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Messages - Alan Howe

Recordings & Broadcasts / Re: Andre Mathieu
Sunday 03 May 2009, 22:25
Very interesting indeed. Have you tried the PC by Vittorio Giannini, just out on Naxos? Now that's what I call the ultimate in Romanticism from a composer born 'out of time', as it were...
Thanks, Mark. I'd overlooked exactly which Macfarren it was on the new CD!
The problem with the set of Bendix symphonies on Danacord is the very poor playing of the orchestra from Omsk (where?) - thin, often out-of-tune strings, poor ensemble, etc. - as well as bathroom-acoustics recording. You can get a fair idea of some very interesting music from the set, but it badly needs replacing with a set done by a proper orchestra. The Omsk band is pretty amateurish, unfortunately. Only recommended with extreme caution for some interesting music...
Composers & Music / Wilhelm Berger String Quintet
Friday 01 May 2009, 17:45
Edition Silvertrust have published Berger's String Quintet in E minor, Op.75 - and have some enticing samples on their website...

Jim L is right: in July Hyperion are planning to release Julius Benedict's two piano concertos, coupled with the Concertstück by Macfarren. Details and excerpts here:
My order is apparently on its way. I'll post when I receive them.

Martucci's PC1 is overshadowed by the superb PC2. This is a shame as it is a marvellous piece in its own right - much less dark in tone, but with memorable themes.
Try Gernsheim 2 and 4. Magnificent!

If friends don't know them yet, the Arte Nova set of Gernsheim's symphonies - at bargain price - is an absolute must.
That sort of speculation, Jim, is unfounded and - frankly - pointless. Let's leave the conspiracy theories to others lest we appear paranoid. After all, there's plenty of them elsewhere on the web. 
Recordings & Broadcasts / Re: Rufinatscha 6
Thursday 30 April 2009, 08:13
I'm afraid I cannot reveal the name of the label involved. Suffice it to say that the boss is now convinced of the quality of the music...
OK, Peter, here goes:

1. The Herzogenberg VC (coupled with his Wagnerian/Lisztian Odysseus Symphony) has been recorded by cpo, but there is as yet no confirmed release date. The performers are Ulf Wallin and the Saarbrücken Radio Orchestra conducted by Frank Beermann.

2. The Klughardt VC (coupled with his 3rd Symphony) has also been recorded by cpo - but I imagine it will take a while to appear. The performers are Mirjam Tschopp with the Anhaltische Philharmonie Dessau conducted by Golo Berg.

3. The Cliffe VC has not yet been recorded and probably won't be for a while. The issue is the coupling, but I'll pass on more news when I have it.

4. No sign of the Naxos/Kreutzer release, but it doesn't really interest me all that much. As I've said so many times before, I just can't see the point of recording this very marginal repertoire when so much more important stuff remains unrecorded. At least cpo balance their earlier 19thC recordings (Lipinski, etc.) with later, more interesting stuff, e.g. Reinecke, Herzogenberg, Klughardt.
Recordings & Broadcasts / Rufinatscha 6
Wednesday 29 April 2009, 15:03
Friends will be interested to know that firm interest in recording Rufinatscha's 6th Symphony has now been shown by one of the major independent labels. More news as it happens - and as and when I am able to reveal it!
Recordings & Broadcasts / Hubert Léonard VC4
Wednesday 29 April 2009, 15:00
I see from that the Violin Concerto No.4 in D major, 'Concertstück' (1864), by Hubert Léonard (1819-90) is due out on the Pavane label, although the recording appears to date from 1972...