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Messages - jerfilm

Recordings & Broadcasts / Re: Camillo Schumann Cello Sonatas
Wednesday 02 February 2011, 16:03
The cello sonata disc is available for download on Amazon USA for US$5.99

Another old man agrees very much with Oldman - Thanks so much for making all of this wonderful British music available - especially here in the colonies where we don't get to hear much of it.

Thanks for uploading all of this wonderful music.  Please continue to do so.

Recordings & Broadcasts / Re: Rufinatscha from Chandos
Monday 17 January 2011, 21:32
Have you ever had this happen to you.  You buy a recording of some work that you've not heard (and my collection does not contain many things where I have multiple performances), you love what you hear and then you finally get to attend a real, live performance and the dynamics and the tempos and the emphasis for particular instrumental parts is different and it's "not right" and you leave thinking what a dreadful performance it was?  And the audience loved it......

Or the opposite - I recall a performance of Sibelius 2 - it must have been in the '70s - by the Minnesota under then new Maestro Skrowaczewski, which just seemed the perfect combination of the above and one which I've never forgotten and never found a recorded performance that came close.

I do think we become conditioned but I seem to have mellowed with age - and perhaps it's because I hear so much new music and so seldom go back and revisit the beloved war horses  that continue to be cranked out each year during the concert season.
The Powell Symphony is available in the colonies at Amazon; also as an MP3 download for US$8.99. 
Thanks, Albion.  Some of us in the Colonies do indeed, have a difficult time tuning into BBC3.  Where would one find the British Music Folder?

Recordings & Broadcasts / Re: PCs by Eric Chisholm
Sunday 09 January 2011, 16:07
Perhaps it boils down to expediency.  It must be easier to put together the forces and score for a Chisholm disc,  than, say, to do the same thing for a Helen Hopekirk PC or Arthur Whiting.  I have no problem with them releasing the Chisholm, but please, not as an RPC.....

Composers & Music / Re: Josef Labor
Sunday 09 January 2011, 15:39
There are at least two CDs of Labors music.   The Quintet mentnioned above and a disc of his organ works.  Amazon, among other vendors.

For those interested in Robert Simpson, his Hyperion set of 11 symphonys and variations on a Nielsen theme are a cutout available at Berkshire Record outlet for US$35. 

Composers & Music / Re: The catchiest Tunes
Wednesday 29 December 2010, 04:48
How about that catchy tune from Litolff's Concerto Symphonique #4 in d?
Composers & Music / Re: Peter Crossley-Holland
Tuesday 28 December 2010, 02:00
Is there a Dutton outlet here in the Colonies?
Composers & Music / Re: Georg Schumann 1866-1952
Monday 20 December 2010, 00:11
I have a cassette recording of his Symphonic Humoresque, opus 74 that I haven't listened to in years.  If there's some interest, I could try putting it up on YouTube...

Composers & Music / Re: Unsung Anniversaries in 2011
Monday 20 December 2010, 00:03
Sorry about including MacDowell.  Must've made a typo when I set up my database.  Then in retrospect, I wonder why we didn't hear more about old Edward om 2010.......
Composers & Music / Re: Unsung Anniversaries in 2011
Saturday 18 December 2010, 02:34
How about these.  They're just the hundreds and the fifties.  If you go every ten years, the list gets unmanageable....

Ludwig Abeille (1761-1838)
Jehain Alain (1911-1940)
Anton Arensky (1861-1996)
Stanley Bate (1911-1959)
William Boyce (1711-1779)
Pierre de Breville (1861-1949)
Georgy Catoire (1861-192?)
Jan Cikker (1911-1989)
Raffaeke d'Alessandro (1911-1959)
Arkadi Filipenko (1911-????)
Franz Freystadtler (1761-1841)
Mikhail Grechev (1911-????)
Philip Green (1911-1982)
Wilhelm Jeral (1861-1935)
Jan Keotsier (1911-2006)
Franz Liszt (1811-1886)
Edward MacDowell (1861-1908)
Gian Menotti (1911-2007)
Jan Mul (1911-????)
Christian Palmer (1811-1875)
Auguste Quelle (1911-????)
Reizernstein, Franz (1911-1969)
Nino Rota (1911-1979)
Bernhard Viguerie (1761-1819)

Disclaimer: Just gecause a composer is on this list does not necessarily imply that his/her music is worth hearing.  Heh heh.

Two things for me.  A most wonderful performance of the Bruckner 7th at Orchestr Hall in Minneapolis.  The 7th was the first exposure I ever had to Bruckner, about 40 years agp in old Northrup Auditoreum on the University of Minnesota campus.  A terrible venue that held upwards of 5000 and had the acoustics of the Grand Canyon.  Or worse.  What I never forgot was the number of patrons that walked out in the middle of that performance.  And I remember thinking that I was hearing one of the most beautiful pieces that I'd ever heard the orchestra play and how could these idiots be walking out??  And now, in 2010, the hall is packed for a Bruckner symphony.......

The second is just the plethora of wonderful CDs of unsung composers.  We are so very fortunate to live in the time that we do.  And that there are enough of us interested to make it at least marginally financially possible to record all of these wonderful works.