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Messages - DennisS

Composers & Music / Re: The music of Erkki Melartin
Sunday 04 September 2011, 16:40
Hi all

I am gratified to read all the posts on this thread regarding the music of Erkki Melartin. As you can see from the opening post, I started this thread and have a very high regard for this composer. His symphonies are wonderful and I naturally share FBerwald's opinion of the VC - it is most definitely "exquisitive" and remains one of my favourite VCs! I am not however, I am a little ashamed to say, familiar with his string quartets and I thank the members of this forum for drawing my attention to these works.

I have had the Centaur Rheinberger disk of sonatas for about 10 days now and I keep coming back to it. Rheinberger's melodies are marvelous and Pompa-Baldi plays superbly. The first movement of the opening sonata is particularly memorable.Why haven't we heard more of this very talented pianist? The CD is IMHO a must buy!
Recordings & Broadcasts / Re: Ries and Dohnányi
Saturday 14 May 2011, 12:35
I too would like to praise the new Dohnányi Symphony on Hungaroton. The first movement in particular is absolutely delightful and I can listen to it over and over again, the melody is that memorable!. Indeed, as others have stated, the whole cd is wonderful and is definitely worth buying.

Recordings & Broadcasts / Re: Röntgen VCs from cpo
Monday 25 April 2011, 18:35
Hi all
Have just spent a couple of hours listening again to this delightful CPO disc. The music is indeed truly wonderful and the VCs get my highest praise. Both the concertos are lovely but I have a slight preference for the F sharp minor. The Andante tranquillo is, as Alan describes it, breathtakingly beautiful but I also hugely enjoy its joyous Finale, lasting just a mere 4'22 but great fun. As Peter said, the Ballad is lovely too but rather melancholic, especially in the outer segments. Very beautiful all the same. This is definitely a must buy cd, especially if you love Röntgen, as I do.
Recordings & Broadcasts / Re: Robert Fuchs
Thursday 14 April 2011, 01:42
I have just received my Naxos cd of Fuchs' Serenades 1 and 2 and heartily agree with Alan's opinion of the music. It really is delightful and I have played the CD several times already. I was so taken with the two Serenades that I googled Fuchs to find out more about the other Serenades. The only other one I found is No 5 which is coupled with his Piano Concerto, sound bites are available on Serenade No 5 though is rather different from Serenades 1 and 2. Unfortunately Serenades nos 3 and 4 do not seem to be available commercially. Do any members know these 2 works and if so, are they similar to nos 1 and 2?

Composers & Music / Re: Robert Hermann (1869-1912)
Saturday 05 March 2011, 13:49
As a result of members' comments on this forum about this composer, I too bought the Sterling cd of his first and second symphonies. I have since listened a few times to the symphonies and already, they number amongst my favourites, especially symphony no 1, which is truly beautiful.

I have again this evening listened to this newly released S-K 3 -works cd. I particularly liked the PC but was mulling over what I thought of it when I read Alan's latest review." Stormy" was used initially to describe the opening movement and I think that summed up the first movement very well. I was going to add "dramatic", "highly charged" even "powerful" as adjectives describing the first movement. Then listening to the other two movements, I was struck by the same adjectives when searching for words to describe them. The same adjectives kept coming back, even for the slow middle movement, in spite of passages of lyrical beauty! Then, as I said at the beginning of this post, I read Alan's latest review and he describes the work as "full-on" and I think that describes the PC perfectly. I don't dislike works that are full-on, quite the contrary, and I do like this PC. Listening very carefully, I was also aware of some particularly effective orchestral scoring in the work, which was very pleasing. I also liked the other two works on the disc but my preference goes to the PC. I too got my copy from - a very efficient company I must say.

I have just had a first listen to the new Schmidt-Kowalski disc  which arrived today and very much enjoyed the music. I liked all 3 works but was a little tired,as it was at the end of a rather long school day. I therefore was not as receptive as I might have been. My feeling is though that the music is very good indeed. Will say more after I listen again.

