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Topics - ward1566

Composers & Music / The Wagner 200 Recording Project
Saturday 26 October 2013, 17:17
Dear all,

To celebrate the bicentenary of Richard Wagner's birth, I am involved in a project to record 4-plus hours of Wagner's music that has never been recorded or rarely recorded. We will be recording more than 40 premieres, including songs, choruses, arias, orchestral works and piano pieces.

We're ready to record, but we need to raise $163,000 to make the 4-CD recording project a reality. This amount of money is way beyond what the recording project team can afford on its own, and so we have turned to the crowd funding website Kickstarter in order to try and raise the funds we need.

Here is the link:

If the link doesn't work then just go to Kickstarter: and enter 'Richard Wagner' in the search box. Ours is the only Richard Wagner project so it should be easy to find.

I can email you a flyer regarding the project. This gives a summary of what we are trying to achieve and how we can achieve it.

I and my project colleagues would be very grateful if you could help us fund this very important project, and perhaps spread the word about it to any friends, family and colleagues who you think might potentially be interested in it. As pledges start at $1, we are hoping that this is within most people's budget!

Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about the project, and I look forward to hearing from you.

Best wishes,

Mark Ward