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Messages - pablothepiano

I have done some thinking and it might be the big A B A form (i mean the wholw concerto, like Liszt's first) and each separate movement has it own free form.... Though i am not certain.
Dear friends,

I am so happy that people are more and more discovering Xaver Scharwenka's music. I personally regard it very high and I am a little surprised that he is not as famous as his contemporaries. I like the sense of his piano concertos. For me they are sort of a mix of Chopin, Schumann, Brahms and Rachmaninoff on many levels (the phrase, the texture, the brilliance and lyricism and also their lenght.

Anyway, I would like to ask you a question. Does anyone know what form the 3rd Piano Concerto has? This is my favourite, but I'm finding some trouble working it out. Maybe someone could take a look? I think it would help me to understand it better.

Btw, I think the last recording by Markovich is pretty good, I like his strong hand. I think it fits the music.

All the best
