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Messages - eternalorphea

Croatian Radio, 3rd programme

Historical records of the Croatian Radio
Tuesday March 3rd, 2015

Sergej Prokofjev : Sinfonia Concertante
Ksenija Janković, violoncello
Igor Kuljerić, conductor

Dora Pejačević : Overture for Grand Orchestra
Uroš Lajovic, conductor

Vatroslav Lisinski : Porin, 1st act
Nikolaj Žličar, conductor

The Zagreb Symphonists of the Radio-Television Zagreb
Franz Krežma: Reverie
Link (00:02:56 - 00:09:00, duration ~ 5:56 minutes)

Pavel Berman, violin (Stradivari 'Conte di Fontana')
Croatian Radio-Television Symphony Orchestra
Enrico Dindo, conductor

From Wikipediažma#Career

"Highly respected and admired by famous musicians like Giuseppe Verdi, Henry Vieuxtemps, Franz Liszt with whom he once played both as a violinist and a composer, Franjo Krežma's surviving work, after a fire at his parents' home destroyed some of his it, along with his priceless violin[11], numbers one symphony, three overtures, several marches and dances for the orchestra, some works for a strinq quartet and some pieces for the violin."
Response to ESchiss1
Pejacevic Piano Concerto by Martina Filjak on YouTube. Musicologists and some good musicians I've heard talking about this or spoke to myself confirmed my opinion on the conductor having completely quieted the brass section and some winds, double-bass and most cello 'melodies' or gestures ignored, and focused the recording equipment on the soloists and violins like if it was a sonatina for violin and piano. And the conductor's interpretation's trash linearly not only vertically by the way. Pejačević was at that time hard core Wagnerian, obsessed with German mythology, totally influenced by Scandinavian literature, culture and music! I hope Ari Rasilainen was cognizant of this, if he was the conductor for CPO edition.
Sunday 8th March, 2015
The programme will be available on our player shortly after broadcast

International Women's Day, celebrating female composers: Catriona Young presents music by women through the ages.

1:01 AM
Weir, Judith (b.1954)
Stars, Night, Music and Light
BBC Symphony Chorus & Orchestra, Jirí Belohlávek (conductor)

1:05 AM
Pejacevic, Dora (1885-1923)
Piano Concerto in G minor, Op. 33
Martina Filjak (piano), Croatian Radio-Television Symphony Orchestra, Aleksandar Markovic (conductor)

1:35 AM
Musgrave, Thea [b.1928]
Loch Ness - a postcard from Scotland
BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra, Donald Runnicles (conductor)

1:46 AM
Sikora, Elzbieta [b.1943]
Rappel III for string orchestra
Polish Radio Symphony Orchestra, Wojciech Michniewski (conductor)

2:03 AM
Mägi, Ester (b. 1922)
Murdunud aer (The broken oar)
Estonian National Male Choir, Ants Soots (director)

2:07 AM
Schumann, Clara (1819-1896)
6 Songs Op.13
Ofelia Sala (soprano), Helmut Deutsch (piano)

2:20 AM
Rossi, Camilla de "La Romana" (fl.1707-1710)
Sinfonia and 'Discostatevi ormai', from Il Sacrifizio di Abramo
Hanna Husáhr (soprano), Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra, Jonathan Cohen (harpsichord, director)

2:35 AM
Glanville-Hicks, Peggy (1912-1990)
Three Gymnopedies
Sydney Symphony Orchestra, Myer Fredman (conductor)

2:45 AM
Stants, Iet (1903-1968)
String Quartet No.2
Dufy Quartet

3:01 AM
Walpurgis, Maria Antonia (1724-1780)
Talestri, regina delle amazzoni - excerpts
Christine Wolff (soprano) , Johanna Stojkovic (soprano) , Marilia Vargas (soprano) , Ulrike Bartsch (soprano), Batzdorfer Hofkapelle, Tobias Schade (harpsichord/director)

3:46 AM
Tailleferre, Germaine (1892-1983)
Sonata for harp
Godelieve Schrama (harp)

3:57 AM
Bergh, Gertrude van den (1793-1840)
Lied fur pianoforte
Frans van Ruth (piano)

