composers

The Music => Recordings & Broadcasts => Topic started by: Alan Howe on Tuesday 26 November 2019, 12:44

Title: Frederick Septimus Kelly (1881-1916): Orchestral Works
Post by: Alan Howe on Tuesday 26 November 2019, 12:44
Sounds interesting:
https://www.prestomusic.com/classical/products/8703049--frederick-septimus-kelly-orchestral-works (https://www.prestomusic.com/classical/products/8703049--frederick-septimus-kelly-orchestral-works)
Listen on YouTube here:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=itTwW6OvYVk&list=OLAK5uy_nJZSQRaUSGBTo18E5rE4JQ6UQYJ47qL10 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=itTwW6OvYVk&list=OLAK5uy_nJZSQRaUSGBTo18E5rE4JQ6UQYJ47qL10)
Title: Re: Frederick Septimus Kelly (1881-1916): Orchestral Works
Post by: 4candles on Tuesday 26 November 2019, 14:22
Definitely interesting! You perhaps know that the composer's Twelve Studies, Op.9 and 24 Monographs, Op.11, for piano are in the offing at Toccata Classics.
Title: Re: Frederick Septimus Kelly (1881-1916): Orchestral Works
Post by: Gareth Vaughan on Tuesday 26 November 2019, 14:50
You may know that I was instrumental in getting Kelly's Serenade, Op. 7 recorded by Cameo Classics (now released on an excellent 4 CD compilation of orchestral music by British composers on Lyrita). It is a splendid work beautifully scored, and deserves to be heard more often. I am looking forward very much to this disk.
Title: Re: Frederick Septimus Kelly (1881-1916): Orchestral Works
Post by: Alan Howe on Tuesday 26 November 2019, 18:00
It's actually a 2-CD set. Our cup runneth over...
Title: Re: Frederick Septimus Kelly (1881-1916): Orchestral Works
Post by: Gareth Vaughan on Tuesday 26 November 2019, 18:45
It does indeed.
Title: Re: Frederick Septimus Kelly (1881-1916): Orchestral Works
Post by: Mark Thomas on Tuesday 26 November 2019, 20:51
I bought the download a couple of weeks ago, but haven't listened yet to any of the tracks. Unfortunately the booklet isn't included in the digital release, which I thought niggardly. Still, the music's the thing.
Title: Re: Frederick Septimus Kelly (1881-1916): Orchestral Works
Post by: Jimfin on Thursday 28 November 2019, 11:33
Oh, I must get this! I love the Kelly Serenade. I have the 2 cd release of works of his from a couple of years ago, plus the Cameo recording, and Kelly seems a very fine composer. Apparently a great rower too.
Title: Re: Frederick Septimus Kelly (1881-1916): Orchestral Works
Post by: semloh on Thursday 05 December 2019, 10:29
ABC Classic (Australia) regularly plays the music of FS Kelly. I think the name 'Septimus' is an asset in terms of public awareness.  :)
Title: Re: Frederick Septimus Kelly (1881-1916): Orchestral Works
Post by: Alan Howe on Friday 17 January 2020, 11:24
The 'German Symphony', which was actually called 'Orchestral Suite in E flat major' (and renamed by the writer of the sleevote, Christopher Latham), is actually a rather lovely piece - melodious, shapely, attractive and with a certain neo-classical feel to it. I'm glad to have made its acquaintance.
Title: Re: Frederick Septimus Kelly (1881-1916): Orchestral Works
Post by: semloh on Tuesday 21 January 2020, 07:26
Gareth, I only just noticed that you said you played a part in getting the Serenade recorded. All I can say, is a huge 'thank you'. It's a real joy.  :)
Title: Re: Frederick Septimus Kelly (1881-1916): Orchestral Works
Post by: Jimfin on Tuesday 21 January 2020, 09:58
A wonderful collection. I'm slghtly in two minds about the renaming of the German Symphony, but it's a lovely piece. The Elegy I think stands out as perhaps his finest orchestral work I've heard. The songs are very melodious too.
Title: Re: Frederick Septimus Kelly (1881-1916): Orchestral Works
Post by: Gareth Vaughan on Tuesday 21 January 2020, 11:22
Thank you, semloh. One does one's best when the opportunity arises!