Let's see...
Florence Price's piano concerto at Atlanta Symphony Hall, March 3 & 5 2022 (the soloist Michelle Cann making her local debut.)
Medtner: piano quintet, June 21 @ Philharmonie, Kammermusiksaal, Berlin ; violin sonata no.3, May 1 @ Conway Hall, London.
Stanford: clarinet sonata (probably?), June 30, St Nicholas Church, High Bradfield, Sheffield; Requiem, July 2, Birmingham Symphony Hall.
Augusta Holmès: La nuit et l'amour, March 25-27, Auditorio Nacional de Música, Madrid, and also Mar. 25 @ Ulster Hall, Belfast and May 27-8 @ Usher Hall @ Edinburgh (different performers entirely and different rest of the 3 programs).
Apr.2, Halle aux Grains, Toulouse:
Holmès, Augusta (1847-1903) Andromède, symphonic poem
Jaëll, Marie (1846-1925) Ossiane
Bonis, Mélanie (1858-1937) Femmes de Légende
Boulanger, Nadia (1887-1979) La sirène
June 9 @ Palacio Euskalduna, Bilbao: Holmès Andromède.
also, April 3 - Vorisek symphony in D, Philharmonia Orchestra, Jakub Hrůša conducting, at the Royal Festival Hall in London. (With Beethoven 9 as the other work on the program.)
April 24 - Enescu and Mendelssohn string octets @ Palais Montcalm: Salle Raoul-Jobin, place d'Youville, Quebec, Canada. (Same program, different performers May 6/7 @ Mozart-Saal in Vienna.)
April 29 - Enescu pastorale-fantaisie, Ries piano concerto no.5 in D, Beethoven sym. 6 @ Festsaal, Baden bei Wien; same program and performers on May 1st in the Musikverein in Vienna.)
This Monday (Feb.21) in New York City at the Good Shepherd-Faith Presbyterian Church, another concert from the Jupiter Symphony Chamber Players, including Hummel's quintet and Bruch's octet. Their March 7 concert will feature Nepomuceno's 3rd string quartet and Oswald's piano quintet, both of which have been mentioned in this forum. (Even better on Mar. 21, with works by Kahn, Thieriot, Kummer and Volkmann.)
If you're nearer Prague instead, a March 12 concert (Prague Academy of Music) contains Smetana's D minor quartet and Novák's piano quintet played by the Zemlinsky Quartet (and Marek Kozák, piano).
Mar. 18: Coleridge-Taylor's opus 1 piano quintet heads up a concert at Wigmore Hall which Elgar's piano quintet concludes. (2 songs by Amy Beach inbetween.)
Mar. 20: Amanda Maier-Röntgen's piano quartet and Fibich's quintet at Konserthuset Stockholm.
The International Brucknerfest Linz will present a great deal of unsung masterpieces in September and October. There is a focus on Franz Schmidt, Richard Wetz and Heinrich Kaminski:
4 September, Ansfelden Parish Church:
Heinrich Kaminski String Quintet in F sharp minor (casalQuartett with Niels Mönkemeyer, viola)
20 September, Brucknerhaus Linz:
Songs by Zemlinsky, Weigl, Wetz, Marx and Wellesz (Ludwig Mittelhammer, bariton, and Helmut Deutsch, piano)
23 September, Brucknerhaus Linz:
George Enescu Piano Quartet No. 1, Franz Schmidt Piano-Clarinet Quintet No. 2 (Fauré Quartett and Matthias Schorn, clarinet)
25 September, Brucknerhaus Linz:
Erich Wolfgang Korngold Baby-Serenade, Viktor Ullmann Piano Concerto, Karl Weigl Old Vienna, Egon Wellesz Symphony No. 4 (Dmitry Shishkin, piano, Tonkünstler-Orchester, Constantin Trinks, conductor)
27 September, Brucknerhaus Linz:
Fritz Kreisler Sting Quartet in A minor (Minetti Quartett)
30 September, Mariendom Linz:
Richard Wetz Requiem (Mária Celeng, soprano, Nikolay Borchev, bariton, Prager Philharmonischer Chor, PKF – Prague Philharmonia, Eugene Tzigane, conductor)
1 October, Brucknerhaus Linz:
Gottfried von Einem Bruckner-Dialog, Richard Wetz Violin Concerto (Chouchane Siranossian, PKF – Prague Philharmonia, Eugene Tzigane, conductor)
6 October, Brucknerhaus Linz:
Heinrich Kaminski Dorische Musik, Arnold Schönberg Cello Concerto after Monn, Franz Schmidt Symphony No. 2 (Christoph Heesch, violoncello, Bruckner Orchester Linz, Markus Poschner, conductor)
9 October, Brucknerhaus Linz:
Franz Schmidt Variations and Fugue on an Original Theme from Fredegundis (Hansjörg Albrecht, organ)
... I hope this is one of those festivals that gets recorded. Most of those works have been recorded, but quite a few (Wetz's Requiem, Wellesz's G minor Austrian symphony no.4...) once only commercially and not much more often in broadcast, such a thing would be a welcome one.
