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Messages - atterberg 1974

Downloads Discussion Archive / Re: British Music
Thursday 03 May 2012, 19:14
Many thanks to Albion (and allow me to confirm the sentiments of Jimfin: Standford's choral music is unfailingly lovely)...

...I can only hope that a major label can pull together a fleet of grand and capable forces in order to release Stanford's "large" Te Deum on CD.  In the meantime, we can all live on downloads offered on this great Web site, I suppose.  :)
Downloads Discussion Archive / Re: British Music
Wednesday 02 May 2012, 21:48
Thanks, Albion:

Any chance that plans for a major-label recording of the Te Deum (Op. 66) are in the works, somewhere?  Any other hints or words through the grapevine, on that front?
Downloads Discussion Archive / Re: American Music
Wednesday 02 May 2012, 19:07
Thanks, fra8nks, for posting that wonderful group of pieces by Mark Lehman.  Some of these works are haunting and beautiful, and none of the other pieces is anything less than interesting and rather gripping.  Molte grazie!