4:02 AM
Rennes, Catharina van (1858-1940) [text Emil Claar]
3 Quartets for women's voices and piano (Op.24)
Irene Maessen (soprano), Rachel Ann Morgan & Christa Pfeiler (mezzo-sopranos), Corrie Pronk (alto), Franz van Ruth (piano)

4:07 AM
Carreño, Teresa (1853-1917)
Valse Petite in D major
Dennis Hennig (piano)

4:11 AM
Jacquet de la Guerre, Elisabeth-Claude (1665-1729)
Sonata in D major for 2 violins and continuo
Musica Fiorita, Daniela Dolci (harpsichord/director)

4:20 AM
Boulanger, Lili (1893-1918)
Nocturne for flute and piano
Valentinas Gelgotas (flute), Audrone Kisieliute (piano)

4:24 AM
Kuyper, Elisabeth (1877-1953)
Der Pfeil und das Lied; Marien Lied; Ich komme Heim aus dem Sonnenland - from 6 Lieder (Op.17 Nos 1, 2 & 3)
Irene Maessen (soprano), Frans van Ruth (piano)

4:31 AM
Leonarda, Isabella (1620-1704)
Sonata Prima a 4 (Op 16)
Maniera: Emma Alter (violin), Marsha Skinns (violin), Sophie Willis (cello), Leah Stuttard (harpsichord)

4:41 AM
Mendelssohn, Fanny Hensel (1805-1847)
Allegro moderato (Op.8 No.1) (1840)
Sylviane Deferne (piano)

4:47 AM
Pook, Jocelyn (b.1960), text: Motion, Andrew (b.1952)
Mobile (2002) (commissioned by the King's Singers and BBC Proms)
The King's Singers - David Hurley & Robin Tyson (countertenors), Paul Phoenix (tenor), Philip Lawson & Gabriel Crouch (baritones) & Stephen Connolly (bass)

4:52 AM
Bacewicz, Grazyna (1909-1969)
Suite for chamber orchestra
Polish Radio Symphony Orchestra, Jan Krenz (conductor)

5:01 AM
Maurice, Paule [1910-67]
Tableaux de Provence - 5 pieces for saxophone and orchestra
Julia Nolan (saxophone), CBC Vancouver Orchestra, Mario Bernardi (conductor)

5:16 AM
Cozzolani, Suor Chiara Margarita (1602-c.1677)
O quam bonus es - motet for 2 voices (Si lodano le piaghe di Christo e le mamelle della Madonna)
Cappella Artemisia, Candace Smith (director)

5:26 AM
Chaminade, Cecile [1857-1944]
Concertino Op.107
Maria Filippova (flute), Ekaterina Mirzeava (piano)

5:35 AM
Strozzi, Barbara (1619-1677)
Hor che Apollo è a Theti in seno'
Musica Fiorita: Susanne Rydén (soprano), Enrico Parizzi & Roberto Falcone (violins), Rebeka Rusó (Viola da gamba), Rafael Bonavita (theorbo), Daniela Dolci (harpsichord/director)

5:48 AM
Calame, Genevieve (1946-1993)
Sur la margelle du monde
Bienne Symphony Orchestra, Franco Trinca (conductor)

5:59 AM
Hildegard von Bingen (1098-1179)
O vis aeternitatis (Responsorium) - for voice, female chorus, 2 fiddles, organistrum
Sequentia: Laurie Monahan (solo voice), Barbara Thornton, Gundula Anders, Pamela Dellal, Elizabeth Glen, Heather Knutson, Susanne Norin, Janet Youngdahl (chorus), Elizabeth Gaver & Elisabetta de Mircovich (fiddles), Benjamin Bagby (organistrum)

6:07 AM
Caccini, Francesca [1587-1640]
Excerpts from Act One of La Liberazione di Ruggiero
Suzie Le Blanc (Alcina, soprano), Barbara Borden (Sirena, soprano), Dorothee Mields (Il Pastore, soprano), Christian Hilz (Ruggiero, baritone), Tragicomedia, Stephen Stubbs (director)

