Unsung Composers

The Music => Recordings & Broadcasts => Topic started by: Rob H on Saturday 31 August 2024, 21:08

Title: Rare Italian piano concertos (Hyperion)
Post by: Rob H on Saturday 31 August 2024, 21:08
1 am rather intrigued by mention of an upcoming Hyperion disc of rare Italian piano concertos (in their latest email). Roberto Prosseda piano, Niro Kabaretti conducting the LPO. Does anyone gave any more info? I am hoping at least for one of the Pick-Mangiagalli concertos or Sortilegi - but not holding my breath.
Title: Re: Rare Italian piano concertos (Hyperion)
Post by: John Boyer on Saturday 31 August 2024, 21:37
Intriguing!  I could find no information about the project at Mr. Prosseda's website.  Indeed, he has not updated the news section in two years.

There are pages dedicated to his playing of the Italian repertory, but nothing about what the new disc might contain.
Title: Re: Rare Italian piano concertos (Hyperion)
Post by: Alan Howe on Saturday 31 August 2024, 22:22
Yes, I spotted this too, but haven't been able to find out any more about the project.
Title: Re: Rare Italian piano concertos (Hyperion)
Post by: Gareth Vaughan on Sunday 01 September 2024, 00:47
Look up Nir Kabaretti on the audience access pages of the Colorado Springs Philharmonic and you will find a reference to a recording made in 2022 with Roberto Prosseda of "four Italian piano concertos of the 20th century". So the music might not fit this forum. However, I have been unable to find any more detailed info.
Title: Re: Rare Italian piano concertos (Hyperion)
Post by: pianoconcerto on Sunday 01 September 2024, 23:12
Might include some of the Italian concertos listed in Prosseda's repertoire:
Title: Re: Rare Italian piano concertos (Hyperion)
Post by: semloh on Monday 02 September 2024, 08:09
The piano concerto by Bartolucci would be a possibility, as he writes in a fine neoromantic style. The other composers listed at Prosseda's site are either familiar to us or (as far as I can tell) fall outside UC's remit.
Title: Re: Rare Italian piano concertos (Hyperion)
Post by: 4candles on Wednesday 04 September 2024, 13:40
This is highly unlikely to be the case in the thread being discussed here, but I would like to see the piano concertos of the Fumagalli brothers recorded. From memory only Adolfo and Disma composed piano concertos, but I may be wrong. I'm aware they are likely to be showpieces rather than betraying anything more serious, but the Fumagallis were important Italian musicians of the time and it would be interesting to hear something more large scale from them, other than their salon works.
Title: Re: Rare Italian piano concertos (Hyperion)
Post by: Gareth Vaughan on Wednesday 04 September 2024, 15:11
However, since it is known that Roberto Prosseda has an interest in piano concertos by Italian composers one could always write to him suggesting repertoire.
Title: Re: Rare Italian piano concertos (Hyperion)
Post by: Wheesht on Wednesday 04 September 2024, 15:27
The concerto by Michele Eulambio, of the score of which I hope to take photographs tomorrow, may be another candidate for him, then.
Title: Re: Rare Italian piano concertos (Hyperion)
Post by: pianoconcerto on Wednesday 04 September 2024, 21:32
Since "4candles" mentioned the Fumagallis, there's a nice performance of Disma Fumagalli's Concerto, Op. 108 on YouTube played by Orazio Sciortino (pf, cond.) and the Cameristi della Scala (11 Nov. 2011):


I suspect Prosseda's new CD might include Guido Alberto Fano's Andante e Allegro con fuoco (1900) since he performed that with the Israel Sinfonietta Beer Sheva under Nir Kabaretti on 29 Oct. 2022.
Title: Re: Rare Italian piano concertos (Hyperion)
Post by: Gareth Vaughan on Wednesday 04 September 2024, 21:45
Before I start looking in earnest, does anyone know if Adolfo's PC survives?
Prosseda might, of course.
Title: Re: Rare Italian piano concertos (Hyperion)
Post by: 4candles on Thursday 05 September 2024, 10:02
It does indeed, Gareth. In fact it has been digitized (all parts) by the Library of the Giuseppe Verdi Conservatory of Music in Milan. Here's a direct link (http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12459/1743).

Title: Re: Rare Italian piano concertos (Hyperion)
Post by: 4candles on Thursday 05 September 2024, 10:03
Quote from: Gareth Vaughan on Wednesday 04 September 2024, 15:11... Roberto Prosseda has an interest in piano concertos by Italian composers one could always write to him suggesting repertoire.
Very true!
Title: Re: Rare Italian piano concertos (Hyperion)
Post by: Gareth Vaughan on Thursday 05 September 2024, 12:39
Thanks very much for that link. I am most grateful.
Title: Re: Rare Italian piano concertos (Hyperion)
Post by: pianoconcerto on Saturday 02 November 2024, 01:58
Roberto Prosseda's CD of rare Italian piano concertos (Hyperion CDA68458, with the London PO under Nir Kabaretti; to be released 31 Jan. 2025) includes the following works.  Unfortunately, only the first fits the timeframe of UC:

