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Messages - DennisS

Composers & Music / Re: George Frederick BOYLE
Monday 22 October 2012, 13:23
Thank you Mikehopf for the Boyle PC. I have just listened to it twice straight through and would like to say how much I enjoyed the piece - lovely melodies, beautifully orchestrated (I particularly like the use of the flute in the concerto), a delightful PC! I didn't know this composer before but am now going to see what else is available (will check out the CD of his virtuoso piano works).

Thanks again.
Going by all the comments made of Waghalter's VC and other violin works, I simply had to buy this CD. I've had the CD a couple of days now and have listened to it several times already. I echo the comments made by other members of the forum : the music is absolutely stunning! I too wonder how Waghalter up till now has remained unknown? Surely that will change now!
Naxos have just recently released a new version of this wonderful romantic violin concerto arranged for piano and orchestra - New Zealand Symphony Orchestra with as soloist Chen Jie. This latest version works quite well but is not, in my humble opinion,  quite as moving or as beautiful as the violin version. Notwithstanding that comment, the love theme that both opens and closes the concerto in both versions is truly memorable.
The total timing for the Grin version is 34:54.  The timing for the new version, i.e. the version in the Downloads is 45:56. Having read this thread only this evening, I downloaded the new version (can be found in the Archives folder)but  have not yet listened to it. I am looking forward to hearing it. As some members of this forum know, I am an keen admirer of Melartin's music.
Leea25, you are quite right re- the Kalashevsky symphony. It was in the downloads on this forum. I downloaded it some time ago and listened to it a lot - very enjoyable, nice themes. Haven't listened ot it recently though. This is a timely reminder to listen to it again.
Thank you Wheesht for drawing my attention to the André Messager Symphony in A. I managed to obtain a copy on Amazon of the Skarbo CD (Messager + Fauré + Frank) and have since listened to the Messager Symphony several times. Listening to the symphony, I am strongly reminded of Mendelssohn and to a lesser extent of Schubert. There is also the influence of the french school - Messager, Fauré and Franck were all of course organists and Messager and Fauré  both shared the same music master,Eugène Gigout. I am very taken with the symphony and am certain that I will come back to it often.

Thanks again for the recommendation.
Composers & Music / Re: Jurjans' Symphonic Allegro
Thursday 16 August 2012, 01:27
I too would like to thank you Latvian for the upload of Jurjans Symphonic Allegro - a very enjoyable listen!If you are able to upload further works from Jurjans in due course, I will most certainly be interested. Thanks again.
Recordings & Broadcasts / Re: Robert Fuchs
Friday 08 June 2012, 13:10
Sorry Alan. I didn't realise that there was a separate thread on the Fuchs serenades.
Recordings & Broadcasts / Re: Robert Fuchs
Thursday 07 June 2012, 21:08
Members who liked the Naxos disc of Fuchs's Serenades 1 and 2 will be pleased to know that Naxos has released a second CD in the series of Serenades 3, 4 and 5 - more of that highly expressive, tuneful, joyous, well-writen and orchestrated music : a pure joy. I can well understand why Fuchs in his time was known as Mister serenade.

Sound bites on :
I have had my copy of the CD for several days now and have listened to the recording several times. I am a huge fan of Bruckner and it was strange at first to have a 4th movement as I am so used to hearing the Adagio as the finale. That said, I find the completed fourth movement very satisfying. It sounds like Bruckner and all bar 50 odd bars are indeed by Bruckner. I think I need to listen a few more times to appreciate even more the tremendous work that has gone into the symphony's completion. The playing by the BPO in particular is simply glorious.

I have played this CD quite a few times now and have to say that I hugely enjoy both of the Raykhelson concertos on this CD. I fully concur with Alan's comments - both concertos are indeed gorgeous. I too particularly enjoy the slow movement of the viola concerto - an homage to Rachmaninov- and I know I will listen to this CD often. One of the best CDS of contemporary classical music I have heard. Surely a must buy CD!
In addition to symphony no 2 "Mysterious Mountain" and symphony no 50 "Mount St. Helens", I would also recommend Crystal Records CD811 "Hovhaness Treasures" : a cd of the composer's favourite works,  includes symphony no 31, Starry Night, Celestial Canticle and symphony no 49 "Christmas Symphony.

Recordings & Broadcasts / Re: Raff piano music vol.1
Saturday 31 March 2012, 13:20
I too would like to say how wonderful the new CD is. Tra Nguyen is a superb pianist and her playing is indeed, as has been stated, powerful and poetic. She interprets all 3 pieces with great artistry, wonderfully powerful and dynamic one moment and then sublimely delicate the next. Listening to this CD, the 76 minutes duration seems to fly by all too quickly. Metamorphosen is indeed a marvelous work and the other two pieces Frühlingsboten and Fantaisie are superb in their own way also. All Raff admirers will love this CD. A must-buy in my opinion!(and not just for Raff admirers!)
Recordings & Broadcasts / Re: Melartin piano works
Saturday 24 March 2012, 15:06
Thank you Peter for alerting me to Maria Lettberg's 2 cds on Melartin's piano music. I listened to the sound bites on JPC and immediately put in my order. It was not a hard decision to make as I already have Melartin's symphonies 1-6 and also the VC. The VC is, incidentally, one of my favourite VC's of all time and I am, not surprisingly, a huge admirer of Melartin. Thanks again.
Downloads Discussion Archive / Re: American Music
Sunday 26 February 2012, 17:26
Many thanks to Dundonnell and others for the Yardumian uploads. I quite like nearly all the music of this composer but this is no surprise as I am very keen on Hovharness!