6:28 AM
Bosmans, Henriette [1895-1952]
Verses from Maria Lecina
Rachel Ann Morgan (mezzo soprano), Frans van Ruth (piano)

6:41 AM
Williams, Grace (1906-1977)
Sea Sketches (1944)
Manitoba Chamber Orchestra, Roy Goodman (conductor)
I have found another recording of Benjamin Ipavec's Waltz for Piano, on the pages of Knjižnica Šentjur (SaintGeorge Library), and the scan of it's manuscript too. Click here to go to the page (in English).
Audio MP3
Autograph PDF

Benjamin Ipavec : Serenade for String Orchestra
I. Allegro moderato
II. Menuetto
III. Andante con variazioni
IV. Finale - Allegro

The composer Dora Pejačević (1885-1923) was born in Budapest, but she grew up in a family palace in Našice where she composed most of her compositions. The most important piece of her oeuvre is Symphony in F Sharp Minor for Full Orchestra Op.41 (1916/7; 1920). The first performance of the Symphony was in Dresden on February 1920, conducted by Edwin Lindner. Dora Pejačević had a great passion for books and reading, so she recorded all the books she was reading in her reading diary - My Book Record. My Book Record was a printed notebook which contains three parts: Books I have read, Books I wish to read and Books worth reading. The diary was a gift from her English governess, Miss Davison, to whom she owed her general education and knowledge of several languages, and who was Dora's companion on her many travels. Dora Pejačević was writing it between 1902 and 1921.

Authors by alphabetical order (born - died) nationality and occupation (number of works of the respective author Dora read)