I just stumbled over the last concert of Julia Fischer's residency with the LPO: ( (13 April Royal festival hall)
It features Elgar's violin concerto (well not exactly unsung, surely much more in the repertoire in the UK than here in Germany where it is a relatively rare feat, although there are performances here and there also by top soloists)
but then, in the second half:
Enescu Symphony 2
I hope this gets a recording, as the Mozart concertos of Fischer's residency were video streamed live...
Is anyone going to attend the concert?
Best wishes! ewk
Hope so, it sounds like a good concert.
Late in April in Liverpool (April 25) there will be a live performance of Max Bruch's string quintet in E-flat, along with works by Schoenberg (Verklärte Nacht op.4) and Ian Stephens.
Later this month (Mar. 27/Apr.1) at Volksoper Vienna will be Zemlinsky's Kleider machen Leute (not sure if that's been mentioned.) The same composer's first quartet (A major) will be performed by the Symphony4Vienna quartet on March 31 at the Bassano-Saal (Vienna, again.)
Late May (through June 2) the same ensemble (Christian Thielemann/Sächsische Staatskapelle Dresden/Julia Kleiter and Christian Gerhaher) are performing Zemlinsky's Lyric Symphony in Zürich, Dresden, Budapest, Graz, Vienna, Paris (different programs.) (Gerhaher will join a different soprano, orchestra and conductor- Petrenko- in Berlin for the same work, plus works by Leone Sinigaglia and Ervin Schulhoff, June 9-11.)
Hrmm, here's another - a concert containing the first movement of Raff's 8th symphony, and Hans Huber's Summer Night, in the larger room of Vienna's Concertverein, played by the Collegium Musicum Basel on March 19 7:30 pm ( (local).
And here's another Swiss concert, by a very enterprising school that is well known in Bern for the high quality of its choral concerts, the "Gymnasium Neufeld" (
How very nice to see that they are doing excerpts from Suter's "Le Laudi", which is one of the most beautiful pieces of music I know (IMHO). Altogether, a most attractive and enterprising programme.
I agree – and I intend to go to that concert.
I know Alkan is not particularly unsung but the young British pianist Mark Viner is playing his "Le Festin d'Esope" (Op.39 no.12) in a concert as part of the Wensleydale Concert Series on Saturday, 13th August 2022 at 19:30. Details are available on the Wensleydale Concert Series website. It's not far from Asygarth Falls for those who know Yorkshire!
As an aside, if you do go, I will see you there :)
Alkan may no longer count as "unsung" but he still doesn't get heard very much in the concert hall, so congratulations to Mark Viner for programming that important work.
