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Messages - tpaloj

Composers & Music / Re: Music by Marijn Loeve
Wednesday 10 April 2019, 14:35
Welcome! About your latest Piano Concerto (no 4), it was a pleasure to hear and even better to see the score alongside it.

Even if it's a short piece it flows well. Reminds me in its forward movement and tone to Marie Jaell's concerti somewhat. It's monotonous - contrasting theme(s) and sections would have helped, and the piano part is threadbare. But above all thank you for sharing it & the other music, I enjoyed it.

A little tip, it's good practice to notate horns/trumpet/timpani parts without key signatures, just use accidentals when needed.
Composers & Music / Re: MDT Classics is no more
Tuesday 29 January 2019, 08:48
Quote from: StCheryl on Tuesday 29 January 2019, 04:42
Does anyone have any idea how to retrieve wish lists that were on the site? I had them email my old one (going back 10 years with roughly 100 items on it) several months ago when the site changed, but trashed the email when I reentered all the things on the list. Now I have no idea how to get the wishlist from the old MDT site, or from gmail? Any ideas? Thanks.

Defunct websites are archived from time to time. You can try accessing snapshots of the pages via and see if it's possible to find your list there (if it's through a customer account page this likely won't work). See the link:*/
Composers & Music / Re: Franz Wohlfahrt
Wednesday 09 January 2019, 06:14 is a good starting point, you can search and filter for musical scores of any particular composer and it attempts to find references to published scores in most libraries. Excluding any football players from searches is also possible!

In short, it seems to me that op.35 ~ 88 are all pretty much exclusively practice etudes, studies, easy trios duets etc for violin & piano. The only other thing I was able to find was a reference to "The Passion of Prometheus" - a dramatic Oratorio in three scenes.
Composers & Music / Re: 2019 unsung concerts
Thursday 03 January 2019, 17:20
Soon in January 11. - 19. @ Finland, Helsinki (Aleksanterinteatteri venue) - Fredrik Pacius' Opera "Die Loreley". The first staged performance since its premiere in 1887 (one previous concert recording seems to exist but I don't have it). This Opera was based on a libretto intended for Mendelssohn who died just before he was able to start working on it. Fingers crossed it might even be charming.
I was very glad to receive scans of the Piano Concerto from John. Any enterprising pianist should be encouraged to look into this work given that the partitura MS is very tidy and legible, and the College also has a full set of parts available for performance in mind. From what I can tell just browsing the pages the piece appears ambitious and even has an extensive Organ part in the Finale...

As a small tribute to the composer, I took a few pieces from a selection of miscellaneous MS piano pieces scanned by John, and typeset them. These range from light waltzes to literally more lyrical pieces. Sorry if any mistakes in these scores (pick download as PDF from the right). "In my native land" (Waltz) "Choral-Praeludiumi" "Two Lyric-Pieces for Pianoforte"

Hopefully Grinnell can eventually make more manuscript scans available; there's a Symphony and whatnot still out there.
Composers & Music / Re: Wilhelm Maria Puchtler
Friday 26 October 2018, 18:41
The Notturno isn't published. For the record there's an entry for Puchtler's estate of materials, undigitized and unfortunately there doesn't seem any further list of contents online. With luck the Notturno is among these:
Great discussion here and good to learn many of these less known names. (Is the partitura to Ruth Gipps' Piano Concerto ever published, anyone?)

Some time ago I tried looking into whether Marie Jaëll's two Piano Concerti had been edited & published.  Many of her Manuscripts are at BNF, digitized and available, including autographs of both concerti.  To my knowledge, full scores to neither of the works were originally published - only two-piano arrangements of each were.  These works were recorded by the pianist Cora Irsen in recent times but I wasn't able to find more information whether they might have subsequently made edited scores available (it doesn't appear so).

Since these works are public domain, digitized, freely available on BNF, and first performed in the late 1800's, there should be no issues should someone want to typeset & publish their own editions of them, right?  It would be a huge undertaking though.  The 2nd Concerto's two-piano arrangement, available on IMSL, is interesting in that whole sections of the principal piano part are much unlike from what's in the full score manuscript.

I wouldn't start working on these pieces without confirmation from Irsen or the conductor whether they might have plans to publish their performing editions (or if they already had. I just couldn't find any info).  I did try contacting her, never had a response though so I didn't pursue this project further then.  And I don't have time to start editing these pieces now.

