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Topics - Morris Herzog

I downloaded the new Naxos release of Ignatz Waghalter's violin music yesterday after it became available. I have now listened to the recording several times, with steadily mounting enthusiasm. Even taking into account all that happened after 1933 to disrupt the continuity of music, I am still amazed that a composer of Waghalter's evident genius was so completely forgotten. The violin concerto is an amazing work. I really do not know what to compare it to. It is overflowing with profound and brilliantly developed thematic material. The second movement is at once heart breaking and inspiring. The third movement is a joy to listen to. I could go on and on about the other pieces -- the Rhapsody, the Sonata for Violin and Piano and the two short pieces. They are all wonderfully conceived and so poignantly beautiful. I do hope that others will listen to the music and post their comments.