...forthcoming from Etcetera:
https://www.etcetera-records.com/album/737/works-saxophone-and-orchestra-paul-gilson (https://www.etcetera-records.com/album/737/works-saxophone-and-orchestra-paul-gilson)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_ltOli6IVlSxgIWNR1gDUgwEYhVsqifUOs (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_ltOli6IVlSxgIWNR1gDUgwEYhVsqifUOs)
Very welcome, of course, although I must admit that for me at least the jury is still out on whether the saxophone works as a classical instrument. Maybe if it wasn't so prevalent in jazz it would be easier to accept.
For me I think the answer is that it's not played here as it would be by a jazz instrumentalist, but as a mellifluous member of the regular orchestral family. The audio excerpts sound gorgeous...
I take your point. At least we shouldn't be put off by the "Historical Saxophone" tag - HIP is fine when it comes to this instrument!
of course it does. it's been around since the 1850s, for starters. I admit that my love of good (not of bad or lounge or wallpaper) jazz biases me here.
The saxophone as an orchestral instrument has a long and distinguished pedigree. It has been used by many major composers. Josef Holbrooke used saxophones frequently and always to great effect. So did Vaughan Williams and Ravel, to name but two others. It has a mellifluous tone and is capable of great expression. Hurrah for the saxophone, I say.
Quote from: Mark Thomas on Sunday 26 July 2020, 11:26
Very welcome, of course, although I must admit that for me at least the jury is still out on whether the saxophone works as a classical instrument. Maybe if it wasn't so prevalent in jazz it would be easier to accept.
There's a very nice article somewhere, alas I don't remember where, that describes in detail just why it never caught on as an orchestral and classical instrument in general. The short of it was it came down to French....publishers I want to say?...who did not like Sax ....I don't remember exactly.
Honestly the 'so prevalent in jazz' is a bit wierd given trumpets are just as prevalent, and don't even get started with pianos...
To keep this on topic, this for sure seems like an interesting disc. I'm a huge fan of the 'classical sax' myself, so I will for sure check it out.
Of course I completely accept that I'm in an indefensible minority here, but that's how it is - it's just not a favourite instrument of mine.
We're all Bartolos here. (Not always about the same things and in the same ways!)
Gilson AND the saxamathingy! Bliss! ;D
Quoteit's just not a favourite instrument of mine.
Nothing wrong with that. I have a great dislike of the Eflat clarinet - horrid, squeaky thing. But I suppose it has its uses!
Wow this album is really short (39 minutes).
Is it actually getting a CD release? Been a long time since I've seen a new classical album released on CD this short if it is.
I agree - very short measure. But I have noticed that this is not unusual with some Etcetera releases. Disappointing in that respect. May think twice about buying it.
the mp3 album is $5.34 at Amazon in the US which is acceptable, though not so good a bargain as ca.$10 for a 6-hour set of a world premiere piano work I'm thinking of getting instead, so...
$5.94 at Apple Music, or 0.99 per track, if someone didn't want or need all 3 pieces.
https://music.apple.com/us/album/gilson-works-for-saxophone-and-orchestra/1517065752 (https://music.apple.com/us/album/gilson-works-for-saxophone-and-orchestra/1517065752)