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Messages - TerraEpon

Quote from: eschiss1 on Saturday 13 April 2019, 23:44
this death+71 is true in the EU, yes, as noted. The 1923 rule I gave is approximately accurate for the US.

Actually it's the US it's 95 years post-publication, which means FINALLY this year the US got some new PD stuff.

And it's 50+ years post-death in Canada, Japan and some other places.
Composers & Music / Re: Unsung Clarinet Concertos
Wednesday 27 March 2019, 00:50
Do you....just not actually read any other posts but your own, Redieze?
Quote from: eschiss1 on Tuesday 26 March 2019, 20:56
there's quite a few recordings of his 2 symphonies. ... if he's unsung what is Myaskovsky? Kalafati?...

Not really "quite a few". I don't think there's any in the digital era outside the ones on Naxos, Chandos and BIS.
Despite what they say, it's actually NOT complete. There's even at least one published piece missing (Pensee Poetique No. 1, Op. 18, aka Nocturne in B major) to say nothing of some things that aren't lost but weren't published. Some possibilities include Mazurka Rustique, Op. 81 (also published I assume), Le Reveil de l'Aigle, Las Patitas de Mi Sobrina, Marche in Eb, Fleur de Lys and Etude in c# ....though what I listed that is and isn't lost may not be 100% correct (there is a LOOOOOOOOOT of lost music), but it's culled from multiple sources both on and offline.

In fact I emailed Hyperion a number of years ago asking if they had plans for another disc and they said they were working at it. Obviously this never happened and they released the box set with the (WAY too common) dishonest claim of completeness.

(Incidently I'm surprised there's no separate topic on this board for him, but eh)
Composers & Music / Re: Unsung Clarinet Concertos
Thursday 21 March 2019, 00:58
Watch out for Klocker's recordings on Orfeo -- some of them are quite dubious. He recorded a disc of supposedly Haydn (!)'s almost certainly not Haydn. There's also a Rossini disc which at least sounds more authentic but still there's no real references to the works outside the CD.
Weather he wrote the music himself or got some random manuscripts and lied or there's actually some merit to them....I have no idea. I do enjoy the Rossini disc, whoever the composer actually is (and he did record the Cartellieri discs which is great stuff and I can't imagine isn't authentic).
Composers & Music / Re: Unsung Clarinet Concertos
Wednesday 20 March 2019, 12:28
Quote from: semloh on Wednesday 20 March 2019, 03:47
I get the impression that the clarinet didn't inspire a great deal of music that fits the remit of UC,

As I said above, this is really true of pretty much any instrument not named piano, violin or cello (and even cello wasn't quite as big until the middle of the century).

Looking at my personal catalog some others I don't think have been mentioned....

-By Ernesto Cavallini (Two of em)
-By Franz Anton Dimmler
-By Peter von Winter
-By Franz Tausch (maybe a bit early)
-By Iwan Muller (FOUR of em)
-By Christian Westerhoff (one normal, one double with bassoon)

And these are ones only with 'concerto'.in the title,
Composers & Music / Re: Unsung Clarinet Concertos
Monday 18 March 2019, 12:35
Quote from: hadrianus on Monday 18 March 2019, 12:20
... and what about the 10 Clarinet Concertos by Carlo Stamitz? There is a wonderful 3 CD box on TUDOR with Eduard Brunner and the Münchener Kammerorchester conducted by Hans Stadlmair.

Mentioned those above, though they are firmly in the late classical style. I even played one back in high school

Quote from: Alan Howe on Monday 18 March 2019, 11:14
I have just discovered Spohr's four clarinet concertos (on two Orfeo CDs) and find them utterly delightful, occupying as they do that delicious middle ground between late classicism and early romanticism:

Eh, as I said above, I find those really boring. Though my post above contains a bunch I do like.
On the one hand, kinda lame compared to the fact they made full sets of Josef and Strauss Sr. (and Jr. of course, but that's perhaps a bit different).

On the other, it means I can just buy the CD instead of picking and choosing digitally...
Quote from: Gareth Vaughan on Monday 11 March 2019, 06:26
It is only that disk which is an historical recording. All the others are modern, and the material on disk 11 is found in modern sound elsewhere in the set.

Sure. It's still a disc in the set that I have no interest in. It's weird that people are so accepting of box sets which they only have partial interest in. In this case I know price is a factor but still....if I'm going to buy an album (be it one disc or twenty) I want to be able to enjoy all of it. If it's mono, it's not enjoyable. It's bad enough that the Sibelius Edition has the one it does (which I actually was kinda worried in the middle of them making the sets about and asked BIS if they'd be including anything and they said they wouldn't...) but at least that's a single track.

Quote from: hadrianus on Monday 11 March 2019, 10:10
You should be happy to have this historical Bonus CD 11, since it contains the only surviving sound document of Brun conducting a symphony orchestra!

Um....I fail to see why I'm supposed to care about that. Fine, it exists, great. But I don't have a desire to pay money to listen to it.
"Recording 1946 (Disc 11)"

Well that's a nope from me.
Composers & Music / Re: MDT Classics is no more
Monday 25 February 2019, 01:50
Well to me it seems that the huge push toward large box sets (be they be for composers, orchestras, conductors or performers) in the past few years far beyond those that have been in previous years is a clear sign they are aiming to, as it were, close the book on releasing (past?) stuff on CD. Just my own gut feeling, especially since apparently a lot of the CD pressing plants have shut down recently.
Composers & Music / Re: MDT Classics is no more
Saturday 26 January 2019, 13:25
Yeah, even though I'm in the US they were often the cheapest when making larger orders. All that's left now is ImportCDs really.

Man I long for the days of AllBooks (I think it was called)....heh.
Composers & Music / Re: Unsung Richard Strauss
Tuesday 25 December 2018, 02:01
I also have the Denon disc, probably bought it I dunno seven years ago I'd guess. Was probably under $15. Sucks that it's so expensive now. I do prefer Josephselegend though.
Composers & Music / Re: Unsung Richard Strauss
Thursday 20 December 2018, 13:28
If you like over the top stuff, there's the Festival Prelude, Op. 61.
The Naxos series is I believe 13 discs total across the 11 volumes (all the chamber music and songs including), though it includes a few things not from Peches as well that I mentioned above (and there's a few piano pieces that are on MDG's set which technically are part of Peches but not in specific 'albums as well as some songs, I'm sure Naxos recorded those as well but I haven't done a checking of the Naxos discs against the master list yet)