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Messages - DennisS

Have just been listening to the serenades again. Thank you Mark for uploading three lovely works. The melodies are quite charming and the elegant orchestration is delightful. It would indeed be wonderful to hear a complete performance of Grimm's symphony on CD. Perhaps one day .......
Thank you UC for drawing my attention to Castelnuovo-Tedesco's VC no 2. I already had a couple of CDs of his music, including his PC 1 and 2 but did not know the VC no 2 at all. After listening to the sound bites, I ordered the CD. Since receiving the CD, I have played the VC quite a few times and just love the piece. At times the music sounds like the soundtrack from a Hollywood biblical film but in a very nice way! The music is indeed gorgeous and superbly orchestrated. I can listen to it over and over!Thanks again UC!
I listened again this morning to the symphony and am even more impressed. As a number of members have commented, the influence of Bruckner is very obvious, especially for me in the first movement and also at the end of the fourth movement. The symphony ends joyously as has also been noted. The melodies are lovely and the orchestration is masterly. A superb symphony!
I've just listened to the sound bites too and can't wait for the CD to be released! I already have the CD on order!
Composers & Music / Re: Most Memorable Unsung Tune.
Tuesday 09 July 2013, 12:05
There are many works that I could choose from. Like others, I could also nominate the march from Raff's Lenore symphony, Kalinnikov's  symphony no 1 first movement or Atterberg (but symphony no 8, 2nd movement adagio) but I would also like to nominate Braga Santos's 4th symphony 4th movement (both first and second subjects).
Composers & Music / Re: The Joachim Raff Website
Monday 08 July 2013, 18:33
I too would like to thank you for all the invaluable information on Raff on the web site. You have spent so much time, energy and passion building up this website that it's become THE SITE to go to for information on all of Raff's work.  All Raff music lovers are indebted to you Mark. Even if the site was not kept updated, there still remains more than enough information to satisfy all Raff admirers. Many thanks too for agreeing to still update the site with news of concerts, publications and recordings.
It's good to note that Naxos are finally releasing Tyberg's Second Symphony. I have been waiting since May 2011 for its release! I very much enjoy Tyberg's Third Symphony and am very hopeful that the second symphony will be just as good if not better! Thank you Alan for alerting me of its release.
I have just listened again (30 minutes ago) to Gernsheims piano concerto and I have to echo Alan's comments made in the last post.  Today, I was "blown away" by the music , appreciating the sheer beauty and lyricism of the piece more than ever before. Many thanks to both  Alan and Mark for this wonderful upload.
Thank you UC for mentioning Mitja Nikisch's piano concerto. I obtained my copy from and have since listened to it quite a few times now. The music is indeed very beautiful, especially the first movement, which, as is mentioned in the liner notes, owes a huge debt to Rachmaninov. I can see why some members of the forum have spoken in glowing terms about this PC. I too rate this PC highly.
Composers & Music / Re: Lars-Erik Larsson
Saturday 01 June 2013, 14:38
Reading this thread, reminded me firstly to get out and listen again to my BIS CD of Larsson's symphonies no 1 and 2. It has been some time since I listened to them but was pleased to so, appreciating Larsson's skill at composing lovely melodies. I noticed that it was suggested that the symphonies recalled Prokofiev a little. As Alan also said, I hear nothing of Prokofiev in the symphonies. What really caught my eye in this thread though, was the reference made by Gauk to Larsson's VC, especially as it there was mention of some suggestion of Prokofiev and Barber. I hugely enjoy the Barber VC (intensely lyrical) and am an out and out lover of all of Prokofiev's music. I therefore downloaded the Larsson VC after having listened to soundbites. Since then, I have listened to the VC a number of times and have liked what I heard. I would agree that I was reminded at times of Prokofiev's first VC. Like Prokofiev, Larsson has composed a VC to fully exploit the violin's register and is because of that, very interesting. I feel however that Larsson's VC is not as lyrical as Prokofiev's but nevertheless, is very enjoyable. I am pleased to have this VC in my collection. Thank you Gauk for referring me to it.
Thank you Martin for letting me know the Nikisch PC is available from I have just put in my order. Strange that the Cd was not mentioned on either or Must be a German thing! Thanks again.
I am interested in buying the CD of the Mitja Nikisch PC available from as per link provided by MjkFendrich/thalbergmad. I have done some research on this company and am unsure about the site i.e. is it safe to buy from them? Has any member bought a CD from this company? The CD of the Nikisch PC does not seem to be available from anyone else.
Recordings & Broadcasts / Re: Cyril Scott from Dutton
Wednesday 01 May 2013, 13:30
Have now listened again to Scott's symphony no 1 several times. I was not originally impressed by the music as I found it rather bland and felt that it meandered somewhat.  Listenening again, I now find the music quite pleasant, with some nice tunes and attractive orchestration, even though I still think the music is a little lightweight. I will listen again from time to time.
Thank you Gauk for your advice. Will listen again to symphony no 1. I have since found that sometimes I need to listen to a work several times before "getting it".
Having listened to the CD a few times now, I can say that I too find the music very enjoyable. As stated earlier in this thread, the PC is particularly attractive but all three works on the CD repay careful listening. I did not know this composer before reading this thread, so thank you UC for the introduction. I have since listened to quite a lot of later Scott music on YouTube but, as others have remarked, I much prefer the early works on this CD.