Aanrud, Hans (1863-1953) Norwegian writer (1)
Abelard, Peter (1079-1142) French priest and philosopher (1)
Adler, Guido (1855-1941) Czech-Austrian musicologist and writer (1)
Alcoforado, Mariana (1640-1723) Portuguese nun (1)
Alighieri, Dante (1265-1321) Italian writer (1)
Altenberg, Peter / Richard Engländer (1859-1919) Austrian writer (2)
Arcibashev, Mikhail Petrovich (1878-1927) Russian writer (1)
Arnim, Bettina von, b. Elisabeth Brentano (1785-1859) German writer (2)
Assmus, Burghard (1855-1950) German writer (1)
Audoux, Marguerite (1863-1937) French writer (1)
Augustinus, Aurelius (354-430) Roman theologian (1)
Aurelius, Marcus (121-181) Roman emperor and philosopher (1)
Ball, Hugo (1886-1927), German poet (1)
Bang, Herman (1857-1912) Danish writer and journalist (2)
Barbusse, Henri (1873-1935) French writer and pacifist (2)
Barret- Browning, Elizabeth (1806-1861) English poet (1)
Browning, Robert (1812-1889) English writer (1)
Bekker, Paul (1882-1937) German music critic (1)
Benson, Edward Frederic (1867-1940) English writer (2)
Benson, Robert Hugh (1871-1914) English writer (1)
Bethge, Hans (1876-1946), German poet and writer (1)
Bjerre, Poul (1876-1964) Swedish psychiatrist (1)
Bölsche, Wilhelm (1861-1939) German writer and publicist (1)
Bossuet, Jacques-Bénigne (1627-1704) French theologian and bishop (2)
Brachvogel, Albert Emil (1824-1878) German writer (1)
Braun, Lily (1865-1916) German writer and socialist (2)
Buddha, Gotama (563 - 483 BC) Indian thinker (1)
Burnett, Frances Hodgson (1849-1924) English writer (1)
Carlyle, Thomas (1795-1881) Scottish historian (1)
Carneri, Bartholomäus (1821-1909) Austrian writer and philosopher (1)
Chamberlain, Houston Stewart (1855-1927) German-English writer (2)
Channing, William Ellery (1780-1842) American theologian and preacher (1)
Chantepleure, Guy (1870-1951) French writer (2)
Claudel, Paul (1868-1955) French writer and diplomat (2)
Coppée, François (1842-1908) French writer (1)
Corelli, Marie (1855-1924) British writer (4)
Corneille, Pierre (1606-1684) French writer (1)
Coulevain, Pierre de (1853-1927) French writer (4)
Craven, Pauline Marie (1808-1891) French writer (2)
Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich (1860-1904) Russian writer (2)
Daab, Friedrich (1870-1935) German theologian (1)
Dahn, Felix (1834-1912) German writer and lawyer (3)
Darwin, Charles (1809-1882) English biologist (1)
Darwin, Francis (1848-1925) English botanist (1)
Daudet, Alphonse (1840-1897) French writer (3)
Dehmel, Richard (1863-1920) German writer (1)
Dickens, Charles (1812-1870) English writer (1)
Dostoevsky, Fyodor Mikhailovich (1821-1881) Russian writer (10)
Drews, Arthur (1865-1935) German philosophers (1)
Ebner-Eschenbach, Marie von (1830-1916) Austrian writer (1)
Ebers, Georg Moritz (1837-1898) German Egyptologist and writer (2)
Eckermann, Johann Peter (1792-1854) German writer (1)
Eckhel, Hilaria Anna von (1873-1948) German-Austrian writer (1)
Eeden, Frederik van (1860-1932) Dutch writer and psychiatrist (2)
Eisner, Kurt (1867-1919) German journalist and politician (2)
Eliot, George / Mary Anne Evans (1819-1880) English writer (1)
Emerson, Ralph Waldo (1803-1882) American writer (4)
Epictetus (55-135) Greek philosophers (1)
Ernst Otto (1862-1926) German writer (1)
Feuchtersleben, Ernst (1806-1849) Austrian physician and writer (1)
Feuillet, Octave (1821-1890) French writer (2)
Florenz, Karl (1865-1939) German japanologist (1)
Foerster, Friedrich Wilhelm (1869-1966) German university professor of philosophy (1)
Fogazzaro, Antonio (1842-1911) Italian writer (1)
Forel, Auguste (1848-1931) Swiss psychiatrist (1)
Förster-Nietzsche, Elisabeth (1846-1935) German writer, Nietzsche's sister (2)
Fowler, Ellen Thorneycroft (1860-1929) English novelist (2)
France, Anatole / Jacques Anatole François Thibault (1844-1924) French writer (1)
Frenssen, Gustav (1863-1945) German writer (6)
Garbe, Richard (1857-1927) German Indologist (1)
Gautier, Theophile (1811-1872) French writer and journalist (1)
Geijerstam, Gustaf (1858-1909) Swedish writer (1)
Gertsen (Herzen), Alexander Ivanovich (1812-1870) Russian writer and thinker (1)
Girardin, Émile de (1806-1881) French journalist and politician (1)
Gjellerup, Karl Adolf (1857-1919) Danish writer (1)
Glyn, Elinor (1864-1943) British writer (2)
Gobineau, Arthur de (1816-1882) French writer (1)
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang (1749-1832) German writer (8 )
Gogol, Nikolai Vasilievich (1809-1852) Russian writer (3)
Goncharov, Ivan Alexandrovich (1812-1891) Russian writer (1)
