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Messages - ErlingI

Composers & Music / Re: George Posca, who was he?
Sunday 23 February 2020, 22:13
Hi again.
I realize I was lacking details about the Posca information I have so here is a more detailed summary:

George Ferdinand Posca :
Born 7 Nov. 1848 in Neuberun in Province Posen (in Preussen at that time).
Father Ferdinand Posca (1812 – 2/12 1894)
Mother Pauline Posca (Knobloch) (1815 – 1890)
28 Apr 1866 he left for Amerika from Hamburg to New York with the ship Germania. (on 2 class!)
His profession is ,,Kaufmann"and his residence in Germany is Striegau, Preussen.
He studied 3 years piano with Otto Thieme in Burlington Iowa.
(Otto Thieme (14/5 1816 – 1/8 1871) was from Preussen in Germany and emigrated (Hamburg- Southampton-New York) in 1867 to Burlington / Iowa USA)
Posca started at Music-conservatorium in Leipzig 4. Oct. 1872 and finished Easter 1876.
He came to Leipzig from Fort Madison (!) in Iowa.
His father, Ferdinand Posca, was working as ,,Royal "???"  in Striegau in Schlesien (Now Strzegom – Poland?)

30. July 1883:
Julius Louis Georg Posca born 7th Nov 1847(!), living in Hamburg, married Agathe Louise Alwine Lange in Striegau, Preussen. Father: Ferdinand Posca, Mother: Pauline Posca.
Here is a slightly different name, but with same parents and exactly one-year earlier birth: Is this the same person?
(A Louis Posca (age 36) arrived in New York from Bremen 19th Oct. 1885 with wife Anna Posca)

Hamburg 1884 - 1923: George Posca, Akademie für Klavierspiel – Gerhofstrasse. 9
Hamburg 1924 - 1933: Gorge Posca, Tonkünstler, gr. Theaterstr. 31

A summary of what I have found regarding his music.
1878: Opus 1 ,,Drei lieder für 1 Singstimme mit Pianoforte" was published by
Luckhardt, Berlin.   His Opus 2 – 4 is also published by Luckhardt.
1881 (?): Opus 7 was published by Jean Harding, Hamburg, who also published Opus 9,12,14,15 and 19 (and 20?).
(I do not know who published his Op. 8! which contains "Am Strande")
1890: Op. 21 was published by Ollendorff in Berlin.
1899: Op 27 was published by Meyer, Hamburg.
As for opus 28 ("Vier lieder") and Op. 31 ,,In der Dämmerung", I do not know who published them and when.
His Op. 31 (no 1) was published in the Magazine "Etude" in October 1916.
There Posca is mentioned as "a successful contemporary writer, with a European reputation. He excels in drawing-room pieces of the best class."
Regarding his other opus-numbers I have no knowledge or information.

(I have "recorded", in Musescore, the score sheets for Op 8, no 2 (Am Strande"), Op 12, and Op 31. )

I still have "open" threads in my little "project".
When and where did he die?
Is there a complete list of his music?
Was he really married, and did he have children?
(Is he related to Edith Posca, the famous actress, born 1892 in Hamburg?!)

This is so far my "mini-wiki" on Posca!
Composers & Music / Re: George Posca, who was he?
Saturday 22 February 2020, 23:59
Hi. Very glad someone responded. His total absence from «the Net», and music history, made me curious.
I have read some articles about his work, written in the 1880s in Norway. There he gets good credits for his work. Apperently a norwegian (lady) pianist studied with him in Leipzig. That put me on track, and I got a copy of some of his «study papers» from Leipzig from the Leipzig music conservatory. They were very helpfull!
These papers show that he came to Leipzig from Iowa!!
I  found him leaving (on second class!) from Germany to US in the 1860s.
I also got  papers showing his birth and family details.

As for his music (apart from op 8!), his op 31, «In the twilight» is quite nice. Found it in an American Magazine, «Etude», from 1916. And his Op 12 is also to be traced on the net (I do not like these pieces though!). I have «recorded» what I have found in Musescore.
He had an «Academie die Klavierspiel» in Hamburg for some years. And he lived in Große Theaterstrasse in Hamburg from 1925-1933. But I do not find when he died.
He might  have been married. A George Posca is married in the 1880s, with same parents names.
But  there is no woman living on «his» adress in Hamburg in the 1880s. 
His (our  composer) middle name was Ferdinand(?) and the married guy had some extra names (cannot remember now as i write!), so perhaps their parents used Georg Posca as a part of the name for all their sons!!
In spilte of these «findings» his life and music is «in the dark» to me.
But perhaps a common effort could add some light to this composers life and music!
Regards Erling
Composers & Music / George Posca, who was he?
Saturday 22 February 2020, 15:13
Hi! I am trying to find out more about the works and life of George Posca. His composition «Am Strande» is fairly well know, but his life and the other compositions is difficult to trace. I have doen some research and he was born 1847(48), studied in Leipzig 1872-76 and lived in Hamburg at least between 1883-1933. I do not know when he died. He at least have 31 opus, written from 1878 onwards. I will search further, but perhaps someone here know more about this composer, his life and compositions? Erling