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Messages - TerraEpon

Recordings & Broadcasts / Re: Tchaikovsky PC2
Tuesday 25 August 2020, 01:49
It would never occur to me that Tchaik's 2nd PC was 'unsung'. Not hugely popular like his first one, sure, but compared to something like The Snow Maiden, or Hamlet (incidental music) how about 'Serenade for N. G. Rubinstein's Name-Day'? Jurisprudence March? To just name the tip of the iceburg with him. Hell those piece I listed don't even compare to the even more obscure...
Is most of what is talked about on this forum 'great'? I have the CD and it's for sure enjoyable. Maybe a bit derivative, perhaps, but tuneful and colorful.
Suggestions & Problems / Re: Headphones
Wednesday 19 August 2020, 02:24
Quote from: Joachim Raff on Tuesday 18 August 2020, 15:05
For the home I have  a pair of Senheisser 598 SE. I bought these during lockdown as grade(b) from Germany at a fraction of the price. When i received them they were like brand new. I was lucky.

That IS lucky. Last time I looked it'd cost about $350 to get one (retail was $200 but they don't make em any more). Really sucks since, as I noted above, the 599 is supposedly different and not quite as good for classical.
Yeah I saw this. Interestingly there's no overlap with a previous piano disc (the only one I know of) on Dacapo.
This one is very much on my radar.
Suggestions & Problems / Re: Headphones
Monday 10 August 2020, 13:17
A lot of people get triggered by just the word 'Bose' much less implying they are at all good...

Personally I love the Senheisser 598 series I've had for many years (and the 595s before it, which are basically the same) but they don't make them any more alas....they have 599s which are supposedly a bit different sounding and specifically a bit worse for classical...
Recordings & Broadcasts / Re: Russian Five
Sunday 02 August 2020, 13:17
I've had that Hyperion set forever. It's quite good.
From my list, compiled from a few sources including the Ratner thematic catalog, there's plenty of SS's own music that aren't on the two CDs....most are transcriptions but not all:

Piano Duet:
-Symphony No. 1
-March du Couronnement
-Orient et Occident
-Sur Les Bords du Nil
-Vers la Victoire
-Marche Dediee aux Etudiants d'Alger (has optional chorus, however)
-Variations on a Theme of Beethoven (2 piano version is there, of course)
-Benediction Nuptiale

Two Pianos:
-Symphony No. 3 'Organ'
-Marche Heroique (also two pianos, eight hands)
-La Jeunesse d'Hercule
-Suite Algerienne
-Jota Aragonese
-Overture de Fete
-Piano Concerto No. 1
-Piano Concerto No. 3
-Allegro Appassionato in c#
-Rhapsodie d'Auvergne
-Cypres et Lauriers
-Four Duos (from Six Duos, Op. 8 )
-Hail California (might be a vocal score)

Now granted some of this may be wrong and not Saint-Saens's own transcriptions, but many of them for sure are correct -- a number of them DO have other recordings (including on this weird disc played on a 'Double Piano' which like a singular instrument with a keyboard on both ends) but a lot of them I've never been able to source.
I assume the Amazon listing is messed up and the tracks are in the proper order...

Also quite disappointing for that being Volume 3 of the Saint-Saens series when there's still some stuff missing that he actually wrote....
Wow this album is really short (39 minutes).

Is it actually getting a CD release? Been a long time since I've seen a new classical album released on CD this short if it is.
Quote from: Mark Thomas on Sunday 26 July 2020, 11:26
Very welcome, of course, although I must admit that for me at least the jury is still out on whether the saxophone works as a classical instrument. Maybe if it wasn't so prevalent in jazz it would be easier to accept.

There's a very nice article somewhere, alas I don't remember where, that describes in detail just why it never caught on as an orchestral and classical instrument in general. The short of it was it came down to French....publishers I want to say?...who did not like Sax ....I don't remember exactly.

Honestly the 'so prevalent in jazz' is a bit wierd given trumpets are just as prevalent, and don't even get started with pianos...

To keep this on topic, this for sure seems like an interesting disc. I'm a huge fan of the 'classical sax' myself, so I will for sure check it out.
Recordings & Broadcasts / Re: Borodin Mlada Finale
Thursday 16 July 2020, 01:27
The book I have also gives 1890.

So odd this one seems to be under the since I love both composers.
Hmmm I have #3 on a disc on the ''Gaga New' label that's simply called 'Compositions' and remember it being a pretty good though pretty typical late romantic concerto. Might be interesting to hear the other.
So your problem is you were expecting a symphony and it's not....formal I guess....enough for you?

If he had just called it a suite, or (I dunno, VERY randomly) 'Mediterranean Impressions' or 'Portrait of the Alps' (or whatEVER) it'd be fine?

Oh sounds like it'll probably be great music to those of us who don't have a stick up our *** then.