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Messages - TerraEpon

Recordings & Broadcasts / Re: Czerny Violin Sonatas
Friday 12 October 2018, 11:29
Well considering he has like over 800 published works alone...
I usually love Stenhammar but I'm not feeling this one.
So it's complete by record label standards, and not dictionary definition standards.

:D :D
Recordings & Broadcasts / Re: Surplus CDs
Wednesday 03 October 2018, 13:29
My original comment was less about getting away with anything or anything being enforced, and more to just consider that it is, in fact, considered piracy. I honestly am boggled why people think it's fine to buy something, copy it, and get rid of it (even if it's a donation and not being sold) buy just downloading a copy without buying it isn't ok. Either way, the big issue is one copy has been sold but yet two (or more) people have the music from that one sale.
Recordings & Broadcasts / Re: Surplus CDs
Monday 01 October 2018, 13:22
Well, technically it's piracy if you no longer posses the CD but still keep around the digital files. Just something to consider depending on your feelings on that.
Ever seen the Disney movie Fantasia? He's the narrator.

Anyway, this is a reissue of an old Delos CD. It's a very good one, I highly recommend it, though I'm not sure it's 100% in the purview of the forum, most of the disc leans on the impressionistic side (Griffes for sure, but Taylor's work seem to lean heavily on Ravel to my ears....Wikipedia describes him as "post-romantic")

Never heard the 'Three Centuries' piece before...this one sounds much more in line.
Recordings & Broadcasts / Re: Hummel edition
Tuesday 25 September 2018, 02:35
Well of course they can only use what they are able to licence or have recordings of themselves (or be willing it) and they also like to make CD numbers neat, so stuff gets lost along the way (even in the case of the so-called but almost never actually complete editions)
Oh nice, that Brosart is a crackling piece, will look forward to this one. Never heard the Urspruch but the samples sound promising for sure.
Well I did say "as far as I know..."
Yeah, the discs of the Naxos series with the symphonies are pretty bleh...but the non-symphonic works tend to hold up much better, and AFAIK it has the only recording of Masquerade and the only modern one of Raymonda.
Composers & Music / Re: Johan de Meij Symphony No.1
Thursday 19 July 2018, 02:28
This is one of my all time favorite pieces -- it's just chalk full of melody that goes on and on and is wonderfully colorful.

That said, it's probably a bit out of the 'remit' of this board given it still has a lot of modern sound to it (if you've heard the type of music typically played by (good) high school and college bands, this is very much in that realm).
A box set's been available for quote a few years (I own it), but it looks like this one re-orders stuff.
Recordings & Broadcasts / Re: Liszt new discoveries
Saturday 23 June 2018, 14:28
Sure, and would Howard's dedication toward finding and recording everything (not to mention his work in making an updated catalog) be the norm instead of the exception. Soooooo many "complete" series out there which are so far from it one wonders what drugs they are on.
Recordings & Broadcasts / Re: Liszt new discoveries
Thursday 21 June 2018, 14:32
I can feel the rage from people who bought the box set and won't have it 'complete' now....

But for me, this is great. The Hyperion link includes a sound sample but no album page yet...
I don't understand the point of this post at all. It sounds like just a post to reject all non-romantic-style post Romantic Era (see what I did there) composers for no reason....don't like em fine but since this forum is for Romantic Era AND post Romantic Era but in the style music.....why not leave it at that?

And I don't think they necessarily use the word 'romantic' as bait, rather they are using it in a more generic sense more relating to the more plebeian definition of the word.