Gratry, Auguste Joseph Alphonse (1805-1872) French theologian (1)
Grba, Milovan (1881-1941) highschool teacher and politician from Croatia (1)
Grumbach, Salomon (1884-1952) a German Social Democratic politician and journalist (1)
Gulden, Erica H., writer of the drama Ach, ich armer Narre (1)
Gunter, Archibald Clavering (1847-1907) American writer (1)
Hebbel, Friedrich (1813-1863) German writer (1)
Haeckel, Ernst (1834-1919) a German zoologist and philosopher (1)
Haecker, Theodor (1879-1945) German writer (1)
Hamsun, Knut / Knud Pedersen (1859-1952) Norwegian writer (1)
Hardt, Ernst (1876-1947) German writer (2)
Harnack, Adolf (1851-1930) German theologian (1)
Harraden, Beatrice (1864-1936) English writer (1)
Hartleben, Otto Erich (1864-1905) German writer (1)
Hauptmann, Gerhart (1862-1946) German writer (6)
Haushofer, Max (1840-1907) German economist and writer (1)
Hearn, Lafcadio (1850-1904) Irish-Japanese writer (1)
Heloize (1101-1164) a French nun (1)
Herczeg, Ferenc (1863-1954) Hungarian writer (1)
Hesse, Hermann (1877-1962) German writer (4)
Heyking, Elisabeth von (1861-1925) German writer (2)
Heyse, Paul (1830-1914) German writer (2)
Hichens, Robert Smyte (1864-1950) English writer (1)
Hilty, Carl (1833-1909) Swiss philosopher, lawyer and writer (1)
Hofmannstahl, Hugo von (1874-1929) Austrian writer (2)
Hölderlin, Friedrich (1770-1843) German writer (1)
Hope, Anthony (1863-1933), English writer (1)
Hope, Laurence / Adela Florence Nicolson (1865-1904) English poet (1)
Housman, Laurence (1865-1959) English writer and illustrator (1)
Houssaye, Aresène (1815-1896) French writer (1)
Huggenberger, Alfred (1867-1960) Swiss writer (1)
Hume, David (1711-1776) Scottish philosophers (1)
Huneker, Jemes (1857-1921) American music critic (1)
Hungerford, Margaret Wolfe (1855-1897) Irish writer (2)
Huxley, Thomas Henry (1825-1895) English biologist and writer (1)
Ibsen, Henrik (1828-1906) Norwegian writer (9)
Jacobsen, Jens Peter (1847-1885) Danish writer (2)
János Arany (1817-1882) Hungarian writer (1)
Jatho, Carl (1851-1913) German Evangelical pastor (1)
Jensen, Johannes (1873-1950) Danish writer (1)
Jerome, Jerome Klapka (1859-1927) English writer (3)
Jerusalem, Wilhelm (1854-1923) Austrian philosophers (2)
Kant, Immanuel (1724-1804) German philosopher fi (3)
Kapp, Julius (1883-1962) German music biographer (4)
Kassner, Rudolf (1873-1959) Austrian writer (1)
Kautsky, Karl Johann (1854-1938) German-Czech Marxist and philosopher (1)
Keller, Gottfried (1819-1890) Swiss writer (1)
Keller, Otto (1875-1931) German music historian (1)
Keller, Helen (1880-1968) American activist and writer (1)
Kellermann, Bernhard (1879-1951) German writer (4)
Keppler, Paul Wilhelm von (1852-1926) German bishop and theologian (1)
Key, Ellen, (1849-1926) Swedish writer (7)
Kierkegaard, Søren (1813-1855) Danish philosopher (9)
Kipling, Rudyard (1865-1936) English writer (1)
Klein, Abbé Felix (1862-1953) French writer (1)
Kolb, Annette (1870-1967) German writer and pacifist (1)
Kropotkin, Peter (1842-1921) Russian anarchist and writer (1)
Kraus, Karl (1874-1936) Austrian writer (6)
Lagerlöf, Selma (1858-1940) Swedish writer (2)
Lamartine, Alphonse de (1790-1869) French writer and politician (1)
Langenscheidt, Paul / Erwin Rex (1860-1925) German writer (1)
Lasker-Schüler, Else (1869-1945) a German-Jewish writer (1)
Lauff, Josepf von (1855-1933) German writer (1)
Lavedan, Henri (1859-1940) French writer (1)
Leblanc, Georgette (1869-1941) French actress and writer (1)
Lehen, Edouard (1807-1867) French priest (1)
Liegler, Leopold (1882-1949) Austrian critic and writer (1)
Loti, Pierre / Pierre Loti (1850-1923) French writer (1)
Lux, Joseph August (1871-1947) Austrian writer and art historian (1)
Lyall, Edna / Ada Ellen Bayly (1857-1903) English novelist (2)
Maeterlinck, Maurice (1862-1949) Belgian writer (10)
Maitland, Johan Alexander Fuller (1856-1936) British music critic (1)
Mann, Thomas (1875-1955) German writer (2)
Mathers, Helen Buckingham (1853-1920) English novelist (2)
Maurier, George Edward (1834-1896) French-English writer and cartoonist (1)
Merežkovski, Demetrius Sergejivič (1865-1941) Russian writer and thinker (1)
Méry, Joseph (1797-1866) French writer (1)
Meysenburg, Malwida Freiin von (1816-1903) German writer (1)
Michaelis, Karin (1872-1950) Danish writer and journalist (4)
Molière, Jean Baptiste Poquelin (1622-1673) French playwright (2)
Morgenstern, Christian (1871-1914) German writer and translator (1)
Mulford, Prentice (1834-1891) American writer (2)
Multatuli / Eduard Douwes Dekker (1820-1887) Dutch writer (1)
