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Messages - TerraEpon

Huh, literally today Brilliant posted this set on their YT channel. Is that why you happened to ask?
While I'm of the opinion that the Botstein is the best one...

(On Telarc, haven't heard the recentish one available on download/streaming)
How odd. I got it through Interlibrary Loan here in the US with no issue, though as mentioned it's all in Czech which for sure made it hard to parse sometimes.
Hmmm, what's this Reicha?
I know of a 'Solo in e' for Horn and Piano, an Introduction and Rondo for Horn and Orchestra (which I have), and 'Two Solos' for Horn and Orchestra.
Of course 'Narcissus' is a nice little chestnut that's pretty well known. I actually got a CD recently that had a different piece by him. But should b eintregued to hear the rest of this.
This is a very nice disc....but being just arrangements it kinda doesn't feel, mmmm....nessesary? I guess since i have so many arrangements already.
Listening to it again having the CD, yeah this is just fantastic stuff, great to finally fill out Massenet's orchestral catalog a bit more.
Listening right now. it's pretty good.
Quote from: hyperdanny on Friday 13 November 2020, 09:16

All this, with funding for recordings more and more difficult to find, especially in the arts-starving covid economy.

You just answered your own question here. Despite people like us, MOST record sales come from more popular music. Another recording of Beethoven symphonies is almost sure to outsell a recording of Raff or Korngold or whoever.
Incidently, regarding the OP, Scott Joplin was hardly 'the creator of ragtime' any more than, say, Haydn was 'the creator of the Symphony'.
That said there's certainly a number of unsung black composers that wrote ragtime around the early 1900s. For starters, Luckey Roberts would probably count, and maybe even for the OP as he helped develop Stride. I doubt the need for 'inventor of a form of music' is needed nine years later though, heh.
Having listened to this this morning, can confirm it's a really nice disc.
Cool. Really want to hear that Reicha piece.
Quote from: Alan Howe on Thursday 07 May 2020, 12:56
Also in this series, due 20/8:

Jan Hugo Vorisek (1791-1825): Rondo Op.25 for Piano Trio & Orchestra / Wranitzky: Concertante for 2 Violas & Orchestra / Beethoven: Concerto Fragment in C for Violin & Orchestra / Reicha: Solo de Cor alto in G for Horn & Orchestra

So this disc doesn't actually seem to exist. Nothing else beyond this JPC page and an (another German retailer) page seems to reference it at all.
Huh, another silent film score by a (somewhat) well known classical composer. Very interesting.
Quote from: Collrec on Monday 28 September 2020, 07:43
As one of the founding members of the Massenet Society American branch back in 1977, I would like to inform our readers that some of the works featured on the subject Naxos release (8.574179) were not complete.

Does Naxos imply they are in any way? I mean yeah I for one much prefer anything complete but is there any deception with the disc as presented?