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Messages - TerraEpon

There's a version for Violin, Viola, Harp and Organ on the disc "Triumphal Music for Organ and Orchestra" released by Guild (a great CD along with its companion, "Masterworks for Organ & Orchestra")
Sorry -- I said 'the overture hasn't been recorded', referring to Overture d'un Opera Comique inacheve ....sorry for being unclear.
Huh well I'd like to know what disc. Sure it's not the Overture de Fete? (Which is on a disc with La Foi, Phaeton and the Second Symphony)
Well huh, I HAVE that CD and somehow forgot to indicate in my list that I have anything from Andromaque.

As far as I know, the overture has never been recorded.
Yeah, I've been wanting a recording of the overture forever. And despite it's late Op. number of 140 it's actually a really early piece.

Also the disc has an "alternative version" of a couple pieces of the Ascanio ballet. Curious is this is the 'Airs de Ballet' that's decently known, or something else.
Suggestions & Problems / Site has been slow lately..
Tuesday 22 October 2019, 13:39
Past while I've noticed the forums have been quite slow for me. No idea if it's a universal thing and it's not glacial per se, but it's quite noticeable.
Recordings & Broadcasts / Re: Moszkowski Johanna d'Arc
Thursday 17 October 2019, 01:27
I suppose it just seemed like a reletively typical late romantic piece that had no melodies or orchestration to stand out and make me say "yes, this is something I like".
Recordings & Broadcasts / Re: Moszkowski Johanna d'Arc
Wednesday 16 October 2019, 01:28
Eh so I'll be the dissenting voice and say I'm not really feeling it. But it's great that it's out there and that there's more to come.

He was a friend of Gottschalk's from Cuba....

Only listened to a bit of the samples but I'll probably be getting this one.
Ok so it turns out there are two versions of it for piano and I have both of them.....still a nice piece though.
Huh interesting, I'm actually more interested in S 114 which I don't have a recording of (if there are any).
Recordings & Broadcasts / Re: Lizst's 'A Hundred Years Ago'
Wednesday 25 September 2019, 13:27
S 347 for what it's worth.

I have it listed as being for 'three speakers and orchestra'.
Sure but how many of them overlap in works outside the most popular of pieces? You wouldn't say that, for instance, Saint-Saens's symphonies are an overcrowded market, but his 3rd is.

Outside of The Merrymakers and London (especially Knightsbridge) how often have the pieces on this disc been recorded? That's more what I'm getting at. Sure if you're just looking for 'Eric Coates' in general you have a decent amount of choice.....but this specific music? Naw.
Quote from: semloh on Thursday 12 September 2019, 22:05
It is, as they say, 'a crowded market', especially as most of his orchestral works are readily available conducted by Coates himself.

What a silly comment, comparing a modern digital recording with an old mono whatever.

While yes there's plenty of releases of his music it's hardly "crowded" especially which a decent amount being long OOP.
Recordings & Broadcasts / Saint-Saens Piano Music Vol. 5
Thursday 05 September 2019, 23:36

Though looking back at my list, I was wrong about how much was missing. I actually could have sword there were a couple works with Op. numbers that weren't reductions....but I don't see any. Still missing some (at least according to Ratner) reductions such as Marche Heroique, Le Rouet d'Omphale, Marche Militaire Francaise, March du Couronnement, Serenade in Eb, Elegy No. 2 plus a huuuuge amount of early short works and a number of later ones (all with no Op. number).

And I don';t even have anything called 'Bagatelle' on my list. Huh.