In Chemnitz, Saxonia, Germany, an interesting a cappella choir concert will take place soon:
1 July 2022, 19:30
Kreuzkirche Chemnitz
Großer Chor der Singakademie Dresden
Michael Käppler, conductor
Kammerchor Chemnitz
Wolfgang Richter, conductor
Max-Klinger-Chor Leipzig
Peter Kubisch, conductor
OTTO REINHOLD - Altdeutsche geistliche Gesänge
EDMUND KRETSCHMER - Jubilate Deo op. 35
EDMUND KRETSCHMER - Laudate Dominum op. 17
FELIX DRAESEKE - Beati quorum via op. 57/2
FELIX DRAESEKE - Psalm 93 op. 56
150 Years of Franz Liszt Hochschule Weimar, Jubilee Concert
18 June 2022, Deutsches Nationaltheater Weimar, 19:30
Waldemar von Baußnern: Champagnerouvertüre für großes Orchester
Hans Bronsart von Schellendorf: Konzert für Klavier und Orchester fis-Moll op. 10
Karl Dietrich: Memorial für Streichorchester
Wolf Günther Leidel: »Der Flamme entgegen« (Uraufführung)
Franz Liszt: »Orpheus« Sinfonische Dichtung Nr. 4
Anika Vavic, piano
Staatskapelle Weimar
Eugene Tzigane, conductor
I forget if this has been mentioned anywhere? Dennis Russell Davies, Frankfurt Opera and Museum Orchestra, December 12 2022, Raff symphony no.3.
Raff 3 concert, mentioned by Eric (above):
Raff's sextet was performed late last year in NYC; another performance seems to be on the way on 3 July 2022, by the EnsembLesAlpes, apparently in Andermatt, Switzerland.
This weekend a concert with Stanford's 2nd string quintet is part of the Midsummer Music series in Wisconsin; a few days ago they opened their season with piano quartets by Friedrich Kiel and Joachim Raff... other works according to the schedule PDF include in late August a Smyth/Schubert quintet concert, preceded by another containing Ries' septet op.25, etc....
Hello All,
I am friends with a descendant of the Scharwenka brothers on Facebook and he's sent me details of the Scharwenka festival in Poland. I'm sure it can be easily found on Google for those who are close enough to go.
Best regards
The Tenerife Symphony Orchestra will be playing Kurt Atterberg's Sixth next March:
It's interesting to see Spanish orchestras do these unsung pieces. This year I, unfortunately, had to miss Woyrsch's First in Badajoz (it was also played in Caceres), and now this.
The Akademie für Alte Musik Berlin is going to up in Quebec Saturday to play Étienne Nicolas Méhul's Symphony No. 1 in G minor. Bard is doing Ferruccio Busoni's Piano Concerto in C Major later this summer along with the prelude to Paderewski's opera Manru.
I do hope that this concert heralds a recording of Massenet's La Nef Triomphale (, which I think is the only piece which hasn't been recorded at least once.
A Balakirev overture, btw, will be performed live September 17 at River Center for the Performing Arts by the Columbus Symphony Orchestra. Bax's Tintagel was already in Prom 2 (July 16.)
Quote from: Mark Thomas on Friday 15 July 2022, 11:23I do hope that this concert heralds a recording of Massenet's La Nef Triomphale (, which I think is the only piece which hasn't been recorded at least once.
Yes, agreed. In the meantime the piece has the 'honour' of featuring on a postage stamp!
Conductor and Music Director Leon Botstein highlights four German and Austrian composers of the early 20th century whose music was unfairly ignored or suppressed following World War II. TŌN is partnering with the Hugo Kauder Society to debut a new restoration of the Viennese composer's First Symphony.
TŌN [The Orchestra Now], Leon Botstein conductor
Adolf Busch (arr. Peter Serkin): Variations on an Original Theme
Walter Braunfels: Sinfonia brevis
Hans Erich Apostel: Variations on a Theme by Haydn
Hugo Kauder: Symphony No. 1
Fisher Center, Annandale-on-Hudson, NY
October 29, 2022 at 7:00 pm and October 30, 2022 at 2:00 pm
Carnegie Hall, New York City
November 3, 2022 7 PM
Let's hope it's recorded - especially the Kauder.
Quote from: Alan Howe on Thursday 18 August 2022, 21:38Let's hope it's recorded - especially the Kauder.
Both Fisher Center performances are scheduled to be live-streamed:
Thanks! Nice.
Works by Kornauth and Robert Fuchs in a concert in Singapore, Victoria Concert Hall, 29 November: (
I probably missed this, but Emilie Mayer's Faust overture is being performed 14 October in Berlin- see ( 22 October in Stockholm brings a performance of her G minor string quartet.
Apparently not mentioned in this thread yet, but Raff's octet is being performed in NYC on September 19th by the Jupiter Symphony Chamber Players.
Question: what concert featuring music by Raff can I attend here in the UK?
