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Messages - DennisS

Recordings & Broadcasts / Re: Garreta violin concerto etc.
Tuesday 04 December 2012, 12:59
My copy of the Trito disc has just arrived  and I am really looking forward to hearing Garreta's VC later today! I ordered the CD merely based on the comments made in this thread and hopefully I too will the music just as wonderful.
Composers & Music / Re: Charles Koechlin (1867-1950)
Tuesday 04 December 2012, 12:43
I have now listened twice to Lettres Persanes this morning, having a particular interest in exotic sounding music. The first time of listening, I was unimpressed, the music was rather monotonous and not particularly exotic sounding. The second time, I listened a lot more intently and the music seemed a little more appealing but only a little. I believe that Koechlin's music probably repays careful listening.  I can see why it has been said that Koechlin draws some of his inspiration from Debussy and Ravel but the level of inspiration is way more inferior to my ears. I feel that the music is on the whole a little samey, but pleasant enough to justify an occasional listen. I do not however feel the need to purchase any more works by Koechlin.
Recordings & Broadcasts / Re: Rabaud Symphony No.2
Saturday 01 December 2012, 17:47
I have just received an email from Amazon saying that the Rabaud CD is on its way to me. I can't wait for it to arrive!
I have just received an email from Amazon saying that the Sgambati CD has been dispatched. I can't wait for it to arrive!
I thank you Mark also for these two uploads. I have just downloaded them and am about to listen to them both with my undivided attention.
Recordings & Broadcasts / Re: Raff Piano Works Vol 3
Thursday 15 November 2012, 17:23
I have been listening to volume 3 now for the past week or so and I too must say that this latest issue in the Grand Piano series of Raff piano works is truly superb and every bit as great as the two previous volumes. Tra Nguyen really does understand what Raff is trying to convey to the listener and every piece on the latest CD is wonderfully played. There is a depth of feeling, combined with great delicacy or, as required, more forceful playing, which is simply beautiful. My favourite piece is Cing Eglogues (but the Album Lyrique is a very close second!). The sheer beauty of this work has me rapt in attention as I listen to it and its 18:24 minutes pass by all too quickly! Indeed the whole album lasting some 76:33 likewise passes by all too quickly. As has already be stated, the liner notes, excellently written by Mark are highly informative. The only downside that I can think of is that this CD is the last in the series. I live however in the hope that maybe there might one day be a fourth, even though this is unlikely.

In my opinion this is a must-buy and not just for Raff lovers but for all lovers of wonderful piano writing, superbly interpreted by a world class pianist!
I have since listened to this symphony several times, including again today. I am very impressed with the music. As both Mark and Alan have said, the music is far more than just being merely influenced by Beethoven. I think it is very apt, as has been stated, to start with the idea of  a muscular Beethoven, combined with a more romantic feeling to the music, plus Emilie Mayer's own voice. I especially admire both the melodies and the orchestration of the symphony. I will have to research what other works of Mayer are available on CD. Thanks again for the upload.
I would like to say thank you as well.

Composers & Music / Re: Felix Weingartner (1863-1942)
Monday 05 November 2012, 11:59
I have been listening again to Weingartner these past two days, especially the VC and for me, his best symphony, symphony no 1., in which Weingartner is at his most inspired. Marvellous music. It would be very interesting to hear his symphony no 7.
I would like to thank you Herrarte also for the upload. I am very fond of Bortkiewicz and like the Rhapsody a lot. I very much like the way he incorporates a quote from the Volga Boatmen into the rhapsody  as the climax of the piece.
Thanks again.
Composers & Music / Re: Adolphe Biarent (1871-1916)
Monday 29 October 2012, 17:30
Many thanks Brian for your very informative description of the symphony. It has whetted my appetite! I am very pleased to say that I am getting a copy of the symphony and am eagerly awaiting its arrival.
Recordings & Broadcasts / Re: Rabaud Symphony No.2
Sunday 28 October 2012, 18:03
I too have the Marco Polo CD that Mark refers to. I bought the CD for the oriental work "Mârouf, Cobbler of Cairo" and am very fond of the piece, listening to it quite often. Initially, I was less keen on listening to the other pieces on the CD, but later realised there was more to them than I had first thought, especially the Procession Nocturne. This piece is generally regarded as one of the composer's finest orchestral works and was inspired after a visit by Rabaud to the Bayreuth Festival. Just as for D'Indy, Wagner had a not inconsiderable influence on Rabaud, according to the liner notes. The work was inspired by an episode in Lenau's Faust. The piece is very beautiful and becomes more and more rewarding on repeated listenings. I await the issue of Rabaud's Symphony no 2 with interest.
Composers & Music / Re: Adolphe Biarent (1871-1916)
Sunday 28 October 2012, 17:25
I would like to say that I too am an admirer of Adolphe Biarent. I have had the CD of Contes D'Orient (coupled with Poème héroïque and Rapsodie wallonne) for quite some time and frequently listen to Contes D'Orient, which I really like - I have a particular liking for classical music works with an oriental(or exotic) flavour and this work certainly delivers in this respect. The work, a suite in 12 parts lasting some 37 minutes, is full of colourful ,rhythmic melodies of inspired invention and is a real joy. Members have already stated that Biarent was influenced by Franck, D'Indy, Wagner and Debussy amongst others, but it is interesting to note that he was also influenced by Berlioz and Richard Strauss. I also like the other main work on this CD, Rapsodie Wallonne, (a PC in all but name, as has already been stated on the forum) and draws its inspiration from a number of Walloon melodies and is structured along the lines of D'Indy's Symphonie sur un chant montagnard. A very impressive work it is too! I have since tried to obtain the CD of his symphony but sadly the single CD is no longer available - I do not want to buy the Liège Philharmonique box set of 50 CDs. Perhaps it will be re-issued? Could members of the forum who know this symphony give me some idea of what it is like. Thank you.
Thank you Alan and FBerwald for drawing my attention to the Goetz symphony. I was intrigued by the comments, especially re- the second and third movements of the symphony. I've since listened to the work a number of times and like it very much indeed. The second movement is sunny and delightful and the slow third movement is very beautiful. I also like the opening movement but feel that the 4th movement is not quite as impressive as the other three movements. Nevertheless, this is a wonderful symphony and I am very pleased to have the CD in my collection. Thank you again.
Many thanks mjkFendrich for uploading this VC. Going by the comments on this forum re-Wolff has prompted me to download this VC. I am looking forward to listening to it later today.