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Messages - Alan Howe

Thank you. That's really interesting to read.
Composers & Music / Re: Weingartner Chamber Music
Thursday 21 May 2015, 22:08
Nope - nothing, I'm afraid.
The Strauss recording in particular has received far too much praise: it's as if the critics can't hear past her celebrity status. 
Gentlemen: please supply reasons, otherwise this thread is just a list of 3rd symphonies...
..and her voice isn't always under control - it can be a rather unwieldy instrument. Her recent Four Last Songs was horrible. At this point in her career it's advisable to audition before buying a recording featuring her...
Recordings & Broadcasts / Re: Brun Symphony No.2
Wednesday 20 May 2015, 23:27
Expert liner notes, by the way, from the conductor - really helpful.
Composers & Music / Re: Great Unsung Third Symphonies
Wednesday 20 May 2015, 23:20
Interesting. What are your reasons, please?
Recordings & Broadcasts / Re: Brun Symphony No.2
Wednesday 20 May 2015, 23:17
The performance of the symphony is indeed glorious. If this isn't one of my CDs of 2015 I'll eat one of my sun hats - which, judging by the weather we've had so far, won't be worn this summer anyway! I do thoroughly recommend this utterly marvellous music, so beautifully played and recorded here. Another triumph for Adriano and his intrepid Moscow orchestra!
The upload didn't need to be disabled at all. It's not the same performance as that on the new cpo CD.
Composers & Music / Re: Julián Carrillo
Wednesday 20 May 2015, 20:28
Very interesting indeed. Here's a performance of the symphony:
Recordings & Broadcasts / Schubert Fierrabras
Wednesday 20 May 2015, 19:05
How about this new recording...?
Wonderfully sung, to my ears at least.
The symphony on the CD certainly doesn't fit here, but we'll see...
Composers & Music / Re: Marcel Labey 1875-1968
Wednesday 20 May 2015, 07:50
Can't find any recordings...
Composers & Music / Re: Wikmanson quartet 1 score
Wednesday 20 May 2015, 07:49
Brilliant indeed!
QuoteA star like Kaufmann is the first person who can allow himself to call opera managers, telling that he wants to sing this or that

Well, Kaufmann did do Ekkehard before he was well-known. And he has also done Der Vampyr, Königskinder and Die drei Wünsche (Loewe). So perhaps all is not lost. Mind you, it might be if sings too many Tristans and Siegfrieds...