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Topics - andrewt

Composers & Music / Unsung Grieg recordings?
Saturday 13 August 2011, 05:00
Hello, I've been reading this board on and off for awhile, and just finally registered. It makes me happy to know that I'm not the only one who has heard of some of my favorite composers (Myaskovsky, Gretchaninov, etc.)! Anyways, you guys seem quite knowledgeable and I figure you may be able to help me. I know Grieg's not exactly an unsung composer, but I'm looking for old recordings of his music (particularly songs) that may or may not have made it to cd. The older, the better; it would be great if I could find some from Grieg's time or shortly after (I have the recordings of Grieg himself on the Marston label).

I normally use ArkivMusic to find recordings, but their database only includes in-print cds. Any leads you could give me would be greatly appreciated!