Nell, Otto / Hanna O'Donnell (1874-1936) Austrian writer (1)
Nietzsche, Friedrich (1844-1900) German philosopher (17)
Nippold, Otfried (1864-1938) Swiss-German lawyer and writer (1)
Norris, William Edward (1847-1925) English writer (1)
Nothnagel, Hermann (1841-1905) German physician and professor of medicine in Vienna (1)
Novalis, Friedrich Freiherr von Hardenberg (1772-1801) German writer and philosopher (1)
Nyström-Hamilton, Louise (1838-1917) Swedish writer (1)
Ohorn, Anton (1846-1924) German-Czech writer (1)
Ortner, Eugen (1890-1947) German writer (1)
Ouida / Maria Louise Ramé (1839-1908) English writer (1)
Payot, Jules (1859-1939) a French teacher (1)
Pfleiderer, Otto (1839-1908) German Protestant theologian (1)
Pfordten, Hermann Ludwig (1857-1933) German musicologist and writer (1)
Plato (427 BC - 347 BC) Greek philosophers (7)
Plutarch (45-120) Greek historian (2)
Prohászka, Ottokar (1858-1927) Hungarian theologian and bishop (2)
Pushkin, Alexander Sergeyevich (1799-1837) Russian writer (1)
Quadrupani, Carlo Giuseppe (1740-1807), Italian priest and preacher (1)
Racine, Jean (1639-1699) French dramatic (2)
Reuter, Gabriele (1859-1941) German writer (1)
Reynes-Monlaur, Marie (1866-1940) French writer (1)
Richter, Raoul (1871-1912) a German professor of philosophy (1)
Riemann, Hugo (1849-1919) German musicologist (1)
Rilke, Rainer Maria (1875-1926) Austrian poet and writer (8 )
Ritter, Anna (1865-1921) German poet (1)
Rod, Édouard (1857-1910) Franco-Swiss writer (1)
Rolland, Romain (1866-1944) French writer and music historian (2)
Rosebery, Lord (Archibald) (1847-1929) British politician and writer (1)
Rosegger, Peter (1843-1918) Austrian writer (1)
Rostand, Edmond (1868-1918) French writer (4)
Ruskin, John (1819-1900) English critic and painter (2)
Saager, Adolf (1879-1949) German-Swiss writer and journalist (1)
Sabatier, Paul (1858-1928) French priest and historian (1)
Sales, St. Francois de (1567-1622) Swiss bishop (1)
Salis-Marschlins, Barbara Margareth von (1855-1929) Swiss philosopher (1)
Sand, George / Aurore Dupin Dudevant (1804-1876) French writer (1)
Sandeau, Jules (1811-1883) French writer (1)
Scheffel, Joseph Victor von (1826-1886) German writer (2)
Schiller, Friedrich (1759-1805) German writer (4)
Schmidt, Leopold (1860-1927) German historian of music (1)
Schnitzler, Arthur (1862-1931) Austrian writer (4)
Schopenhauer, Arthur (1788-1860) German philosophers (11)
Schumann, Robert (1810-1856) German composer (1)
Schur, Edward (1841-1929) French writer (1)
Schwabe, Toni (1877-1951) German writer (1)
Scott, Sir Walter (1771-1832) Scottish writer (2)
Shakespeare, William (1564-1616) English writer (11)
Shaw, Bernard (1856-1950) Irish writer (2)
Sombart, Werner (1863-1941) German sociologist and economist (1)
Specht, Richard (1870-1932) Austrian writer and musicologist (1)
Spinoza, Baruch de (1632-1677) Dutch philosopher (1)
Steinitzer, Max (1864-1936) German musicologist and writer (1)
Storm, Theodor (1817-1888) German writer (1)
Strindberg, August (1849-1912) Swedish writer (8 )
Sudermann, Hermann (1857-1928) German writer (2)
Tagore, Rabindranath (1861-1941) Indian poet and writer (1)
Takeda, Izumo (1691-1756) Japanese writer (1)
Tegner, Esaias (1782-1846) Swedish writer (1)
Tennyson, Alfred (1809-1892) English poet and writer (2)
Thackeray, William (1811-1863) English writer (1)
Tolstoy, Lav Nikolayevich (1828-1910) Russian writer (8 )
Trine, Ralph Waldo (1866-1958) American mystic (1)
Thorn, Guy (1876-1923) English writer (1)
Thun-Salm, Gräfin Christian (1859-1935) Austrian-Czech writer (1)
Toscana, Luise von (1870-1947) Austrian princess (1)
Turgenev, Ivan Sergeyevich (1818-1883) Russian writer (1)
Verhaeren, Émile (1855-1916) Belgian poet (2)
Viertel, Berthold (1885-1953) Austrian writer (1)
Voltaire, François-Marie Arouet (1694-1778) French philosopher and writer (4)
Voss, Richard (1851-1918) German writer (1)
Wagner, Richard (1813 -1883) German composer (2)
Wassermann, Jakob (1873-1934) German-Jewish writer (2)
Weber, Friedrich Wilhelm (1813-1894), German poet and politician (2)
Weininger, Otto (1880-1903) Austrian philosophers (1)
Weissmann, Adolf (1872-1948) Austrian composer and conductor (1)
Werfel, Franz (1890-1945) Austrian writer (1)
Wilbrandt, Adolf (1837-1911) German writer (1)
Wilde, Oscar (1854-1900) English writer (7)
Wolff, Ernst Victor (1886-1961) German musician (1)
Wolfram, Elise (1868-1942) German theosophist and writer (1)
Wundt, Wilhelm (1832-1920) German psychologist and philosopher (1)
Zahn, Ernst (1867-1952) Swiss writer (1)
Zola, Emile (1842-1902) French writer (1)

