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Messages - Alan Howe

Composers & Music / Re: Symphony wish list.
Tuesday 02 June 2009, 16:04
They'd have to be good: Stanford 1 is a glorious piece.
Suggestions & Problems / Re: New old news?
Tuesday 02 June 2009, 14:10
I'll have to leave the practicalities to Mark; for myself I don't think it matters much whether old topics are repeated: there are often new recordings to discuss and, after all, opinions grow and change over time...
Composers & Music / Re: Symphony wish list.
Tuesday 02 June 2009, 07:53
There are two symphonies by Krommer available on Chandos - samples here...

...and at least two others which haven't been recorded.
Composers & Music / Re: Symphony wish list.
Sunday 31 May 2009, 22:55
These are good suggestions in respect of the first half of the 19th century. As for later in the century, these would be mine:
1. Bargiel C major
2. Rudorff 1-3
3. Berger W. 1 & 2
4. Noskowski 1-3
5. Cliffe 2
6. Klughardt 2, 4, 5 (1 & 3 are in the pipeline)
7. Abert 1-3 & 5-7
8. Hofmann Frithjof
9. Jadassohn 2-4
10. Sgambati 2
11. Grimm D minor
12. Becker A. G minor
13. Reinthaler D major
14. Munzinger A major
15. Grädener C. C minor
16. Hiller G major; E minor
17. Scharwenka P. 1 & 2
18. Stojowski D minor
Composers & Music / Re: Violin Concerto Wishlist!
Sunday 31 May 2009, 17:27
I knew Chandos had also done the Conus - but couldn't locate it. Now I remember the problem with the transliteration of the composer's name!

As for the Brüll VC, I didn't mean to give you the hurry-up, Gareth - I was just reporting what I had understood of Cameo's plans. Apologies.
Composers & Music / Re: Violin Concerto Wishlist!
Sunday 31 May 2009, 09:52
As I've said before, my hope is that Naxos will turn their attention to the many unrecorded VCs which have rather more substance than those churned out by the 19thC violinist-composers.

The Mlynarski VC2 was indeed recorded by Kennedy - but Kulka is just as good.

I think we can expect Cameo Classics to be planning to record the whole of the Brüll VC in the near future. A coupling in the form of a VC by another Germano-Jewish composer would seem to be appropriate...
Composers & Music / Re: Violin Concerto Wishlist!
Saturday 30 May 2009, 23:23
The Conus has been recorded by David Garrett on DG - an excellent modern performance. The Mlynarski (VC2) was also recorded in 1990 by Konstanty Kulka on the Polskie Nagrania label.
Composers & Music / Re: Violin Concerto Wishlist!
Saturday 30 May 2009, 17:00
The Lyapounov was recorded in the 78rpm era and certainly needs a modern recording, but the Reinecke VC, Conus VC, Sinding VC1 and Mlynarski VC2  have all received perfectly good recordings in recent years, so efforts should surely be focussed elsewhere on the list.

Goldmark's VC2 has often come up on the previous incarnation of the forum, but nobody seems to know of its whereabouts.

To the list I would add:

Dubois VC in D minor
Thieriot VC1 in A major
Scharwenka P. VC in G major
Hiller VC in A major
Becker R. VC1 in A Minor
              VC2 in E minor
Cliffe VC in D minor
Moór VC2 in G major
        VC3 in E major
Stojowski in G major 
Litolff VC in E minor 'Eroica'
Marteau VC in C major
Huber VC1 in G minor
Sinigaglia VC in A major
d'Erlanger VC in D minor

Some reminders: cpo will be bringing out the VCs by Klughardt, Herzogenberg and Weingartner.

Recordings & Broadcasts / Re: New cpo recordings
Friday 29 May 2009, 23:08
I was prompted to listen again to Urspruch's Symphony in E flat today (a recording of the radio broadcast which cpo will be issuing). At 50 minutes it is long - but I have to say that I was transported often by the memorability of its themes (they've been going round in my mind all day) and the many utterly magical moments scattered throughout. The first movement in particular is semi-Dvorakian in its open-air feel (think Symphony 6) and the whole thing is beautifully orchestrated, as befits a pupil of Raff. I realise that I am a sucker for this period, but I'm sure I won't be the only one...
Recordings & Broadcasts / New cpo recordings
Friday 29 May 2009, 17:16
I hear from cpo that the following have definitely been recorded:

- The opera 'Das Kätchen von Heilbronn' (1881) by Carl Reinthaler (1822-96).

- The Symphony in E flat and Piano Concerto in E flat (both from around 1882) by Anton Urspruch (1850-1907) - currently 'being produced', i.e. in preparation.
I hear from cpo that the Herzogenberg CD should be out in late autumn.

The Klughardt VC has also definitely been recorded - but no release date yet.
Recordings & Broadcasts / Re: Vittorio Giannini
Thursday 28 May 2009, 10:37
Yes - lovely stuff. Can't go wrong at Naxos' price either!
The performance of Draeseke 3 on cpo is better played than the one on MDG - so it's Weigle on cpo for me. That said, the performances themselves are pretty similar.
Good question - I have the score (a photocopy of the manuscript of the piano/violin version from the SLUB Library in Dresden) and it looks intriguing.

The VC by Draeseke is unfortunately only extant in this form: the orchestral score seems to have been lost before or during World War 2 and has not yet been rediscovered.

Nevertheless, being a member of the Draeseke Society, I should have some news for you about the premiere in a week or two...
How kind, Jim. Now that would be a challenge - and a pleasure!