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Messages - Joost Kiefte

Composers & Music / Re: Antoine (Anton) Simon
Tuesday 31 March 2020, 21:31
This month (March 2020) has seen the release of a number of Anton Simon's orchestral works on SACD (on the Dutton Epoch label; BBC Concert Orch. under Martin Yates, piano Victor Sangiorgio):
-Danse de Bayardère (1890)
-Piano Concerto in A-flat major (1886)
-La Revue de Nuit (1890)
-Deux Danses de Don Quixote (1900)
-Plainte Élégiaque (1892)
The Music runs to about 60 minutes. The SACD is fleshed out by Cécile Chaminade's Suite for Orchestra from 1881.
Recordings & Broadcasts / Re: Marx Autumn Symphony from cpo
Wednesday 20 February 2019, 22:19
If Schreker had written a symphony, it might have sounded something like this.

Franz Schmidt's 3rd symphony of 1928 occupies the same sound world as the 3rd movement of the Herbstsymphonie.

Botstein didn't do much for me, but Wildner's version sounds just ideal. The delightful orientalism of the last movement comes out very well indeed.