Composers & Music / Re: Raff 2022
Saturday 01 January 2011, 00:00
Hello Mark

I would just like to add my voice to what Peter has said. All Raff lovers owe you a huge debt of gratitude for all your stalwart work promoting, not just by words alone, the works of Raff. You are personally responsible for the release on cd of some of Raff's best works and this has given me and so many others, countless hours of musical bliss already and will continue to do so. I don't wish to embarrass you but I will permit myself, on behalf of all who hold Raff in such high esteem, to simply say a huge "Thank You".

Recordings & Broadcasts / Re: Klughardt from cpo
Friday 31 December 2010, 15:07
This morning I listened again to this new cd and am very pleased that I purchased it. I think that Mark and Alan have already described the music extremely well, so I will merely say that I agree with their comments and indeed, I too think that this CD is a must buy. Like Mark and Alan, I think the VC is the standout work on the cd, although the symphony is a close second. Just a couple of comments on the symphony though. Much of the symphony is written in a light, airy, yet graceful and delicate manner and the music is all the more enjoyable for those reasons. The themes are both memorable and varied - delightful to listen to. I can though see why Mark talks of the symphony being let down just a little by the finale. In comparision with the three preceeding movements, the finale does seem a little lightweight, but only marginally so. That said, the symphony as a whole is quite charming and I know I will return to it often.


Readers on this forum will know that I am a great admirer of Rubinstein's music generally and feel that he has been underated. Perhaps now his music is starting to gain the recognition it deserves. Although I rate his work highly, I accept that on occasion, themes are spun out and there can be longueurs, with also an element of being a bit samey.  Re - symphony no 2, "Ocean", acting on Mark's recommendation, I bought the original 4 movement version. I liked it a lot, especially the inspired writing for the woodwinds in the first movement. I then decided without being given any recommendation to purchase the 7 movement version, if for no other reason, out of curiosity - would it be more of what I like?? I have only recently received the latest disk and listened to it attentively. The answer is "yes", I do like it. It is though a little bit like 2 diffent symphonies. The original version works quite well and is very appealing. The revised version (revised twice) has a programme, the 7 movements corresponding loosely to the 7 seas but ,IMO, this is somewhat tenous as some of the movements don't seem to me to have much to do with water as such. I just ignore the programme and simply go with the music. I feel though that the added second movement does convey though the turbulence of the ocean quite effectively. Summing up, if I am pressed for time, I will listen to the original version. If I have more time, then I will listen to the revised version. Both work well for me.

As a result of this thread, I bought the cd  of Lyapunov's 2 PCs and the Rhapsody. Personally, I too prefer the Rhapsody to the PCS but the whole CD makes for pleasant listening. I also have the Lyapunov symphonies, so I am familiar with his work. I must say though that the Rhapsody is a delightful work, in rondo form, with charming melodies and also a little bit of muscle. I like it a lot.

Hello F Berwald

It's very refreshing to find someone who likes Hovhaness and praises his works the way you have. I have a large number of his works (something in excesss of some 20 odd cds) and very much like his music. Occasionally though, if I were being a tad critical, I would say that sometimes his music can became a bit samey. That said, most of his music is quite beautiful in it's own way and I fully agree with your comments re- symphony no 6 and the Prayer for St Gregory.

Hello Steve B

Thank you for alerting me to Rubinstein's PC no 5. I didn't know this PC but as I like Rubinstein quite a lot (but not every work!), I bought this Cd on your recommendation and have since listened to it a couple of times. I really like the work, especially the first movement. I fully concur with your appraisal.

I too had a problem the last time I ordered a cd (Netzer), getting my credit card authorised. Previously, I had ordered 3 or 4 cds and each time had no problem getting the credit card authorised. This time it was refused three times, yet I too got an email saying my order was accepted. Out of interest, I phoned Barclaycard and was told the transaction had been logged 3 times!!! I wrote to Tiroler Landesmuseum ( I speak German) and received a very nice email back saying that there was only one order and I would be charged just once, which was what eventually happened, with Barclaycard waiving the other two entries. As other members have remarked - very quirky! I hope the problem is rectified the next time I order!
