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Messages - TerraEpon

Wow this album is really short (39 minutes).

Is it actually getting a CD release? Been a long time since I've seen a new classical album released on CD this short if it is.
Quote from: Mark Thomas on Sunday 26 July 2020, 11:26
Very welcome, of course, although I must admit that for me at least the jury is still out on whether the saxophone works as a classical instrument. Maybe if it wasn't so prevalent in jazz it would be easier to accept.

There's a very nice article somewhere, alas I don't remember where, that describes in detail just why it never caught on as an orchestral and classical instrument in general. The short of it was it came down to French....publishers I want to say?...who did not like Sax ....I don't remember exactly.

Honestly the 'so prevalent in jazz' is a bit wierd given trumpets are just as prevalent, and don't even get started with pianos...

To keep this on topic, this for sure seems like an interesting disc. I'm a huge fan of the 'classical sax' myself, so I will for sure check it out.
Recordings & Broadcasts / Re: Borodin Mlada Finale
Thursday 16 July 2020, 01:27
The book I have also gives 1890.

So odd this one seems to be under the since I love both composers.
Hmmm I have #3 on a disc on the ''Gaga New' label that's simply called 'Compositions' and remember it being a pretty good though pretty typical late romantic concerto. Might be interesting to hear the other.
So your problem is you were expecting a symphony and it's not....formal I guess....enough for you?

If he had just called it a suite, or (I dunno, VERY randomly) 'Mediterranean Impressions' or 'Portrait of the Alps' (or whatEVER) it'd be fine?

Oh sounds like it'll probably be great music to those of us who don't have a stick up our *** then.
Neat. There's a nice recording of just harp music on Naxos that I have, which includs the Grand Duet. Will certainly put these on my radar.
Is there a reason this topic is sticky? (I assume someone hit the wrong button...)

To keep on topic, thanks Kevin. Can't wait to sample this juicy sounding release...
I love Suesse and wish her work was a bit more well recorded. There's a different piece for piano and orchestra that's on this one Naxos disc that has just ABYSMAL sound quality,  IIRC.

That said, she was called 'The Girl Gershwin' for a reason, as her music is very much similar, with blue notes and all that jazz (pun intended). Not quite sure it fits here...
I wanna say the "better" one since I can't see through the other side like I can most of them.
Quote from: hyperdanny on Wednesday 10 June 2020, 15:17
Oh no the crummy dreadful blue CD-R..can I ask you TerraEpon from who did you buy it from?...mine has been posted a couple days ago from jpc, and now I don't know if I must cherish or dread its arrival...

Amazon. It's likely a case of US pressing vs European pressing, which it often is. Good to know that the European one is fine. Knowing Amazon I'll likely get a full refund without being down a penny so i can just order it from elsewhere later...
I have the disc. I like it a lot, and it includes another worked called Le Princesse Lointaine which is nice too.
Well in this case it's extremely obvious -- the back is blue.  On top of that, the cover of the CD looks 'pasted' on.

Mostly importantly, though, is ImgBurn actually says it's a CDR -- (ir's freeware) if you want to check yourself and have a CD recordable drive. Every release that's looked like a CDR to me it's said said is one, and it'll even say what kind.

So I got the actually disc today....and whelp, it turns out to be a CDR.

While I knew Sony was doing it for some OST releases this is the first fully classical disc I've encountered it on.
And of course like others there's no mention of this anywhere.

I guess it's time to be weary of Sony releases in the future...
Slightly off topic but what bothers me more is the scoring system -- it's built to assume that everyone automatically would enjoy the music and thus a low 'performance' quality is just that....but in the cases where he doesn't like the music it still gets that. So a CD that's has a fantastic performance will get a low score just because it dares to be music he thinks isn't worthy (and the general underlying attitude that anything that doesn't fall into that is clearly good so there's rarely actual mention of the music itself, especially if it's something more well known).