Unsung Composers

The Music => Recordings & Broadcasts => Topic started by: Martin Eastick on Saturday 25 July 2020, 10:01

Title: Ingeborg von Bronsart's "Jery & Bätely"
Post by: Martin Eastick on Saturday 25 July 2020, 10:01
This may be of interest to opera fans, and although not my main sphere of interest, I would certainly wish to try it. I remember having a 3LP set years ago devoted to women composers, and I recall that it included a couple of short extracts from this opera which I recall as being escpecially attractive, and although were accompanied by piano reduction, I would never have dreamt that a complete recording would ever be considered! https://www.jpc.de/jpcng/classic/detail/-/art/jery-und-baetely/hnum/10245712 (https://www.jpc.de/jpcng/classic/detail/-/art/jery-und-baetely/hnum/10245712)
Title: Re: Ingeborg von Bronsart's "Jery & Bätely"
Post by: Mark Thomas on Saturday 25 July 2020, 11:11
Good heavens! I share your astonishment, Martin, but it's a very welcome surprise. Who'd have thought it?
Title: Re: Ingeborg von Bronsart's "Jery & Bätely"
Post by: Mark Thomas on Saturday 25 July 2020, 15:28
Title: Re: Ingeborg von Bronsart's "Jery & Bätely"
Post by: Wheesht on Saturday 25 July 2020, 15:29
My reaction is much the same. I didn't even know Ingeborg von Bronsart had composed this, I am still hoping her piano concerto will come to light one day.
The name of the opera has inspired me to look for other composers who set Goethe's text to music, and it turns out was a very popular subject. Unless somebody here knows of a list of UC-compatible composers who wrote "Jery und Bätely" operas, I'll put together what I have found and post the (preliminary) result here.