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Messages - TerraEpon

Composers & Music / Re: Gottfried Huppertz
Wednesday 29 May 2019, 01:28
Would you say the same about A Misummer Night's Dream or Peer Gynt?

I don't understand the mentality. Sure there's nothing wrong with suites -- and certainly I'd agree they work much better for concert use. But there are many film scores I wouldn't want to be without all of them. Either because there's just great variations of the already good material, or just really well written "action" music, etc. Now I will grant I can see in the case of Metropolis (as well as Die Nibelung) there's a decent amount of repetition and a good amount of what could call "dead" music (where just not much is going on) but it still feels like a narrative that has its ebb and flows, and yes I can sit through the whole thing just fine.
Composers & Music / Re: Gottfried Huppertz
Tuesday 28 May 2019, 13:19
Quote from: Alan Howe on Tuesday 28 May 2019, 12:35
By the way, I suggest that members read Adriano's posts earlier in this thread as he had much to say about the quality of Huppertz's music for Metropolis.

But noone else's opinions on the matter are valid?
Is the Allegro the only thing even extant?

FWIW, Op. 28 is probably Gaubert's orchestration....and I don't own it. Could have potential.....
Orchestra, wind ensemble and orchestra?


(I assume that should be "and organ")
I wasn't intending to make it dismissive or rude. It was more of "That's interesting, but I don't have much to say about it yet", and it seems to come a bit out of left field. It doesn't hugely excite me, but at the same time I'll be checking it out.

Though now that I see it's by the known Liadov's father, I'm perhaps a little less interested...
That Baermann disc is great, so even more so I'll probably get this one too.
As a clarinet lover and former player, I may be interested in this.
Even if they don't upload to YouTube, it'll almost surely be on various streaming platforms.
Pretty sure all Brilliant uploads are full discs and sets, not playlists (outside of maybe in the early days). But yeah, they seem to be firmly in the 'if you can't beat em, join em' mentality on the matter.
Oh boy, lot's of stuff here...

Quote from: Double-A on Saturday 27 April 2019, 13:58
I think Google ought to be forced to enforce copyright laws on its "property" by the government.  As it is--as far as I know--they will take down postings that violate the law--if it pointed out to them.  Which unfairly puts people like Hadrianus in the position of having to check up on this stuff.  To police this seems to me a great application of so called artificial intelligence.

Yeah about that. It's already an ABSURDLY huge problem with YT's automatic algorithms as it is. There are people who's /wholly original music/ is claimed by other companies, sometimes automatically. Not to mention the whole fair use thing which is pretty much often just destroyed because "they said something bad, take it down" among many many other problems that have happened. The absolute sheer VOLUME of videos YT gets means they either have to be reactive or they wouldn't exist -- plus I believe it may actually be a legal thing that if they actively start policing some things anything they miss THEY could be liable for, but if they are just the host then they aren't liable

Quote from: hadrianus on Saturday 27 April 2019, 15:53
To me this is not a "pay streaming channel" at all!
What then makes it sense of producing CDs and offcial downloads one has to pay for if they allow free of charge "digital distribution worldwide" on YouTube??

And what about Spotify? You can listen for free there too. It boggles me that you're complaining about a company releasing music on a platform on their choice. Unless your contract when them specifically doesn't allow for it, I suppose, but that's between you and them.

Most of the time what goes through people's head is "I like this, I want others to hear it". They certainly aren't thinking "I want to ruin someone else's business".

As for "Kantor Media" are you saying they aren't doing this legitly?
This is one of thoses pieces I've always been fascinated by.
I have the Masur set and I recommend it, even if the Faust Symphony is taken at a somewhat fast pace (contrasting to Bernstein's version whose broadness works well in this case). Honestly I pretty much enjoy all of Liszt's orchestral music to a fine degree, because it always feels so....expressive. I dunno how else to put it.
Quote from: hadrianus on Sunday 14 April 2019, 14:47
"Over here" is Switzerland, Brun's native country. Sorry, but I can't understand your sentence, TerraEpon. What do you exactly mean? Also some of eschiss1's sentences are quite difficult to understand. But I speak and read English very well.

Basically, while you need to follow the laws of the country you live in, they don't have bearing on the laws of the country others are in. Those in Canada are free to distribute any Brun music published over 25 years ago (I believe that's the way it works) because his music, in general, is in the public domain there. Those in the US are free to distribute any Brun music published in 1923 or before.
Quote from: hadrianus on Sunday 14 April 2019, 11:24

2) I could provide with a copy of score and parts, but this not before I have cleared the publishing copyright question. Overe here no one is allowed to copy score and parts - unless for private use - but you are looking forward to a public use

But the way copyright works, even if "over there" (I assume you're in Italy?) one can't, one in Canada could given Brun died in 1959. And in the US, as long as it was published over 95 years ago (meaning 1923 or possibly 24 now....not sure which counts) this is also true.