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Messages - disquod

Recordings & Broadcasts / Re: Husum Collection
Saturday 11 June 2016, 21:07
Please excuse the almost two-year delay in responding to this queue, but I have just discovered this list. I have been collecting the Husum collection since the beginning, and I have all of the disks in their separate releases. There is an extremely wide variety of music, the only things they have in common are that they are for piano (originally or via transcription) and that they are considered "Raritäten". Almost all of the pianists are top-class (Marc-André Hamelin, for example), and their choices of repertoire is always fascinating, if not consistently of to-die-for quality. The disks are very well recorded (the acoustics of the Rittersaal in the Schloß vor Husum are outstanding), and the only problem I've ever had with them is that the entire week of recitals is not (cannot) be included. Those of you in Europe close to this North German town should seriously consider attending. I recommend the disks very highly.