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Messages - DennisS

Composers & Music / Re: Raff Symphony No.6
Saturday 27 February 2010, 11:01
I have always liked symphony no 6 and listen to it often with much enjoyment
. I have never considered it to be one of the weaker symphonies. As a totally committed Raff admirer, I have always liked, mostly in equal measure, ALL the symphonies but if I were asked which symphony I LEAST liked, it would be symphony no 1!

Hi Peter

There is absolutely no need to apologise for Kilpinen/Kaipainen. I have made a number of typing errors on "Unsungs" and all I will say is that it is very easily done. As a result of your advice yesterday, I have already looked up both Kokkonen and Kilpinen. I did wonder though why you cited Kilpinen. All I found was a single cd of some of his Lieder. I also read on Wikipedia that he is very famous for the afore-mentioned Lieder, so I will perhaps investigate him further in due course. Kokkonen seems very interesting. I have already listened to sound bites of all his symphonies plus some orchestral works. Of his 4 symphonies and going merely on the sound bites (which can be very misleading!), I have a preference for symphony no 4. I thought I would start there.Which of the 4 symphonies is your favourite? Again, I have to profess my ignorance in not knowing either Kaipainen or Kaija Saariaho. However, I am going to research both of these composers as well. I will also look up the Finnish Music Information Centre. Many thanks for the info. I do not want to think about how many cds I might want to buy!!!

Hi Peter
I'm glad I'm not the only one who finds Klami's music exciting. I'm also pleased to learn that he is not "unsung". For me, at least, I didn't know him at all prior to discovering a cd of his music by chance. Thank you for all your good advice on his music. I already had his symphony no 2, and today received symphony no 1 + King Lear Overture. In addition, I have been listening to sound bites of most of the works available and his vc is already on my want list! You seem to be on my wavelength as regards certain composers. If you look at the threads on "Unsungs", you will see that I opened new threads on both Melartin (superb, especially the vc!!!!) and Englund (terrific!). I have on cd nearly all of their works and just by coincidence, was today listening again  to Englund's 4th symphony with its echos of Shostokovich! I also have all the Madetoja symphonies and several cds from Rautavaara. Rautavaara though, does not appeal to me as much as the others. I don't know either Kokkonen or Kilpinen but will now investigate these 2 composers further. I'm also a huge admirer of Sibelius! I know exactly what you mean re-the bank balance!!! Thanks again for your good advice.

Hello Izdawiz

Please note that I made a typing mistake in my original posting. My favourite Grechaninov symphony should have read No 3 not symphony no 5! All the symphonies though are pleasant listening. All are, as I said earlier, very similar in style and composition. This can be either an advantage or disadvantage depending on what you expect from the composer!

As a huge admirer of Russian music, I was intrigued when I came across Grechaninov, a one time pupil of Rimsky-Korsakov. I started with symphonies nos 1 and 2 and quite enjoyed listening to them. I then purchased the remaining 3 symphonies. All are very pleasant to listen to and all contain suggestions of Rimsky-Korsakov, Borodin and Tchaikovsky. My favourite is symphony no 5, which is perhaps the most reminescent of Tchaikovsky. Clearly his music is not however of the calibre of the previously mentioned composers but notwithstanding that comment, his music is nevertheless a nice mixture of the lyrical and the dramatic : interesting melodies, colourful and virtuoso orchestration. It should be pointed out though that all 5 symphonies are somewhat similar; Grechaninov stuck to what he considered a successful formula! In addition to the symphonies, Grechaninov composed a large number of works and is perhaps better known for his sacred music. What do other members think of Grechaninov's symphonic works?

I recently came across a cd of works by Unno Klami in a second hand shop in London and bought the cd on the offchance that the music would be interesting. The cd contains 3 works, Karelian Rhapsody, Kalevala Suite (as per the liner notes his most famous work) and Sea Pictures. Listening to the music, I was very pleasantly surprised. His music is post-Sibelius (another of my favourite composers) and in the above works, there are references to Ravel (in particular Bolero). I liked the music so much that I have since researched this composer further and found out that there is quite a lot of his work available. Listening to sound bites, I have as a result ordered his two symphonies. Do other members know this composer and what do they think of his music.

Thank you Marcus, Mark and Alan for your positive comments re- the new Sterling Gouvy cd. I am waiting to hear sound bites on JPC but as I admire this composer, and have already posted to that effect, there is no doubt that I will purchase this cd as well! Oh dear, yet another cd for the collection!

