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Messages - sdtom

How many like Liadov (Enchanted Lake for one)?
Composers & Music / Re: Eduard Franck article
Monday 19 March 2018, 14:20
will look into it with that strong recommendation.
What did you decide on John?
Composers & Music / Re: Eduard Franck article
Sunday 18 March 2018, 13:56
The case of Eduard Franck is a microcosm of the larger issue of the disappearance from the repertory of countless composers and their works, often of superb quality, due to factors unrelated to the worth of the music.

Well said Martin! :D
Chandos puts out good recordings so we'll enjoy them while we can. Let us know what you think of the recording too.
I have found that multiple listens translate into a different opinion. I have the Marco Polo which I'll give another listen to/
Do you  have a dolby system to take advantage of the recording Martin?
I find the dolby 5 superior on my system and a better interpretation than the Buffalo. Haven't heard the Segerstam. Oramo is good.
For those of you who might be interested there is a new recording on Chandos CHSA 5200 which has the good sound of their super audio. Maybe I just like the material.
Composers & Music / Re: Unsung Organ Repertoire
Saturday 10 March 2018, 20:41
good advice Jerry
I have a dependable Marantz 5004 you might check out.
Great idea, my friend.
Composers & Music / Re: Ups and downs in the repertoire
Thursday 08 March 2018, 14:33
If interested Naxos has a film music series available. His Hamlet is quite good as well as The Gadfly.