Guido Alberto Fano:  Andante e Allegro con fuoco (1900)
Luigi Dallapiccola:  Piccolo concerto per Muriel Couvreux (1938-41)
Silvio Omizzolo:  Concerto (1969)
Cristian Carrara:  War Silence (2015)
Title: Re: Rare Italian piano concertos (Hyperion)
Post by: Alan Howe on Saturday 02 November 2024, 10:07
Thanks for this information, though.
Title: Re: Rare Italian piano concertos (Hyperion)
Post by: Rob H on Monday 04 November 2024, 11:32
Ah thanks for the info. I was really hoping for some undiscovered romantic concertos here. I really hope someone tracks down the Pick-Mangiagalli concertos - I read somewhere about a reconstruction of the second suggesting that there are at least two and a recording of Sortilegi wouldn't go amiss.
Title: Re: Rare Italian piano concertos (Hyperion)
Post by: eschiss1 on Monday 04 November 2024, 14:32
The nearest-that-might-work (though not within our strictest remit) and undiscovered-to-my-knowledge piano and orchestra I find (so far) that IMSLP contains (before I expand elsewhere) is a brief 2-movement "Oriental Poem", published in 1932 but pretty Romantic to my eyes, called "La Perla Nera" by Armando Mercuri (1884-1948). A deep search of InternetCulturale-Italia might turn up more orchestral and concertante works by the lost generation of 19th-century Italian composers, though.
Title: Re: Rare Italian piano concertos (Hyperion)
Post by: eschiss1 on Monday 04 November 2024, 19:56
Re Pick-Mangiagalli, btw, there's also his 3 Miniatures, Op.4 for piano and strings, composed 1909 and published 1910.
Title: Re: Rare Italian piano concertos (Hyperion)
Post by: Gareth Vaughan on Monday 04 November 2024, 20:56
QuoteA deep search of InternetCulturale-Italia might turn up more orchestral and concertante works by the lost generation of 19th-century Italian composers, though.
Well, apart from the Pick-Mangiagalli pieces already mentioned above, the following come to mind:
Gino Tagliapietra: Concerto and Concertino for piano & orchestra (performance material for both apparently in Biblioteca nazionale Marciana in Venice)
Michele Eulambio: Concerto for piano & orchestra (the score of which Wheesht has kindly photocopied)
Attilio Brugnoli: Concerto for piano & orchestra (full score & 2piano score in Biblioteca nazionale centrale, Florence)
Ettore Pozzoli: Allegro di Concerto (I don't know where the score is or if it even exists still - he died in 1957)
and the piano concertos by Adolfo and Disma Fumagalli, of course.
Title: Re: Rare Italian piano concertos (Hyperion)
Post by: eschiss1 on Tuesday 05 November 2024, 01:38
ms of Francesco Lanza's concerto for piano and full orchestra (https://www.internetculturale.it/jmms/iccuviewer/iccu.jsp?id=oai%3Awww.internetculturale.sbn.it%2FTeca%3A20%3ANT0000%3AIT%5C%5CICCU%5C%5CMSM%5C%5C0161079&mode=all&teca=MagTeca+-+ICCU), mid-19th century.
Title: Re: Rare Italian piano concertos (Hyperion)
Post by: Gareth Vaughan on Tuesday 05 November 2024, 09:59
Interesting. Seems to be lacking the piano part.
Title: Re: Rare Italian piano concertos (Hyperion)
Post by: eschiss1 on Tuesday 05 November 2024, 14:43
This (https://search.worldcat.org/title/954188580?oclcNum=954188580) sheet music collection contains a Grand Concerto op.7 by Lanza in piano solo or duet form, which , if it's even the same work, may supply the lack. I don't know!... (Hrm. Worldcat lists it, but Ohiolink and other sources don't. So, not sure now. May be another source for that "collection", though.) (Besides AbeBooks (https://www.abebooks.com/Grand-Concerto-Piano-Forte-Op.7-LANZA/30792521981/bd)... which makes it look more too early than too late for us. Not sure if the concerto at InternetCulturale- which may be a different work- is in our remit; his years were 1783-1862...Lanza Tradition (https://exhibitions.lib.umd.edu/piano-genealogies/pianist-bios/lanza-tradition) attributes 2 concertos to him. The site also mentions some other concertos that might answer the question, like Gilda Ruta's, if we can find them.)
Title: Re: Rare Italian piano concertos (Hyperion)
Post by: eschiss1 on Tuesday 05 November 2024, 15:01
Opac.sbn.it has a few listings for Francesco Lanza concerto, including the manuscript for the one for "piena orchestra" already noted that may be the same one that lacks the piano part (oh I see what you mean, the manuscript of the score has the piano part blank- sounds like something Mozart would do, to prevent piracy), a published concerto (Op.7) and a keyboard concerto in B-flat (a stampa = published). Since the mss is in F, the B-flat one is either Op.7 or actually a 3rd concerto (or a typo!).
Title: Re: Rare Italian piano concertos (Hyperion)
Post by: Wheesht on Tuesday 05 November 2024, 15:51
On the page referred to as Guardia Superiore : 1 v in the internet.culturale link there would appear to be a reference to where the piano part can be found:

QuoteLa parte del pianoforte sto [?] nel vol. 18 29 7
Title: Re: Rare Italian piano concertos (Hyperion)
Post by: Gareth Vaughan on Wednesday 20 November 2024, 21:27
Re. Pick-Mangiagalli, the 3 miniatures for piano & orchestra and Sortilegi are in Fleisher (scores and parts - https://catalog.freelibrary.org/Record/869212 (https://catalog.freelibrary.org/Record/869212) and https://catalog.freelibrary.org/Record/869208 (https://catalog.freelibrary.org/Record/869208)), while the piano concerto is published by Schott who have performance material available for hire - https://www.schott-music.com/en/concerto-no356324.html (https://www.schott-music.com/en/concerto-no356324.html).
Title: Re: Rare Italian piano concertos (Hyperion)
Post by: eschiss1 on Thursday 21 November 2024, 00:54
I think imslp has the miniatures if we're talking about the same thing :)