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Messages - zdenek

Recordings & Broadcasts / Re: Faccio - Amleto
Friday 12 August 2016, 18:32
For what it's worth: the Bregenz production of Amleto should be able to be viewed online from all countries at this Spanish website -

You scroll down - Amleto is currently the sixth opera in the queue. Clink on the image of Ofelia and another page will open, specifically -

Toward the bottom is a window with the Bregenz production from the Arte channel. No subtitles, but who cares, the music is glorious and the production is interesting visually.
Recordings & Broadcasts / Re: Faccio - Amleto
Friday 12 August 2016, 08:43
I agree that this work is indeed a masterpiece. I saw the production by Delaware Opera in Wilmington in May 2016. Subsequently, I ordered the DVD of the Opera Southwest production from 2014. Additionally, I was able to view the Bregenz July 2016 production online and was swept away by it both visually and vocally. The conducting and the work of the orchestra were superior to that of the other two productions.  I also hear presages of Ponchielli in Amleto  and melodic contours that remind me of Cilea and Giordano.

It is truly tragic that Faccio was so distraught by the 1871 La Scala fiasco that he gave up composing opera. Given that he was only 25 when he composed Amleto, one can only wonder what other masterworks he may have produced had he not left composing for conducting.