Recordings & Broadcasts / Re: Halvorsen from Chandos
Thursday 18 February 2010, 10:44
Received my Hurum Simax cd yesterday and have since played it through 2 times. I must say I really like his music. Yes, I was frequently reminded of the sound world of Debussy but Hurum still finds his own voice. The music is indeed beautiful but as I am a great admirer of Debussy, this comes as no great surprise! Although the liner notes suggest strong Debussy touches in all 3 works on the cd, I felt that the String Quartet was the more individualistic of the 3 works. Listening to the SQ, I was surprised that it was so easy to get to grips with, even on a first listening, light and joyous, I just sat back, listened and enjoyed! The other 2 works, both very beautiful, felt more like Debussy in places but overall, this was Hurum I was listening to, not Debussy! For beautiful music, I strongly recommend this cd. Thank you "Unsungs". (Perhaps Hurum should be a new thread?). I am now on the lookout for more music from this composer.

Having read the comments re-this composer, I immediately listened to sound bites of both the cds listed in this thread. I liked what I heard and promptly ordered both Gouvy cds. The cd with the coupling symphonies 3 and 5 arrived first. I have since listened to it a number of times and I must say the music is hugely enjoyable! I can't wait for the second cd to arrive (due any day now!!!). Thank you "Unsungs" for introducing me to yet another most interesting composer.

Composers & Music / Re: Louis Spohr
Friday 12 February 2010, 15:03
Hi all

I would like to echo Mark's view that Spohr's symphony no 6 is perhaps his finest work. What I found most interesting about this piece was the way the music drew me in. Listening to the opening movement, I was unsure as to whether |I really liked it or me but as the music unfolded, I quickly realised that this symphony was absolutely wonderful. For those members who would like to listen to the entire symphony before buying, you can listen to sound bites of the ENTIRE symphony on under music, then Spohr (sorry I haven't made the website a direct link). You can also hear sound bites for example of his 6th and 4th symphonies (again the entire symphony in each case!!!). I do not hesitate to recommend this composer.

Composers & Music / Re: Enescu's Study Symphonies
Sunday 10 January 2010, 01:49
Hello Alan

I am intrigued by the comments both you and Mark have made regarding the Study Symphonies Nos 1 and 4. I have searched on Amazon and found 3 Olympia cds - Enescu complete Orchestral works Volumes 1, 2 and 3. Only the Study Symphony no 4 is mentioned and this is listed on  Volume 1 of the series. Can you confirm on what Olympia cd, you can find the  no 4 - it sounds particularly interesting.

Hello Wunderkind

When I said "if I were being objective", I was merely accepting the fact that others may not share my opinion and that is just fine by me! As you yourself say, it's all a question of subjectivity!  Ultimately all that matters to me is whether I like a piece of music or not. On that point, you and I are in total agreement. Perhaps I did not make my opinion clear re-Popov and his 6th symphony. "Over the top or not", the fact is that I am very fond of all Popov's symphonies,and that includes the closing passages of the 6th symphony! As I said in my previous post, the 6th symphony, including its finale  "still works for me"! I would also like to add, to make the position even clearer, that when I listen to Popov, I just enjoy - I do not even think about whether the music is other the top or not! I do not however see anything wrong in trying to appreciate other people's viewpoints, especially when they do not share my point of view.

Hello Wunderkind

It seems that you and I are on the same wavelength as regards Popov and in particular, his 6th symphony.I am very fond of Popov and think he was quite an original, very creative, a bit quirky,and not afraid to take risks in his music. I also like many of the little touches in his music reminiscent of both Prokofiev and Shostokovich, 2 composers I am particularly fond of, even more so for their incorporating a touch of the grotesque into their compositions on occasion. I guess though I am a sucker for all Russian music and have quite a collection of Russian cds.

I do however understand those who believe Popov is a bit/lot "over the top". If I were being totally objective, as far as the 6th symphony is concerned,I would have to agree with Mark but only with reference to the closing passages of the final movement, where even I feel that Popov threw in "everything but the kitchen sink"! Still works for me though anyway!!!

It will be interesting to see whether other members have a view on Popov?

Composers & Music / Re: Composer of the Year
Tuesday 05 January 2010, 23:45
Hi all

My composer of the year is, surprise,surprise, Raff! 2009 saw the release of his Opus 200, a work I really love! I believe this work is going to open many classical music enthusiasts's eyes and will help to see Raff in a new light and, hopefully, Raff will start to get the recognition he so richly deserves! I love to listen to his music but sometimes, it is tough deciding on my choice as there is so, so much to choose from!:the proof, in my book, that Raff is a great composer!

I have both the Wartime Music cds of Popov's music referred to by Wunderkind and can also recommend them. In addition to the Symphonic Aria for Cello, you also get Popov's symphonies nos 2 and 3. I am a great fan of Popov, who incidentally was well thought of by Shostokovich, both composers having had their "difficulties" under Stalin!!! Re-Popov, I particularly enjoy his Symphony no 5 and have a special affection for his Symphony no 6, even though for some, it is a bit "over the top"! His Chamber Symphony for 7 Instruments is also a very affecting piece. Symphony no 1, the most easily found on CD of his 6 symphonies is also a very interesting work.Are other members familiar with Popov's works and what do they think of them?