I don't believe there are any, nor am I surprised if the attitude of the BBC, when I pressed them to have Raff as a "Composer of the Week" this year, is typical; but we've rehearsed this all before...
The Sinfonietta on 1 April 2023 in Macclesfield, Cheshire? (Outside of this 2022 subject's orbit, though.)
The Sinfonietta is (also) being performed in 3 days as I write this (so on 9 September, then) at Worleston Music School, Nantwich, Cheshire ( :) ) with works by Richard Strauss and what looks like a premiere by Adam Gorb.
Thanks, Eric. The Sinfonietta gets an airing quite often both here and in the US, but I think that's more because of the paucity of repertoire for medium-sized wind ensembles than any special recognition of Raff.
All rather depressing. Not even one symphony? Scandalous!
Similarly conjectured that something like that was why some early 19th century composers had multiple recordings of their wind music but almost no recordings of music for which they had much greater competition (Krommer, e.g.) ...
not soon in the UK that I see. Sym. 3 in Frankfurt in December... and symphony no.10 in Zürich in December too. (And a few months ago a performance in Estonia? - hrm, I'll look harder...)
Can't afford to travel abroad in this cost of living crisis, but London's only 1½ hours away by train...
For those who are interested (I am but would have to hold out for listening to a recording) there's a new reconstruction of the Bruckner 9 finale being premiered (in context, with the rest of the symphony) at the Royal Festival Hall ( on November 30, with songs by Vaughan Williams, conducted by Robin Ticciati. The site ( where this was mentioned has some interesting concerts listed generally.
Starting on the 25th of September, there will be four concerts by the Veenkoloniaal Symfonie Orkest, an orchestra from the northern part of the Netherlands. The four concerts will consist of highlights from their repertoire, and special among these: the first performance of the first movement of Cornelis Dopper's 5th symphony (Sinfonia Epica). Three of these concerts will be given in the Netherlands (Emmen, Hoogeveen, Winschoten) and one in Germany (Haren (Ems)).
On 1 October 2022 the premiere performance of the Suite for Violoncello solo in B minor op. 32, No. 2 by Walter Courvoisier will take place at the Max-Reger-Tage in Weiden, Bavaria. It will be performed by the prominent German cellist Julius Berger, together with works of Johann Sebastian Bach, Max Reger and Adolf Busch.
Courvoisier wrote his two Cello Suites op. 32 in 1921, but, unlike his Violin Suites op. 31, did not publish them. They remained unprinted until 2021, when a critical edition was published by Musikproduktion Höflich/Beyond the Waves. As the editor of the works I am proud that Prof. Berger has added the B minor Suite to his repertoire. He will record the work on CD, too.
On 29 September 2022 the new Bösendorfer-Saal in Vienna will be opened with a piano recital by Aris Alexander Blettenberg. On this occasion Felix Draeseke's Piano Sonata op. 6 will recieve its first performance in Vienna. The other pieces to be heard are Beethoven's 32 Variations in C minor and Polonaise op. 8, Bizet's Variations chromatiques, Bülow's transcription of Liszt's Dante sonnet Tanto gentile e tanto onesta and Andante and Scherzo op. 13 by Julius Zellner.
Wow! That's quite a recital!
On November 24 the Hastings Philharmonic's opening chamber concert in St Leonards-On-Sea has 3 nonets (, by Josef Rheinberger, Heitor Villa-Lobos and Bohuslav Jan Martinů.
Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hannover, Kammermusiksaal
16 December 2022, 19:30
Muzio Clementi: Piano Sonata in B minor op. 40/2
Giannis Konstantinidis: 6 Etudes on rhythms of Greek folklore
Felix Draeseke: Sonata quasi fantasia for piano op. 6
Richard Strauss: Violin Sonata in E flat major op. 18
Aris Alexander Blettenberg, piano
Amelie Böckheler, violin
Quote from: CelesteCadenza on Friday 19 August 2022, 07:25Quote from: Alan Howe on Thursday 18 August 2022, 21:38Let's hope it's recorded - especially the Kauder.
Both Fisher Center performances are scheduled to be live-streamed:
The entire concert is available:
Please see the new thread on Kauder's 1st Symphony:,9012.0.html