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Messages - gwatuk

Composers & Music / Re: Applause after a first movement
Wednesday 06 November 2013, 14:18
Quote from: on Friday 12 April 2013, 19:44
I recall (vividly) the York Festival in 1969 coinciding with my graduation from the University. One of the major events in the Festival was a performance in York Minster of Mahler 2 given by the Halle under Barbirolli. The Minster was packed and there was tremendous excitement about the place...
I was also there!

Quote from: on Friday 12 April 2013, 19:44...I recall the most tremendous performance with orchestra, chorus and soloists giving it their all. It was also the very first time I had heard a Mahler symphony in the flesh, and I guess it was the same for most of the audience...
Me too.

Quote from: on Friday 12 April 2013, 19:44...I think it must be counted as one of the most significant musical experiences of my life...
Me too.

How extraordinary to have found this item! (The power of google!)
I felt compelled to join the forum and add my thoughts.
I was 17 at the time and I think it was one of the biggest factors that made me change my choice of university course.
I had a sandwich course planned with Rolls Royce to become a mechanical engineer.
I decided to change this to study Physics with the hope of becoming a music engineer.
And I actually managed it. I got a job with the BBC and had my dream come true.
(I remember at the time that my parents completely freaked out over this mad decision!)
One of the last concerts I recorded before leaving the beeb was Mahler 5 at the Proms with Bernstein - another of "the most significant musical experiences of my life".