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Messages - UB1

In a thread many years ago a friend and myself came up with the idea that Bentzon is the Danish equivalent to Poulenc. Never heard a work of his I did not enjoy and two hours later could not remember much about it except it was enjoyable. At one time there was a lot of his music available on LP - not sure what is available now.
Composers & Music / Re: Living Symphonists
Friday 16 December 2011, 23:37
Wolfgang Rihm - His symphonies 1-3 are worth hearing but I find the building power of Vers one Symphonie Fleuve I - V more to my current taste. Neo-Romantic but without being syrupy of boring. I-III are available on CD but you will have to ask some Soulseek friend for IV and V.

Luc Brewaeys - My favorite Spectralist composer...Symphonies 1-5 are excellent but he started losing me with 6 and 7. There are parts of those two that I really can get into but as an overall listening experience they just do not quite work for me.

Lera Auerbach - I am surprised that I keep going back to the two symphonies that I have of this Russian composer because when I think about it I find them a little too neat. But they do work at a certain level and have enough surprises to keep me interested. Her works for piano or violin are probably her best work but I have found little that I did not enjoy except when I want to really stretch my  head.

Nicolas Baci - I only know two of his symphonies but #4 and #6good enough that I would love to have more. He has a lot of other music that is worth getting into.

Marc-Andre Dalbavie - I am going to use his 2005 Sinfonietta to get his name into this discussion. There is just lots of his music that I enjoy because it keeps my interest through the length of the piece. Rocks under the water is a major orchestral work that could be classified as a symphony.

Ib Norholm - This little known Dane has produced 12 symphonies that I have 10 of - if anyone has 10 and 12 I would love to have them. 1-3 should not offend anyone, 4-7 are to me the meat of his symphonies, the latter ones tend to have too much singing for me to really enjoy. Sopranos quickly lose my attention - I would rather just have instruments and electronics.

For those who are looking for living symphony composers who produces works that are more in keeping with earlier styles - I guess they would be called neo-romantics - I suggest Kaman Ince and Lowell Liebermann. Not my cup of tea but I am glad they are there for those who love their music.