Also just to conclude this already lengthy sideline about Jaëll: all other scores of hers in BNF seem to either have serviceable first edition scans or new editions available, except for Les heures, a piece for piano which I worked on some time past.  I wanted to mention this so you wouldn't - if by chance you thought to pick that one up for editing - lose your mind working on that whirlwind of blue crayon corrections and ink blottings; it's enough for one person to suffer making sense of the mess that MS was (not a judgment on the music, but I wouldn't say it's anything too special either).
Composers & Music / Re: Ernst Mielck 1877-1899
Wednesday 03 October 2018, 11:43
More about the Mielck PC: complete sample of the 1st Movement below.  The style of the piece, based on this, is fairly conservative and the music is very enjoyable with brilliant sections IMO.  The piano part would not be too difficult to perform.

The structure of the movement is very traditional, in no great detail something like this:

00:38   Exposition
02:01   "Tema I"
03:48   Development
05:27   Recapitulation
08:52   Solo cadenza
11:09   Coda

It was fun working with this piece.  My apologies again for the computerized sound quality, I know it's horrible, and for any mistakes.  I'm trying to look into whether uploading the score in some form might be okay with the source I got the MS copies from.
Composers & Music / Re: Ernst Mielck 1877-1899
Thursday 27 September 2018, 21:34
Good and bad news about Mielck's Piano Concerto.

Looking at copies now, it turns out the MS is quite tidy and at a glance the music might be quite good.  Piano and orchestral parts are all written out in detail... however - unfortunately and sadly, the MS breaks off at middle of the 2nd Movement's Trio section!  That means the whole 3rd/(+4th?) Movement(s) are missing (likely lost altogether) with the rest of the 2nd Movement, which is a damn shame.  In the most hopeful scenario the rest of the 2nd Movement could be recreated from the present material, but besides any forthcoming miracle discoveries, two movements is all there is to it.

EDIT: Full sample in a post below.
Congratulations again, Tobias, for a great new score acquisition and thank you for taking the time to make it available on your site. From what little I can tell this lively work as whole could be fantastic to hear in real performance.

I made a simple computerized sample of the beginning four sections (from "morning twilight - the day awakens" to "the church service"). Fair warning: it's not close to imitating the mood of the music, and especially for the beginning few minutes or so sounds quite poor with this setup. But hopefully it can be of some use as a starting reference.
Composers & Music / Re: Ernst Mielck 1877-1899
Sunday 09 September 2018, 07:55
Yes, these are different works. The Piano Concerto was a very early work, just predating his first Opus. Mielck presented it to his teacher Max Bruch in 1895. No idea whether it was ever performed then or now.

I'll see what I can find out. Being Finnish myself, for once there's a home field advantage to having each of the few manuscript libraries we have just a short walk's away :)

EDIT: I found the online ref for the PC. Its manuscript is located in Turku city. Three movements, 92 pages. So not a lost work, but apparently unfinished. I'll post here when I learn more later...
Composers & Music / Re: A Moszkowski Symphony?
Saturday 18 August 2018, 15:05
I'm late to reply this, but your computerization is really impressive, vesteel! Listened to the whole thing earlier - great!

I couldn't help but notice second half of the 1st movement has plenty incorrect notes - most likely stemming from my lacking source files that I had provided, sorry for that. My .xml export also seems to have messed rhythms in a few bars in middle of Larghetto, in the section with all the TS changes. Fantastic work, especially the Finale sounds perfect in this rendition.

And I completely forgot to upload the sheet music of the Larghetto, silly me. It was all but done sitting in my computer. Here we are...
Composers & Music / Re: Conrad Ansorge (1862-1930)
Tuesday 07 August 2018, 12:39
Ah, sorry, it didn't link properly, but the entries are found by doing a search for Conrad Ansorge. And yes it appears to be in the process of being digitized. Thanks for the correction and proper links  :)
Composers & Music / Re: Conrad Ansorge (1862-1930)
Tuesday 07 August 2018, 06:16
The autographs of the piano concerto (of both the partitura and 2p arrangements) are held in Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, though perhaps this was already well known at this point.
Composers & Music / Re: A Moszkowski Symphony?
Tuesday 03 July 2018, 15:58
It gets a mention in symetrie's preface to the Op.3 Piano Concerto score: "... The first performance of the piano concerto took place on Saturday, 27 February 1875, under the direction of Ludwig von Brenner and with the composer at the piano. The Symphony in D minor (MoszWV 146) and the Caprice op. 4 (MoszWV 3) were also on the program. ..."

Doh, I should've read the early posts in this thread more carefully. Bojan Assenov had confirmed that BnF only has the complete score, no parts.