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Messages - TerraEpon

Composers & Music / Re: Unsung Ballet Music
Monday 27 January 2020, 01:28
A great place to start is the 9CD set called 'Music to the Bournonville Ballets' on Danacord of which the only even moderately sung piece is Herman Severin Lovenskiold's La Sylphide (which is reletively well known in ballet circles). All Danish composers (Gade, Lumbye, JPE Hartmann and others).

Another that pops off the top of my head if Josef Bayer's The Fairy Doll -- Bayer being the same composer who completed Johann Strauss Jr.'s only ballet, Aschenbrodel.
Recordings & Broadcasts / Re: The end of owning music
Wednesday 22 January 2020, 01:29
Quote from: Alan Howe on Tuesday 21 January 2020, 19:11
With thousands of CDs, how on earth would I find the time to rip them? I'll continue to buy them until they aren't made any more and then switch to downloads. Simples...

Took me three, but I'm far more meticulous than others about the way I named and tagged my files. Just /ripping/ them is actually quite an easy task since it's passive -- just shove the CD in and go, the majority of time you can do whatever else.

Quote from: Zusac on Tuesday 21 January 2020, 20:16
But many downloads offer digital files of the liner notes anyway.

True, but many don't. And often times you have to but the full album to get the book...which beings up a very silly point about digital DLs -- especially with classical where 'albums' can often be not originally made of recordings meant to be together, one might often not want everything on them. Yet (outside of they are priced to aggressively sell you the whole thing anyway (that is being very expensive ala carte), and often can't even buy certain tracks separately. This is something that's bothered me since diigi-DLs started.
Recordings & Broadcasts / Re: The end of owning music
Tuesday 21 January 2020, 13:28
I love having the notes 'on hand' if I need them for some reason. The big issue is the lack of notes in the first place for a lot of digital DLs which often have things including 'official' track times which I like to add to my database and stuff like arrangers, and other stuff such as occasionally noting the instrumentation for thinly scored orchestral stuff.

For the CD space issue I found a solution eight years back to use the plastic sleeves from Bags Unlimited combined with protective CD holders from Sleevetown for all 'standard' 1 and 2 CD jewel cases. It decreases the space a CD takes up by probably 65%.
This deserves an "oooooo"

Recordings & Broadcasts / Re: Raff - Benedetto Marcello
Monday 13 January 2020, 13:52
CDRs are pretty much a given with Sterling releases now (and have been since they started being distributed by Nimbus)
So I finally got the disc. If you haven't seen it, it includes both the original overture as well as the popular Binder one so it's actually a good 70 minute disc.

Anyway, this disc as expected is gold....every disc of Offenbach instrumental music I've come across just fills me with joy.
Even more confusing is that there's a piece called 'Diecetto in A' which may or may not be the same as one of those two.
The non-numbered Grande Symphony uses an ensemble with no flute, where as the other two and the Diecetto use one with (Wind Quintet, String Quartet and Double Bass)

That's just one of the many confusing things about his catalog (I believe a different thread we try to dissect the deal with the symphonies...)
Like perhaps the OTHER Grande Symphonie de Salon, or the Op. 96 Octet....though I only know of their existence as compositions, not if they actually exist as performable in 2019 (Reicha is one of those composers with an extremely confusing and info-lacking ouvure,...)

EDIT: Change that, the Octet is on IMSLP, so yeah
I gave it a listen and don't feel it quite as much as I do most Reicha.

Quote from: eschiss1 on Thursday 12 December 2019, 05:05
Re not being able to think of any French carols: maybe if you try to think of some "noëls", which is their usual name :) (... hrm, on second thought, I don't recognize the most famous ones either. I thought I would. Hrm!!) The Spanish ones are called villancicos, I believe.

Obviously the opposite of unsung, but there's Adolphe Adam's 'Cantrique de Noel' -- in English it goes by the title 'O Holy Night'. Pretty crazy if you've never heard it.
Quote from: hadrianus on Monday 09 December 2019, 20:44
The music of all composers (and their arrangers) are automatically copyrighted till 70 years after their death(s). This has not to be mentioned, it's an old law (Berne Convention of 1886, revisions followed after the 2nd WW and, lately, the USA finally joined in too). YouTube agreed with the EU already in 1993, but is was not working properly, so many complaints started - and new laws were issued this year upon pressure by the EU Parliament).

Well yes and no. I know you've mentioned the fact they offer music that's still copyrighted in Europe is why you seem to hate the IMSLP but Gliere's 3rd is very much in the public domain in the US, Canada and Japan (and I'm sure a lot of other places). It's a bit dishonest to paint the above as the whole truth when it's not. Canada/Japan it's death + 50, and US it's 95 years after publication.

If the mods don't want it here, fine whatever, but the issue isn't so black and white as you say it.
I have /zero/ insider data here but I have to imagine that presenting something as a complete series helps things sell better. When one of the pieces includes a superhit such as the 3rd here, even more so. On top of this while it was over 20 years ago now, Hyperion DID release a highly acclaimed set of the complete piano concerti. All this combined means that at least financially it probably wasn't a huge gamble. And yeah there may be other recordings, but are there more than two (EMI and BIS) complete ones?

This is all just a guess though.
Naxos has a list here
The 'rarities' disc from Universal is though a review on Amazon claims some of these may have been released on a disc 10 years ago (not sure if he was refering to the stuff here or some other works)
Recordings & Broadcasts / Re: Coke Cello Sonatas
Tuesday 03 December 2019, 13:23
For me the Coke PC did was very weird. I first heard the radio recording and was very exited, listened to the disc and enjoyed it....but a couple more times and it really moved down to 'meh' status for me, and it's going to go into the 'to sell' pile when I get around to it.
The two at the end of the disc labeled "Ascanio, Act III: Ballet (alternative version) (excerpts) " -- looking at the liner notes it's very clearly "Airs de ballet d'Ascanio" which is often put on flute discs.