Has anyone heard the Symphony op.5 by Henry Rabaud?
I Know of no recording. His opus 2 -Divertissements sur des chansons russes-; opus 6 -La procession nocturne;opus 7 Eglogue, after Virgil sound to me very fine (they have been recorded by Dervaux Emi; Segerstam MP; La Procession also by A.Jordan Erato). Amusing and entertaining to me the dances from the opera "Marouf" (again recordings EMI and MP).
Hello Alberto, Yes, I've got the Op. 2 Divertissement, and the Op. 6 and 7 Symphonic Poems. All in the Segerstam recordings. On that same disc by Segerstam you can also find the Suite Anglaise No. 2 and No. 3 - both derived from the incidental music to The Merchant of Venice of 1917. I find them fine pieces.
I've also got the 1914 opera, Marouf, savetier du Caire with a libretto by Lucien Nepoty and based on the Arabian Tales (Accord 472 142-2). I've been very lazy here - I recall peeling off the cellophane and listening to the piece. And I can distinctly remember enjoying it, and intending to listen to it more carefully after that 'first hearing'. But - and I'm sure it is a comment on me and not on Rabaud - that first hearing took place in 2005 and I haven't visited the opera since!
Rabaud has long been on my list of French (or Belgian) symphonists yet to be recorded. Others include Jean Rivier (7 symphonies), Desire Paque, Andre Gedalge, Georges Migot (13!)