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Messages - Jeff Eldridge

Composers & Music / Re: USA 2011-12 season concerts
Tuesday 13 September 2011, 21:44
The Seattle Symphony, under new music director Ludovic Morlot and various guest conductors, will be performing these works that may be of interest:

GULDA: Concerto for Cello and Wind Orchestra [9/17]
FRANK ZAPPA: Dupree's Paradise from The Perfect Stranger [9/23-25]
HENRI DUTILLEUX: L'arbre des songes ("The Tree of Dreams")
OLIVER KNUSSEN: Violin Concerto [11/17-19]
LUKE BEDFORD: Outblaze the Sky [11/17-19]
JOHN ADAMS: Doctor Atomic Symphony [1/5-7]
CHRISTOPHER ROUSE: Infernal Machine [4/12-14]
HENRI DUTILLEUX: Symphony No. 1 [4/19-21]
DAMIR IMERI: Za Simon [4/19-21]

The Gulda, with Joshua Roman as soloist, will be broadcast live on KING-FM this Saturday at 7:00 p.m. local time.