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Messages - ancestralvoices

Thank you both.
I've not seen this Oratorio mentioned here. Does anyone know of a recording of this work? I heard it performed live years ago in Maastricht, Netherlands at the University and have not seen it since except a YouTube performance with not terrific sound. Sumptuous work.
Composers & Music / Re: Your discovery of 2021
Thursday 30 December 2021, 03:14
If I'm not moved, I can't place a composition on this forum. I fully realize that others' look for more than this...

I have two. A beautiful piece I wrote about on my Vasilenko post — although the piece was composed by another, a Ukrainian composer called Stavylov. It's called Prelude to the memory of Shevchenko: Sadness and perhaps despair for Shevchenko. The strings moved me, and I realize that there is a full orchestral version. This piece kept me through a lonely Christmas night.

The other piece is by a living composer for the Vatican — who is hit or miss. This little Stabat Mater is "hit" in my book: Stabat Mater by Marco Frisina. As for why? I'm not sure if his intention was to be sad, but I hear it exuding an overwhelming somber feeling which I, as a non believer, was awash with. Intentions mean much less to this listener than emotional reactions to absolute music. My emotional response was a wonderful sadness.

Warm wishes this end of 2021.
Composers & Music / Re: Sergei Vasilenko
Wednesday 29 December 2021, 03:01
Thank you, Christopher. I'm going to try and find more works by Stepovy. I will go to the Ukrainian YouTube and google translate and see what is there.
So moved by him. So thrilled, as I was away from my family this Christmas season.
Again, you brought me joy on that lonely but fruitful Christmas night. I'll never be able to thank you, and Thomas and Alan et al, enough for this beautiful forum.
Composers & Music / Re: Sergei Vasilenko
Sunday 26 December 2021, 04:08
Sorry, I must say one more thing on this very quiet Christmas night. Christopher, you made my day today. The Ukrainian composer I would never have discovered had you not brought him here -  Yakiv Stepovy, and his jewel of a piece(so short and emotionally charged) called Prelude to the Memory of Taras Shevchenko, has moved me perhaps more than any other unsung discovery. Thank you kindly, good sir. So so much. I've listened to every performance I could find on YouTube — and believe that this little piece, had it been composed in another place, another time, and in perhaps a nation without the horrible tumult I've been shamelessly learning about because of you(let alone now), may have become a part of the standard repertoire. That's the joy of this website. You never know what certain readers are experiencing in their lives, and if just one, one discovered piece provides a reader with what I've been given — then this forum is perhaps more impactful than is realized. You, Christopher, have given me a gift!
Composers & Music / Re: Sergei Vasilenko
Sunday 26 December 2021, 03:19
...also, I can at least perhaps give back by mentioning a neo-romantic Ukrainian composer whom, I believe,  has not been mentioned much, if at all, on this site. His name is Mykola Kolessa and although he lived from 1903-2006(died age 103), his three works on YouTube are purely romantic. Two symphonies and a Ukrainian Suite.
Composers & Music / Sergei Vasilenko
Sunday 26 December 2021, 03:04
Merry Merry...

Does anyone know if there's a recording of the Symphony No. 1 by Vasilenko? I found a computer generated recording of it on YouTube, and am now very interested in finding it done by a real orchestra. So beautiful and rather sad, which I love.

Guys and gals, I rarely post — but I lurk often and have discovered so much from this wonderful site. Thank you for all your knowledge.
No, it isn't. I asked the question in my first post if the OP would also want other symphonic works.

I'll wait for a response before continuing with other suggestions.
Joaquin Rodgrigo

Symphonic Poem  -- Per la flor del Lliri blau(For the Flower of the Blue Lily)
Incidentally, , Novaks Autumn and May symphonies can be heard on youtube.
If it's only symphonies you're asking about, then here are some starters:

Karlowicz - symphony in E minor(his only), 2nd movement
Hanson - first two symphonies

...but if Symphonic Poems are considered...:

Novak - In the Tatras(this piece will surely give you everything you're looking for -- I think it's all encompassing) and also De Profundis for violence and despair.

Sibelius - Lemminkainen in Tuonela(from the Lemminkainen Suite)
              Kullervo Symphony(Kullervo's Youth - 2nd movement)

Lekeu --- Ophelie from Deuxieme Etude Symphonique(and possibly the Hamlet movement as well)

Atterberg -- almost everything, including his symphonies

Nikolai Tcherepnin - The Distant Princess

Choir and Orchestra:

Kodaly -- Missa Brevis(the choral and orchestral version)

Taneyev -- John of Damascus

While reading their bios just now -- I noticed how many of them are November/December births. Interesting, yet probably means nothing.

Most of the above are in minor keys.

If you enjoy some of the above -- I'll gladly send more.