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Messages - jerfilm

Wow!  Lovely work for a combination that has all too few titles......
Thanik you, thank you
Composers & Music / Re: Piano Concertos -- The List
Tuesday 22 February 2011, 22:33
Thanks for the tip.  I ordered my copy immediately.  If I'd had this 20 years ago Iwouldn't have had to spend the time going through the entire edition of Grove's......... :-\

Composers & Music / Re: Piano Concertos -- The List
Tuesday 22 February 2011, 16:53
I have a list of about 175 unsungs and their piano concertos numbering perhaps 400 - I've never counted them.  Gleaned from the 1950s Grove's years ago.  I'm not sure that I should post it here but I'd be happy to share it with anyone who'd like a copy.  It's basically my "want list" so does not contain the Beethovens and such.  Most of these I'm sure we'll never hear in our lifetimes - if ever.  Although I've already been pleasantly surprised any number of times......also, they are almost exclusively from the Romantic era.

I also have similar lists for Piano Trios, Piano Quartets, Piano Quintets, Symphonys and other catagories if anyone is interested.

Suggestions & Problems / Re: Location
Tuesday 22 February 2011, 16:23
I live in Southern Minnesota, USA about 70 miles from Orchestra Hall and the Minnesota Orchestra. 

I checked some profiles the other day becuz I was curious where some of you reside and found that almost no one apparently wants to tell (or, Heaven forbid, admit their age......._
Recordings & Broadcasts / Re: Josef Holbrooke
Sunday 20 February 2011, 16:01
Seems like the wrong period, but G.M.- George MacFarren??
Composers & Music / Re: Frederic Austin (1872-1952)
Sunday 20 February 2011, 07:20
Composers & Music / Re: Humor in Romantic style music
Wednesday 16 February 2011, 00:20
I laugh each time I hear the trombone slides in Carl Nielsen's 6th Symphony.  I just can't help but feel it was a tongue in cheek poke at some of the more "modernists" of his time....

Composers & Music / Re: The Boston Six
Wednesday 16 February 2011, 00:16
I totally agree with Giles.  Mrs. Beach's concerto is not just one of my "woman's" favorite but on my list of all time favorite PCs. I also am really fond of her Piano Quintet.  Her symphony I can take or leave.

And yes, love Arthur Footes music as well.  It is such a shame that we have these wonderful Romantics from the US and our own orchestras never play them.  If the Minnesota Orchestra has done ANYTHING by the Six, it hasn't been in the last 50 years!  And I gave up suggesting things year ago......


Same problem here - started Saturday morning sometime.

Composers & Music / Re: Poulenc
Saturday 12 February 2011, 17:03
Go back all the way to the "hone" menu - ie Unsung Composers and do your search, you will get a half dozen or so hits including one on his organ concerto which drew considerable comment.\\Jerry
Well, I really liked the David, but the Cliffe?D'erlanger disc arrived (finally) here in the colonies and it's the lovliest thing I've heard in many moons.  I especially like the D'erlanger Concerto.  Wow! Gorgious!
Thanks, Dylan..   I love the Foulds Concerto and can see why the Fogg cantata was "found wanting" in 1931.  Not nearly "modern" enough, I'm sure.  But I like it......
Recordings & Broadcasts / Re: Camillo Schumann Cello Sonatas
Thursday 03 February 2011, 22:12
Yes, this is a real find.  I especially like #2.  Twice a year I make up a set of "Dad's Favorite" discs for some family members who share my passion for classical romantic composers and this will surely be a top pick for 2011.

Recordings & Broadcasts / Re: Camillo Schumann Cello Sonatas
Wednesday 02 February 2011, 22:55
So is organ sonata #6......YouTube, that is

Composers & Music / Re: French Piano Quintets 1875 - 1925
Wednesday 02 February 2011, 16:28
The Hure Quintet along with a violin sonata is now available as a download from Amazon for US$9.99 and imho is well worth the price.
