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Messages - Rex Stultorum

I agree.  We'd have to look at the whole score to make a call about a minor or A major.  Hopefully the whole score will be available for inspection soon.  Regardless, as a fan or d'Albert, I'm happy to hear about the discovery.
From what I can see of the article, the concerto begins in a minor, but by the end is in A major.  Wikipedia lists it as A major, but doesn't list a source.  If you read the article, it appears the author (David Plylar - I assume a library archivist) thinks that the piece is, overall, in A major.
I hope this hasn't been posted already (I searched and didn't find anything, but I'm new to this forum):

Fans of Eugene d'Albert know that he has two published piano concerti, the first of which (in b minor) is listed as Op. 2.  If you look on his Wikipedia page, you'll note that there's another concerto he wrote in A major which is marked as lost.  Well, it appears that this "lost" concerto was found last year in the Library of Congress:

Even though this is a piece of juvenalia (it was written when he was 16), I'd still love to hear it.  There is allegedly an "almost complete" fourth concerto in g minor - if anyone has information on this please let me know.  Thank you.