The CD release concert will be held on March 28 (Saturday), 2015, at this venue.
Facebook page of the pianist Yoko Nishii providing up-to-date info.
..and on Twitter Yoko Nishii

Sound excerpts of his Piano Sonata Op.10, from a CD compiled of his Piano Sonata Op.10 and Three Dance Movements, and Dora Pejačević's Piano Sonata No.1 Op.36, Two Nocturnes Op.50 and Capriccio Op.47.
Ok, I'm eager to hear from you on that.. =D

About the CPO edition, this is a documentary about/ interview with Nataša Veljković. She plays nothing Pejačević's in it, but mostly Schumann I think (in unaccompanied music) whose her fav comp, and others. She speaks in Croatian(-Serbian) language, but anyway the point is in hearing the quality of her interpretation and technique in the very video devoted to that aspect. Seems to me she's good
Wooow! Perhaps they're trying not to sell it? :>

I mean, though Dora Pejačević merits the pedestal of high artictic dignity, it's not she whose playing's recorded on the CD; in that case I would set aside the money for it.

Now I'm left with having to wait for a pirated copy, or the CPO's edition

Now you can buy Pejačević CD on Amazon!
Pejacevic Piano Works on Amazon

Hi Mr. Howe,

This's a G-translation, and no corrections of mine done

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Takao Murata of music producer, founded HERB Classics herbs Classics in October 2002. Based on the number of music production experience of up to it, Mr. Anton Sutanchefu (now Berlin Deutsche Oper of tone Meister) and, Keizo Mr. Iguchi (YK Noxis Japan representative and former Nippon Columbia Co., Ltd. recording engineer) With the cooperation, record the natural sound of the concert hall in the best state, on the policy that I would like you to listen to a lot of people, with the aim of recording production commitment of sound quality. In the natural sound quality and state-of-the-art recording technology-conscious sound of the hall, we have received a very high evaluation from various quarters.

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Detailed info on the CD and the pianist on the web-site of HERB Classics