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Messages - jerfilm

Mahler 7 and Bruckner 9.  Of the unsungs, I'm still partial to Alfred Hill's Symhony #2 in Eb - The Joy of Life......

Maybe I'm a lightweight......

Composers & Music / Re: Frank Merrick 1886-1981
Tuesday 08 March 2011, 23:35
I have tapes of both Merrick Concertos which came from the RRE discs.  I would be happy to share them when I get back to Minnesota in another month or so.

Composers & Music / Re: Dorothy Howell
Saturday 05 March 2011, 05:03
Am I missing something here?  I went to the YouTube locations mentioned above  and could only get the message that "This is a private video".   Can't listen or download.  ????

Composers & Music / Re: Frank Merrick 1886-1981
Friday 04 March 2011, 16:44
I have, on tape, recordings of Merrick's Piano Concerto #1 in Bb and Piano Concerto #2 (key signature unknown to me).  Both are in a late romantic idiom.  Know nothing of a two piano concerto. 

Lovely piece - thanks Hammyplay.....and Albion

Suggestions & Problems / Re: Quotes
Wednesday 02 March 2011, 17:31
And be cautious about insulting old fuddy duddys that ramble - you have us among you...... 8)

Composers & Music / Re: Tomas Breton (1850-1923)
Tuesday 01 March 2011, 06:04
Thanks, Amphissa.
Composers & Music / Re: Tomas Breton (1850-1923)
Tuesday 01 March 2011, 02:12
Thanks Jim.  But I can translate the Spanish.  But which concerto belongs to which composer?
Composers & Music / Re: Tomas Breton (1850-1923)
Tuesday 01 March 2011, 00:33
One further question - since I bought the download, there are no liner notes or booklet to refer to.  The tracks do not identify which concerto is by which composer and a search of the net for Breton's violin concerto doesn't seem to yield a key signature.  one is in "Si amor" and the other in "La menor"  -which is which?


Composers & Music / Tomas Breton (1850-1923)
Monday 28 February 2011, 16:57
Surfing around the web this morning, I came across what appears to be a fairly obscure recording of Spanish Romantic Violin Concertos by Tomas Breton and Jesus Monasterio (1836-1903).  Quite lovely pieces.  Which of course got me to delving further and finding that there is a recording, probably out of print, of Breton's Symphony #2 in Eb on the Newport Label.  Prices for this seem to run in the $100 range.  Does anyone know where one could obtain this for a reasonable price?

We heard a lot of Sibelius when stanislaw skrowaczewski was here.  Including a large scale performance of Kullervo.  Not so much since altho now that Vanksa is here we are getting more and more Finnish music. 

Composers & Music / Re: Delius abroad
Sunday 27 February 2011, 22:30
Golly, remote old Minnesota may win this........heehee.....
Composers & Music / Re: Delius abroad
Sunday 27 February 2011, 16:01
To the best of my recollection, the Mn. Orchestra did "Sea Drift" years and years ago and the Minnesota Opera Company did "A Village Romeo and Juliet" - also many, many years ago.  That's it, I think.

Composers & Music / Re: Piano Concertos -- The List
Saturday 26 February 2011, 22:15
DuPont also write a Konzertstucke for piano and orchestra, opus 42

Saturday morning - it looks to be fixed.  Thanks so much Mark.  We are really spoiled not having to log in each visit....
